Lets play "RISK."

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I've got another game going at the same time, and I have to say so far that I'm totally confused. The instructions are pretty vague - how many times can I attack in one round? When I attacked, it seemed like nothing happened until I clicked auto attack.

Also, WTH does fortification do? Can I unfortify?

No, I've never played Risk before:drunk:
You can attack as many times as you wish ...as long as you have more than 2 armies in a territory and an enemy in the next space.

If you have less than 3 armies attacking (4 total), you'll get to roll 3 dice to the defenders 1 or 2. If he only has 1 army, he only gets one die. When you fortify, you're just advancing troops from some of your territories to others. How you're allowed depends on the rules of the game. Adjacent means just one move of as many as you want to the next space. Chained means as many as you want to move to where ever you can go in your chain of territories (connected), but just one set. Unlimited means you can fortify as many times as you wish.
They are afraid of us... :)

Yes Alemonkey, If I had to explain the game in less than an hour, I'd say, on the map there are numbers. The numbers correspond to how many armies that player has on that space. You can attack from anywere that you have more than 1 army on a territory, to any surrounding territory that has enemy armies on it. It takes one army to occupy a territory, so if you have 4 armies on a space, you can roll three dice, one for each army you are attacking with. The defender can roll up to two dice, one for each army on the space. So if you have 4 armies and you're attacking a space with 2 armies, when you press "attack" you'll see three dice for you, and two dice for the defender. If you have 3 armies on a space and you're attacking a space with two armies on it, you've only got two armies that can attack, so you'll see two dice for you and two for the opponent.

Here's how the dice work. Your highest roll goes against your opponent's highest roll, Your second highest roll goes against your opponent's second highest roll. The defender wins a tie. So here's an example..

you roll 6, 3, 1 your opponent rolls 6, 2 Here's how it breaks down. your opponent's 6 beats your 6, but your 3 beats the opponent's 2. So you lose one army, and he loses one army.

Another example,

you: 4,2,1 Him: 6 (he only has one army on his space so he only rolls one die)
his 6 beats your 4, you lose one army.

you: 6,5,1 Him: 5,5 you lose one, he loses one

When you wipe out all the armies on a territory, one army is automatically moved there to occupy. you are then given a choice of how many to "advance" into that country.

When you finish your attacks, you get to fortify. this means you get to move troops around the board depending on the type of game. If someone has a pile of troops on your border, and you need to move some of your armies in to deter an attack, use the fortify function.
Like rdwj says, if it's a chained game, you can make one move, of as many armies as you want from one space to any other thats connected. So if you have a string of armies across a continent, you can pull armies from Alaska for instance, and put them in Greenland.

In an adjacent game, you can only make one move, from a territory to an adjoining territory.

In a Unlimited game, you can make multiple movements from one place to any other territory as long as they are connected.

Then there's the continents..... If you occupy all the territories on a continent, like you are doing in South America right now in our game, you get bounus armies every turn. in your case, you get two for owning all the territories in S. America.

And then, there are the cards. Each time you take a turn, and take over a territory, you get a card. The card will have a color and the name of a territory. When you collect three of the same color, or one of each color, you can turn those cards in at the beginning of your turn and get armies for them. In an escalating game, the first set that's turned in is worth 4 armies, then 6, then 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30... And when you turn in a set, if you occupy a territory that's listed on a card, you get a couple bonus armies added to that space. Cards are important, and you have to conquer at least one territory in a turn in order to get a card. You can collect 5 cards and then you must turn in a set.

If you wipe another player out, (kill all his armies on the entire board) you get his cards.

That's all I can think of right now. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask here or on the CC chat.
Grah, I didn't know we were all playing- I just started a few new games, but I'll be 'appy to join one of ours. How do signups/game creation work for the HBT crowd?
OK- I plunked down the sawbuck for the membership. So I'm creating a game:

It's a Circus Maximus, a really wild type of map (one-way around a ring).

6 players, doubles, sequential. Flat rate cards.

Password, naturally, is "booty"

Please join up.
P funky said:
OK- I plunked down the sawbuck for the membership. So I'm creating a game:

It's a Circus Maximus, a really wild type of map (one-way around a ring).

6 players, doubles, sequential. Flat rate cards.

Password, naturally, is "booty"

Please join up.

