Hello My name is Larry
I am looking for a recipe for beer or perhaps a malt beer that is very simple
My dad used to make it and sell it. It was made the best I can remember
from WATER-YEAST-MALT and SUGER. It was ferminted in a 10 gal crock and
was actualy a pretty good beer. I know he could sell it as fast as he could make it.
Oh the revenuwers never caucht him.
I think I would reconize the recipe if I saw it.
Thanks Larry
I am looking for a recipe for beer or perhaps a malt beer that is very simple
My dad used to make it and sell it. It was made the best I can remember
from WATER-YEAST-MALT and SUGER. It was ferminted in a 10 gal crock and
was actualy a pretty good beer. I know he could sell it as fast as he could make it.
Oh the revenuwers never caucht him.
I think I would reconize the recipe if I saw it.
Thanks Larry