How much headspace?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2014
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How much headspace is too much?
Can I ferment 2 or 3 gallons in a 5 gallon carboy?
Is there a fast and hard rule about headspace in primary fermentation!

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
I've done 3 gal batches in my 5 gal carboy. I think as long as your doing primary and not secondary you should be fine.

Sent from my van, down by the river.
Thank you.
After I posted this question I did a search and found that most people agree with your statement.

Guess I should search before I post..…

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
If I had to put a number on it, I'd go with no less than half the volume of the vessel for primary fermentation.

But that's not based on anything other than intuition.