It really is amazing what aging will do

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
West Orange, NJ
Back in February I made a batch of Brewferm's Christmas Ale, and after a few weeks in the bottle it tasted terrible. The aroma was great but there was too much bitterness. The best way I can describe it is that it was too dark tasting. Well, I cracked open a bottle last night to see how it was going and it tasted GREAT! The aroma was still really good, and the harsh bitterness was gone. The head was dense and was almost like having an Ommegang!:mug:
Yeap, I've noticed that especially with big beers. My first oatmeal stout came out good but harsh about 2 weeks after primary. 2 months later it was smooth and delicious.
I'm hoping the same thing will happen with my batch of Cooper's Stout, as it currently has the same 'dark' taste that the Christmas Ale did.
One of my first PM/mostly-AG batches was a quasi-altbier that was pretty damn mediocre when I brewed it. Used a ton of Munich malt, but that got buried under too many hops. Drank a few, it was OK, set it aside and drank other stuff. Cracked another bottle for giggles a few months ago, prolly eight or nine months after first brewing it, and it was wonderful - malty, smooth, balanced... most (but not all) of the hop flavor had faded, so it became much, much less harsh than when first consumed. One of my favorite batches now.
Brewing Clamper said:
How long ago did you brew it?

It's been a couple of months since I brewed. Probably 6 weeks or so in the bottle. I made it a bit less than 5 gallons though, so it's stronger than normal. I've noticed some improvement in taste already, but I expect it will be much better by the time the weather gets colder, which is when I want to drink it.
Richard said:
It's been a couple of months since I brewed. Probably 6 weeks or so in the bottle. I made it a bit less than 5 gallons though, so it's stronger than normal. I've noticed some improvement in taste already, but I expect it will be much better by the time the weather gets colder, which is when I want to drink it.

Oh yeah, I would wait at least a month before giving it another go. You should be good. If you're worried just ship a couple of bottles to me every week and I'll keep track of it's development.:D
the_bird said:
One of my first PM/mostly-AG batches was a quasi-altbier that was pretty damn mediocre when I brewed it. Used a ton of Munich malt, but that got buried under too many hops. Drank a few, it was OK, set it aside and drank other stuff. Cracked another bottle for giggles a few months ago, prolly eight or nine months after first brewing it, and it was wonderful - malty, smooth, balanced... most (but not all) of the hop flavor had faded, so it became much, much less harsh than when first consumed. One of my favorite batches now.

Will hop flavor disappear altogether if the beer is left long enough? I guess hops are something best kept fresh.
Brewing Clamper said:
Oh yeah, I would wait at least a month before giving it another go. You should be good. If you're worried just ship a couple of bottles to me every week and I'll keep track of it's development.:D

Heheheh...I think I can handle it.:D