How many beers do you drink a night?

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Zero to three. Three only happens about once per month. More often than not, it's zero.
The wife and i would have approximately 10 between the two of us one night on the weekends. Lately it has just been zero due to the great news we received a few months back :ban:
I"m retired and bowl 3 times a week. I usually have one each noon during the second game.
At home I usually have one in late afternoon.
None at night so I don't have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. LOL One of the "old age" problems.

If I'm w/friends 2 or 3. I don't do "drunk" anymore. LOL
6 for me is pushing it on a weekend. Weekday is 3-4. Just a couple rules. No drinking until everything I need to do that day is done. 200 situps and 50 push ups per beer. Need to be able to drive in case of an emergency.
I have one beer with dinner(or right after) ~5 days/week. I've started kegging recently, so that number will almost certainly go up.
I'm a sucker for variety so I usually use all the tasting corks I have to cap opened beers and drink them 1/2 beer at a time. Plus, I can round that down so I end up drinking 0 beers at the end of the night...

But I can;t do any more than 4 total on a weeknight and reliably show up at work on time and wearing pants. I'm still a total lightweight
depends.If my kegged beer is ready maybe 4-6 pints but if im drinking bottles 3-4..Its way to easy to just walk up to the keg and refill..
I'm a 0 to 2 person. It takes forever to kill a keg. I still have an Irish Stout from June and a Pilsner and brown ale from August on tap

You definitely need to brew smaller batches at this rate...

I'm in the process of cutting back from 3-5 per night to around 2 per night. Also adjusting my attitude towards weekends and not thinking of them as nights where I can drink more because I can sleep in later. It's all about moderation and enhancing my longevity to enjoy beer on a daily basis. I don't want to get the diabetes and/or liver problems when I'm 50.
So because of this, I'm thinking 5 gallons of beer is too much. But not sure I want to spend the money on smaller kegs either... it's a conundrum.
0 on weeknights, usually 3-5 on weekends. I would rather just have water during the week and on weekends I just like to enjoy a few while relaxing with the wife
I probably average about 1 per night -- but it varies quite a bit. My beer consumption goes way up during cold weather (also shifts to higher-gravity beers), then my weight sneaks up on me and I have to cut way back or even give it up for a while. :eek:
I'd say my average is about 1 per night. It's probably either 0 or 2 for me. Lately if I drink one, I also have a second. If there's a football game on, that number could go up. :)
Being formerly gravitationally challenged (lost over 75lbs) I continue to watch my calorie intake. I try to partake only on days I workout (currently training for a marathon).

Figure a beer is roughly 150 calories, a bomber at 300. My normal 3-mile run burns about 500 calories, 6-miles burns 1000 calories. Weekends I'll go on a 10-mile or so run...after that I figure it's game on. Six is about the max I can drink of a normal ABV beer before I'm spinning. That's 900 calories.
Just lately way too much , 4-5 a night with some scotch later on, trouble is the wife has noticed how much scotch. This evening have made a mistake, I bought another bottle of scotch to top up on the quiet the one the wife is looking at, oh dear this is dangerous territory, at first I thought it was a solution, now is scared stiff that she works out my scam , or finds the second bottle, I am not going to do this again !
Lately if I drink one, I also have a second.

Yup. But I usually stop there. Usually.

Haven't had any in a couple of days because my pants are too tight. (it doesn't help that people keep shoving cakes and candy and sausages and cheeseballs and pie at me around the holidays)
For me it's typically four a night on average, rarely going higher than that on the weekdays, sometimes lower actually, but it's a pretty even four. I have a single cigar a day, when I get home from work, so I usually polish off a little over one during that time then the rest over dinner and the remainder of the evening before going to sleep.

During the weekends it's probably twice that, about 8 in a day. I know it's a lot and I know by medical standards it significantly increases my health risks, but whatever, I enjoy it. I don't do hard liquor like some other family members who's behaviour changes for the worse, so I'm acceptant of my drinking levels.

I'm between 0 and 2 with the occasional evening going more. My kegs also last a long time, since my wife doesn't drink much anymore. I still have my summer wheat on tap that I brewed back in June, although it's getting close to empty. Of course, I have gone through one other keg since that, as well, and just tapped my IPA last week.

It would have been interesting comparisons if one's age was given along with the daily consumption. I know my consumption was certainly higher when my age was lower!

(age 46)
Weeknights I'll have no more than 2-3 7-11% brews

On the weekends, I might drink 4-5 a night, but no more than that

I like beer, but always in moderation
Moderation's great,


Friday at quitting time:

Most nights I have between 0 and 3 (haven't had beer in four days now actually), but about once a month, I might go all the way up to the equivalent of 10 (I say equivalent of 10 because I never have that much beer, but I might have whiskey or rum that brings it up to the equivalent of 10).
None on work nights or the next day sucks hards. My days off, 6-12 depending on strength and the following days activity.
Between 0 and 6. Some of the 0 nights are nights I'll have a couple glasses of wine instead of beer, others are nights I give beer and wine a miss altogether. 2 is pretty much my max for work nights. Weekend nights will go from 3 to 6. 4 or more and I regret it a little the next morning (sucks getting old(er)). I could handle more if I were somewhere I could dance the alcohol out of my system throughout the night but that doesn't happen very often these days.
Moderation's great,


Friday at quitting time:


Hahahah YES! "Gettin' drunk and stoned, boys!!"

I'm 31 and up till recently I would drink 2-5 pints on any given night, with 4-6 pints on weekends. But now I'm focusing on no more than around 2 pints on week nights and trying to keep it about the same on weekends if there's nothing special going on. I don't need to make the excuse to myself that since I can sleep in, it means I can drink a lot more. That just wrecks my productivity.
1 beer or 1 glass of wine most nights. I may 'binge' at parties up to three or four at most. Often, nothing at all.
Well I try and drink only what the day requires. Some days none others 3 bombers of 10% or better all depends
I had a little more tonight (about 3 and a half) because I was grilling salmon. It always seems right to drink a bit while keeping hot smoke on meat and then you need some to wash it down and cleanse the palate before tasting the next juicy bite. Mmmm....salmon....

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