Josh here with Snapdragon, just joined but!

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Nov 22, 2023
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Chattanooga, TN
Glad to be here! I've been using these forum for many months Just reading and seeing what people are saying and I love it, today I needed to join to ask some questions and get some help.

In February of this year I started to get into kegs and kegerators. I've got a cannabis shop in Tennessee with a bar inside that we serve our nano THC drinks
Since then I've wanted to get more into cans and ready to drink stuff that you can serve and sell six packs of. So we've been doing cans of water with terpenes from the cannabis plant. But I've wanted to get more into soft drinks and drinks with sugar content. I have had slushies inside my stores since August of 2022 but getting into carbonation with the kegs and stuff like that took until the beginning of this year to look into and I've been learning non-stop ever since.

I'm going to look for the subforum to post my question and it's about pasteurization for soft drinks.


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