I made my first batch in about a year today and tried a few new things for me. First the recipe called for whirlpool/steeping hops, so I added those. I had bought a joint compound mixer to use for whirlpooling yesterday after testing out the mixer I actually used for drywalling in an old bucket with rice. It worked beautifully in the test and I had a tight cone of rice. The problem with using it in actual wort though is that it completely stirred up the wort and while it maybe left a cone of hops, the break didn't settle. Maybe I need to let it settle for a bit but I was getting tired of the process. Anyway, my usual method is to NOT whirlpool and empty the kettle through the valve, hops, break and all, into a 6 gallon carboy, let that settle and then siphon from that into 2 3 gallon Better Bottles, leaving behind all the trub. Instead, since I whirlpooled, I put it directly into the 3 gallon bottles, but had almost as much trub anyway. It's a lager and in the fridge anyway so I'll put it into a secondary for dry hopping and D-rest and leave the crud behind then.
For my yeast starter I used Propper, which sounds good on paper but in practice isn't any easier than just boiling up some light wort. I had to boil water anyway and then cool it, which is the part of using DME I was trying to avoid. Why bother? 7oz DME for a 2L starter has always just worked.
But even worse is that for some reason I thought to weigh the bag of crushed grain before I started and it was a pound short. I measured it myself in the store so I don't know what happened. Even my wife had commented the other day thinking that the grain bag looked small. And like a dolt I didn't think to reduce the water. It'll be fine beer but not the higher alcohol lager that I like to brew.
For my yeast starter I used Propper, which sounds good on paper but in practice isn't any easier than just boiling up some light wort. I had to boil water anyway and then cool it, which is the part of using DME I was trying to avoid. Why bother? 7oz DME for a 2L starter has always just worked.
But even worse is that for some reason I thought to weigh the bag of crushed grain before I started and it was a pound short. I measured it myself in the store so I don't know what happened. Even my wife had commented the other day thinking that the grain bag looked small. And like a dolt I didn't think to reduce the water. It'll be fine beer but not the higher alcohol lager that I like to brew.