So, I just tasted the sample of my FG reading and its pretty good. Kind of yeasty and has a bit of a bite, but I could easily drink it how it is. I'ts only been a week fermenting. I have one question though. I know there is a table on here but I can't find it. My OG was 1.040 and my FG is 1.012. I'll take another reading tomorrow to make sure it's done. Question is how do I calcultate alcohol content? The "guide" on my hydrometer says less than 3%. Is this because I'll be adding more sugar at bottling? I know that should up it a little. It's an English Brown Ale that should be about 4-5%. Also, I did not recieve a lid with my bottling bucket. Itsn't it unsafe to bottle with no lid to cover the beer?