Im just under the Impression that it seems like everything causes cancer So I guess Im just keep L-I-V-I-N it up and hope I dont get it. Pretty soon I think there going to say everything stops cancer and just shoot prices up on everything I guess that is just my opinion.
Do we have any Chemists or Scientists on this board? Maybe we could find out what type of hops has the largest percentage xanthohumol and then based on that type of hops design a beer. We could make it as hoppy as possible to make our own health beer.
Think of it this way.
Whenever the SWMBO says you need to start eating healthier... Grab a Health beer.
When the SWMBO says you need to start taking your vitamins... Grab a Health beer.
When the SWMBO yells at you for being lazy when your sitting on the couch drinking beer, say I am fighting cancer and... Grab a Health beer.
When the kids come home and are crabby and sick... Grab a health beer.
When the SWMBO comes home and is crabby and sick... Grab a health beer.
When you are home sick from work Grab a Health beer.
Strike fear from your mind and maintain perspective. The subtext from the media barrage is that cancer is killing us all.
Remember that we live in the best of times in the greatest country in recorded history. The life expectancy in 1908 was about 46 years. Most deaths were from water-born illnesses and infection (often from minor wounds by today's standards) -both very rare today.
We're all takin' the dirt-nap much later than our predecessors and living with far less pain. I'll take 2008, hops or not though I prefer them.