How many brews are you trying for this year?

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So far I am at 3 this year and am stepping up a bottled yeast strain for batch number 4. Yes its true I have no life in the wintertime. But I do make my friends happy:mug:
I am not sure. Depends on how much my family drinks. I was thinking one a month. But that may not be enough. Maybe 18 or so?
I brew twice a month as is, hoping to step up to 10 gallon batches of my mainstays this year with the same frequency. But keeping to 5 gallons for new and high gravity beers. I only have 2 primaries though and no room for more in my fermentation freezer.
I got in 7 batches in 09. I'd like to get in 10 this year, so as to have a few more gal available for parties.
I like brewing best in the winter as i can manage fermentation in the house/pantry rather than in my fermentation freezer. So I want a back log of kegs to store in the freezer (controled temp) before the end of April. That should get me through summer... Unlike last year where I had to savor every beer and limit my celebrating, until brewing again in late Oct.
Wow, I just counted, I did 22 brews last year :mug: 2 were only 2-3 gallon batches, most were 5 gallons, some were 8. I am definitely not on that pace this year.
never thought about it like that.

I'll start thinking about a brew about the time I'm bottling my last one.
11 last year (started brewing in February, so 1 a month).

I'm going to shoot for 15 this year.
Well I think I would be winning if this were a race.....which it's not I know. I think I might be obsessed. I started brewing in July in 2009, so far in 2010 I have 10 batches conditioning. I can't help myself, I brew extract, 2 five gallon batches at a time. I ran out of carboys to put them in, so I think I have to take a break. This brewing thing is way more fun than I thought it would ever be. I'm on this site way to much, going to upgrade this weekend. Think I did 25 beers in 2009
2008: 29 5G batches
2009: 8 batches
I've got 2 in primary so far this year, shooting for 20 or so for 2010.
I'd like to brew up a pale ale now, but the rest of my better bottles are full of wine.
Gotta keep the fermenters full this winter and spring because I know my brewing will drop off to maybe 1 a month when summer hits.
I'm hoping to do 2 batches a month, but I've got a pretty busy first quarter planned so I'll be happy if I get to 20 this year. That said, I am planning on getting all set up for AG in the later part of the year, so that may slow me down a little too........
I did 26 in 2009. Shooting for the same in 2010, about one every two weeks. Though my wife has said I can do one every two or three days for the two weeks that I take off when the next baby is born. Yup, she is a keeper.
As much as I can possibly do, every chance I get (while keeping money and amount of bottles in mind)... Haven't started kegging yet. No money left.
Well, after this weekend I will have done 8 batches in January. I have 6 in fermenters and I'm kegging 2 of them tomorrow. I also just got a 1/2 barrel keg which I should be cutting the top off tomorrow if all goes well, and I just got 50' of copper and plan to build a wort chiller tomorrow as well. I think I will have plenty of beer this year :D . Gotta perfect my recipes. As good as some of them are, they can always be better in my mind, whether it be from recipe or technique.
Whoa. I just counted, and I brewed 25 batches last year.

Have to work to beat that this year. Since every other batch seems to be 8 gallon now (10 gallon to come), that might be a chore.

A very nice chore.

I usually try for 2 month, 10 gallon batches each time. Sometimes, like this weekend, I will do two batches in one day. This helps in overall time, since there is 1 setup and cleanup session, and, I can mash while I boil.

Brewed 2 self created recipes this week, a RyePA (OG 1.050, IBU 44) and my version of Rogue's Shakespeare Stout (OG 1.060 IBU 48). These are two tap standards that all my leeching neighbors suck me dry, so I had to compensate.

I did 10 last year but I was on a brewing hiatus until June. I have 1 in so far this year but I have the ingredients for 2 more batches and plan to squeeze them in late this month or early next month. EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm shooting for about 15-20.
will brew #3 of the year this weekend. already have #4, 5, and 6 planned.

hopefully, every other week.

man I need more carboys.
Every other week, most times 2 beer sessions.

I have too large of a pipeline now. I got sick for a week and now I'm WAY behind on the drinking portion of the hobby.
I got 11 kits for Christmas. Oh and signed up for AA. I am going to try to do twice a month for now then we will see how that goes once I need to buy my own ingredients. Probaly step up to all grain this year too.
I haven't done any yet this year! I only have room to ferment one at a time and I did an imperial IPA on December 29th, so thats nearing the end of its fermentation time. After that I'm planning to have two lagers and a pale ale brewed, fermented, and aged by mid to late spring.

I'm not setting a quantity goal for the year though, just a quality goal.
I plan on brewing at least once a week. Already have 4 batches brewed this month and hoping to get 2 more in before Feb. 1st.

Going for at least 50 batches of beer for the year... most of them 10 gallons. Super excited to attempt to brew 500 gallons of beer in 2010.
I plan on brewing at least once a week. Already have 4 batches brewed this month and hoping to get 2 more in before Feb. 1st.

Going for at least 50 batches of beer for the year... most of them 10 gallons. Super excited to attempt to brew 500 gallons of beer in 2010.

You must have some amazingly loyal friends helping you dispose of that much beer!
I am trying for as many as I can. I live in a townhouse at the moment. I have some room but not much. Once we move into a house, which looks like it may happen soon, I plan to brew every week/weekend. I plan to make one spot in this basement my own little brewery. The house has a outside deck and patio below. Perfect spot for a homebrewer. So I would say at this point, almost end of January...I am going for 40-45 more batches.