how often do you drink?

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Jan 19, 2012
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Hello everyone,

Seeing that this is a forum for beer lovers, im am curious as to how often everyone drink beer? Just trying to get an idea cause i know i would like to drink beer as often as possible. Im not sure if its a problem or not.

Thanks everyone
I have a homebrew everyday after work. Weekends i have multiple homebrews throughout the day
I've started using the Untappd app on my Iphone to track my beers, and since Dec. 11th I've had 64 beers. I usually have 1 or 2 a night during the week if I have any, and on a weekend or if I'm doing a meetup at a brew pub it might be 3 or 4 beers instead. I figure I'm average.
I checked into roughly every beer I had last year on untappd. it was just shy of 300.
I'd say I average 1 or 2 a night, sometimes more if I have an open schedule and am just shooting the sh*t with my roommates. On the rare occasion we'll drink just about all day, and at those times my fridge is missing about 9 or 10 bottles, but that's about the extent of my drinking.
Average American drinks 470 pints of beer a year, so even at that, you were below average. Heck even one a day for a year would be below that number.

OK, I'm feeling a little better about myself now. I'm probably pretty close to that 470 number, but its more of a 2 or 3 beers a night a few times a week thing. Unless we're doing a long grill or smoke, and then its probably a six pack each for SWMBO and I
Hello everyone,

Seeing that this is a forum for beer lovers, im am curious as to how often everyone drink beer? Just trying to get an idea cause i know i would like to drink beer as often as possible. Im not sure if its a problem or not.

Thanks everyone

Another thing you may want to ask yourself is why you drink beer. I'm no doctor by any means, but I'd think motivation is more important than quantity.

If you drink beer because you love the craft, the complexity of flavor found nowhere else in nature, to celebrate life with friends & family, and for the occasional boost to small-talk skills, I'd say right on and raise a pint.

If you drink solely for the buzz, to get trashed, escape, or feel some sort of conviction or guilt about drinking beer, I'd start to question where I find joy in my life.
Here's a great thread with a ton of member's opinions on the matter:

Kinda looks like the same numbers, 1 or 2 a day during the week, and a few more on weekends, or days off. But nothing too excessive.

I wonder if part of it has to do with the abv of the beers as well? I have noticed a few times for example lately drinking my kentucky common which is 4.5abv iirc, I might have 3 in a row, because they're quaffable. But I might have a founder's dirty bastard strong scotch ale on a night and that be that for me in terms of having a beer.
Interesting, I just googled "average daily beer intake usa" and found an article that we're actually the lowest intakers of alcohol in the developed world.

Average American drinks 470 pints of beer a year, so even at that, you were below average. Heck even one a day for a year would be below that number.

the math in that article (and from 2005) seems a little fuzzy.

and Russians have 1350 pints of beer and 90 bottles of vodka.

That can't be right..can it? a bottle of vodka, alcohol-wise, is like 33 beers right? so that's like 4300 'pints' of beer, or more than 10 a day. redefines 'functional alcoholic'
the math in that article (and from 2005) seems a little fuzzy.

That can't be right..can it? a bottle of vodka, alcohol-wise, is like 33 beers right? so that's like 4300 'pints' of beer, or more than 10 a day. redefines 'functional alcoholic'

I dunno, I remember reading a long time ago an article about Russian intake and how huge it is, and it's pretty constant.

this probably isnt the best place to check your intake standards if youre looking for a health guideline. we do have more fun though.

Certainly the best place to check to make yourself feel better though lol.

I'm usually at 1 or 2 bottles a night, sometimes none, sometimes 3, usually 1 though. Weekends, sometimes 1-2, sometimes 9-18.

Or, as some will put it, less than I want, more than I need.
For me, it depends on your scale of measurement. Day to day it varies from 1-20 Week to week varies from 3-50. Monthly, it's probably varies from 20-60, and every year it steadies out. Probably somewhere around 480 beers per year. Sometimes I have 1 per night. Sometimes we have people over and I have 12 or more. Sometimes I have wine with dinner and have another glass afterwards and no beer. Sometimes I get on a mojito kick in the summertime and have no beer for weeks. Sometimes it's a hot spell and they just go down so well and 6 in a night is not unreasonable.

