Head In The Clouds Brewing
Wrapping up my home brewery build and getting rid of some items I no longer need. All items are new and unused.
- More Beer Temp & Float. Building a temp controller using craftbeer pi so that I can monitor temps via my server. $150 shipped. https://www.morebeer.com/products/temp-float-control-box-original.html
- Moonshine Still 1.5” TC x 1/2” NPT thermowell. $8 shipped. https://moonshine-still.co/products...well-brewing-distilling-equipment-thermometer
- Atoplee 1pc Stainless Steel Waterproof Pt100 Ohm Probe Sensor L 50mm Pt NPT 1/2'' Thread with Insulation Lead Wire $7 shipped. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00M3SXI0Q/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20