[...]Two questions for Day_Tripper or anyone who has a RaspberryPints instance running.
First, I see many mentions by Day_Tripper that the index.php needs to be renamed on the brewpi install because I already have the RaspberryPints index.php. How do I do that and at what part of the install?
Second, there was mention not to run the rm command on I think the /var/www directory because it would wipe out my pints files. How do I avoid this in the install?
Thanks! Sorry for the noobie linux questions.
Both questions relate to the same issue: the
RaspberryPints file structure is rooted in /var/www by default, thus that is where its index.php lives.
Done automagically or manually, the
BrewPi installation will issue a 'rm -R /var/www' command that will wipe out EVERYTHING rooted at /var/www.
Gone, baby, gone. So it should be evident why you don't want that to happen.
If you rename index.php to something like rpints.php,
don't do the rm command, and install the
BrewPi web gui support to /var/www, you won't lose anything.
BrewPi will put ITS index.php in /var/www (having renamed the R'Pints file first, it doesn't get overwritten); there are no other file conflicts between the two applications.
Brewpi gui would then be accessed by default (eg: using simply will send your browser to the
BrewPi page) and you can access
RaspberryPints by pointing to its (renamed) php file in the url (eg:
Or, after you get
BrewPi running, you could rename the
BrewPi index.php to brewpi.php, put the
RaspberryPints file back to index.php, and access the latter with just the host IP address ( and the former with its php file name appended (
Or you can avoid the whole conflict to begin with and install
BrewPi to a folder under /var/www (eg: /var/www/brewpi). This is what I do, because it makes multiple-instance configurations easy as pie, with each instance having its own root folder under /var/www (eg: /brewpi1, /brewpi2...to /brewpi4).
Note that you still have to avoid running that 'rm' command!
I do the same with the other
BrewPi file tree which lives somewhere under /home. Instead of using the default /home/brewpi for that structure, I use /home/brewpi/brewp1, /home/brewpi/brewp2...to /home/brewpi/brewpi4.
You do have to include the full path to each index.php file, but that's what shortcuts are for