It also depends on the beer. If it's really sessionalble, then I might have 5. If its something stronger, then 1 or 2 will do.
When I was living in Prague I was having about 2-3 liters per day (lunch & dinner) and at least once a week I would put down 4 liters if not more. This was normal drinking behavior with Czechs.
Warning drinking beer may cause memory loss or even worse, memory loss.

Drinking excessive amounts of beer may result in time travel but only in small, uncontrolled, random jumps forward in time.

I usually have a couple a night (2 max) somedays i'm busy all day and do not stop and grab a homebrew/cider. Not this weekend but next weekend i'll be in austin drinking it up with some brewery tours and getting brews i cant get in houston yet
I cut back on beer to maybe 1 or two nights for a while because I was trying to lose bodyfat. Once I started brewing again my waistline began growing. I don't get it.:confused:
the math in that article (and from 2005) seems a little fuzzy.

That can't be right..can it? a bottle of vodka, alcohol-wise, is like 33 beers right? so that's like 4300 'pints' of beer, or more than 10 a day. redefines 'functional alcoholic'

ahh...yeah. I was in Moscow for 10 days and there is no doubt n my mind that is correct or maybe a little low.
That can't be right..can it? a bottle of vodka, alcohol-wise, is like 33 beers right? so that's like 4300 'pints' of beer, or more than 10 a day. redefines 'functional alcoholic'

I believe it. My father travelled to Russia very often at the end of the Cold War and has some fun stories of going to government dinners where in the middle of the table would be one bottle of vodka per diner, plus multiple glasses of wine. And it was expected to be finished! Mind you, they were probably wealthy bureaucrats and drank more than the average Russian, but regardless...
That's nearly 2 bottles of Vodka a week, and 3-4 beers a day.

I'm starting to feel a trip to Moscow in my future..
I drink a lot of beer. Well homebrew, anyway. If I'm not at home, and visiting friends who have sucky beer, I'll drink maybe one.

At home, I drink more than a few glasses of beer every night.

I'm pretty small, so I try to make "session" beers that I can enjoy without being hammered. I can't drink more than a small glass of a 9% beer without feeling it, so I tend to make 5-6% ABV beers, usually highly hopped, that I can enjoy each evening.
I believe it. My father travelled to Russia very often at the end of the Cold War and has some fun stories of going to government dinners where in the middle of the table would be one bottle of vodka per diner, plus multiple glasses of wine. And it was expected to be finished! Mind you, they were probably wealthy bureaucrats and drank more than the average Russian, but regardless...

Yep, everywhere we went there were bottles of vodka in the middle of the tables like they were pitchers of water. We were going out to very nice restaurants and it was common to see people falling down steps. It was unreal.
My grandpa would get up in the morning, crack open a beer, pour it into a pot and heat it up, pour it into a mug and drink it hot. That would be his "morning wake-up."

So if I restrain myself from drinking before noon every day, then I consider myself better than my gramps.
Do I win?

^ HOLY CRAP that's like $100 in cans. RECYCLE that mess!

I ebb and flow with drinking.

When I started brewing I was drinking every night (at least). The I put on weight and started working out more (and alcohol doesn't help muscle growth very much), so my pattern ends up like this:

Drink religiously => Gain weight => Workout binge (no drinking) => Drink sparingly (loss of alcohol tolerance) => Drink occasional (building tolerance) => repeat

Narcissistic personality wins =)
well I don't keep track cause that would mean I am thinking about not drinking. If I had to keep track 3 to 4 a night more on the weekend so far tonight. two 28oz Robust Porter.

Applewood Smoked IPA
Robust Porter
Bourbon Barrel Aged Black Imperial IPA
4,5 Empty

Coffee Stout
Choc. Hazelnut Porter
Irish Red
Unfillterd Wheat
Blackberry Ale
13gal Barrel Aged IPA

11gal Flanders Red
Mixed fruit wine 5gal batch
umm... not often enough :)

I could so use a beer by now, but there is still some stuff that I need to do before hand :)