Whats the game number (or is it going already)
Well, with 11 completed games I finally got my First Positive points :rockin:
It was a terminator game, I was taken out last, but I elimated the player before, so it was +12 points on the game.
Stilll haven't won one, it's so pathetic. Twice I've been in a good position and then the whole board attacks me in one turn and cripples me.

I hate Risk.
I think I'll join some more games.
I'd join, but I have a final in an MBA class that I need to study for. Don't need any more distractions
Man, Andre sure rolled us all over on that one! 79279 I believe.

I was sitting back thinking I had it. I didn't think about all the cards TWolf must have had!! Inexperience on my part. Should have been hitting him when he only had a those 10 in Siam.
TheJadedDog said:
Okay Andre, since you just took us all out, what games do you have going for HBT with space in them?
Sorry dog. I've been paring down the number of games I'm involved in becuase I inevitably have some sort of schedule conflict on the weekends and end up missing turns.

Here's a game for you...

pw: peanut
Standard game, freestyle turns, Middle Earth Map, flat rate cards, (since someone hates escalating... :) Unlimited fortifications

6 players needed... well... I guess 5, since I'm in there.
Chat can be the best part of this game... Along with the feedback option. I left feedbacck for borny from the green board. It says something like, "He's like my favorite old sock."

If you're in a public game, and really want to mess with people, the chat section is hilarious.
Well dudes, we're almost at go time for the Circus board- we need just one more player! One more! Hooray!

Game #83603.
HBT vs. Brewboard off and running. General Andre directing combat, hopefully his two subordinates won't disappoint!
rd, what's your move? Looks like Hooperjetcar has got a strong hold on the Yukon. I can leave my guys on Manitoba as a border deterrent or give them to you. Which do you prefer? Also, can you move a bunch of your guys (like all of them) into the Sierra Madre for me?
We look to be in a good position in our triples game. I like how the computer put my armies together in a big clump in the central US. That makes it easy to consolidate. Unfortunately, the computer wasn't so kind to rdwj. But we can get beyond that by working together.
ian said:
rd, what's your move? Looks like Hooperjetcar has got a strong hold on the Yukon. I can leave my guys on Manitoba as a border deterrent or give them to you. Which do you prefer? Also, can you move a bunch of your guys (like all of them) into the Sierra Madre for me?

Can't see it from work unfortunately - games are blocked. I'll have to give it a look when I get home.
I noticed the Yucatan to Sierra Madre transfer didn't happen. Its no big deal. we can work around that until next round. The important thing is to get all traces of the other team out of mexico, the tropics and the western US.

Ian, I'll help your efforts in mexico then withdraw into the central US. you should be able to finish the job if I can't.

rd, if you want to do some fortifying in the eastern US, I'll feed you troops once I get the tropics in hand. or you can continue slugging it out up north. either way, you're doing well. Just remember to fortify all your yucatan troops to ian in sierra madre when you're done. ;)
sorry about that - had SWMBO bugging me to run out to get dinner and didn't want to risk losing a turn
I've been THERE before. When I had 20 games going at once, and would sign on from home (dial up) and play for 1.5 hours... Kim would ask what was taking so long. Eventually, I cut the number of games down to just 5. Now its much more managable. Plus.... we're getting hi-speed internet at home. :) You may now welcome Andre to the 90's. ;) (too bad everyone else is in the 00's.)
andre the giant said:
I've been THERE before. When I had 20 games going at once, and would sign on from home (dial up) and play for 1.5 hours... Kim would ask what was taking so long. Eventually, I cut the number of games down to just 5. Now its much more managable. Plus.... we're getting hi-speed internet at home. :) You may now welcome Andre to the 90's. ;) (too bad everyone else is in the 00's.)

Wow - that's got to be brutal on dial-up
Did someone say Middle Earth?

pw: peanut
Standard game, freestyle turns, Middle Earth Map, flat rate cards, (since someone said they hate escalating...) Unlimited fortifications

6 playahs.

3 slots empty
andre the giant said:
Did someone say Middle Earth?

pw: peanut
Standard game, freestyle turns, Middle Earth Map, flat rate cards, (since someone said they hate escalating...) Unlimited fortifications

6 playahs.

3 slots empty

Love it, but need to resist starting anything new until next Wednesday. Got a final on Tuesday and a ton of studying to do :(