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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2009
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January March Dry Stout
January March Red Ale
February April Pilsner
February May Maibock
March June Imperial India Pale Ale
March September Octoberfest
April June Pale Ale
April July Saison
May August Bourbon Barrel Porter
May July Hefeweizen
June October California Common
June August Belgian White
July November Rauchbier
July September Honey Brown Ale
August October Chocolate Milk Stout
August February Belgian Strong Ale
September November Peat Smoked Porter
September January Weizenbock
October December Super Alt
October December Big Honkin Stout
November February Baltic Porter
November April Helles
December May Biere de Garde
December January Schwarzbier

I set it up so I brew two every month and have two to drink every month. Any ideas on if it can be any better? At this point I'm still doing extract brews and I like the kits from Northern Brewer so that's what the beers are based on.
pilsner is a type of lager, so wont it take more like 6 months to brew? ...and it requires a mini fridge with a temp controller to keep the temperature around 40 degrees, or so. do you have that equipment? i would make my lagers in the winter, and leave my minifridge in the garage, so that it doesn't use much energy cooling.

i would suggest brewing stouts and porters in the fall, so that you can enjoy them in the cold winter months. i a big sweaty man, and i hate drinking dark thick beer in the hot summer. i like drinking light hoppy beer in the summer, but hops are in season in the late fall :( i guess you can alway freeze them for later.
Yeah, good call on the Pilsner. I actually have one lagering now that I'm going to keg in April. I built a fermentation chamber out of an old dorm fridge so I'm good to go on temperature control any time of year. Thanks for the input.
what an idea.. something really nice for 4th of july weekend.. it's on a monday this week
Same with the schwarz. Primary will take at least 3 weeks, then you lager for at least 6 weeks, and if carbing takes a minimum of two weeks (bottle) thats almost 3 months.

I would move the Saison and Pale to early winter so they are ready in the spring and then make your big beers (like the baltic) in the summer so they are ready in December, just in time for the long, cold, dark winter.

If you are set on the types of beers to brew, then work backwards and think "What time of year would be best to drink this beer?" and plan accordingly.