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Jan 13, 2008
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Hello My name is Larry
I am looking for a recipe for beer or perhaps a malt beer that is very simple
My dad used to make it and sell it. It was made the best I can remember
from WATER-YEAST-MALT and SUGER. It was ferminted in a 10 gal crock and
was actualy a pretty good beer. I know he could sell it as fast as he could make it.
Oh the revenuwers never caucht him.
I think I would reconize the recipe if I saw it.
Thanks Larry
Is this it?

Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: Wyeast 1762 Belgian Abbey II
Yeast Starter: Yeast Cake
Batch Size (Gallons): 5
Original Gravity: 1.075
Final Gravity: 1.015
IBU: 25.7
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Color: 6-7 SRM
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 14
Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 28

10.75 lb Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 85.11 %
1.00 lb Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) Grain 7.92 %
0.25 lb Caravienne Malt (22.0 SRM) Grain 1.98 %
0.63 lb Corn Sugar (Dextrose) (0.0 SRM) Sugar 4.99 %

1.00 oz Styrian Goldings [6.80 %] (60 min) Hops 20.4 IBU
1.50 oz Hallertauer Mittelfrueh [3.30 %] (10 min)Hops 5.4 IBU
1.00 oz Saaz [4.00 %] (10 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
How about this?

Murder In The Red Barn

Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: Nottingham
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.5
Original Gravity: 1.062
Final Gravity: 1.013
IBU: 83.5
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Color: 13.5
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 7 days, 68
Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 14 days, 68

9# 2-row (domestic)
3# Munich
0.5# Crystal 10L
0.5# Crystal 40L
0.5# Wheat malt
0.125# Dingeman's debittered black malt

0.50 Chinook 10.4% (60)

0.40 Centential 9.9% (30)
0.40 Amarillo 8.3% (30)
0.40 Cascade 5.5% (30)

1.00 Centential 9.9%(15)
1.00 Amarillo 8.3%(15)
1.00 Cascade 5.5%(15)

0.75 Centential 9.9% (5)
0.75 Amarillo 8.3% (5)
0.75 Cascade 5.5%(5)

0.25 Centential 9.9% (0)
0.25 Amarillo 8.3% (0)
0.25 Cascade 5.5% (0)

0.50 Centential 9.9% (dry - 7 days)
0.50 Amarillo 8.3% (dry - 7 days)
0.50 Cascade 5.5% (dry - 7 days)

Single infusion @ 154°, 60 minutes.

Tons of grapefruit flavor. Efficiency was ~70%. Reddish color (hence the name), a little dark for an IPA by design. No roast flavor noticable from the debittered black malt; was added purely for color. Small amount of roasted barley or black patent would probably serve the same purpose quite well.

Beer: Dakota Pale Steam Style: California Common
Type: All grain Size: 5.0 gallons

Grain: 8.00 lb. American 2-row
0.25 lb. Belgian biscuit
0.25 lb. American crystal 10L

Mash: 72% efficiency

Boil: 60 minutes
1.0 lb Dextrose
1.00 oz. Glacier (5.5% AA, 60 min.)
1.00 oz. Santiam (6.0% AA, 20 min.)

Yeast: WYeast 2112 California
deathweed said:
The spirits are telling me no.... But I may make that myself....:D

Thank sause, its his recipe. He told me his great-great-grandpa used to brew it, and has handed down the recipe from the old country. Not sure what country that it, but its old I guess.
landhoney said:
Thank sause, its his recipe. He told me his great-great-grandpa used to brew it, and has handed down the recipe from the old country. Not sure what country that it, but its old I guess.

Looks like a light-colored Dubbel or mb a Blonde to me at first glance. Does it "have" a style? Looks like it could make a tasty pale ale, but I might substitute a non-Belgian yeast.
Hello My name is Larry
I am looking for a recipe for beer or perhaps a malt beer that is very simple
My dad used to make it and sell it. It was made the best I can remember
from WATER-YEAST-MALT and SUGER. It was ferminted in a 10 gal crock and
was actualy a pretty good beer. I know he could sell it as fast as he could make it.
Oh the revenuwers never caucht him.
I think I would reconize the recipe if I saw it.
Thanks Larry

Single stage brew

Made it two times. Orig receipe from Ark Ozarks. 1st time 10 gal crock great!
Second time 30 or 40 gallon plastic trash can. Also good, but brewed at about 75 degrees.

one qt.size can of malt syrup per 10 gallons. (Safeway-yellow can?)
one pound of cane sugar per gallon of water
add dry hops directly to mix
one package standard baking yeast per 10 gallons
keep temperature between 65 degrees and 75 degrees
and use a hydrometer, if temp higher it will "boil" and your readings on the hydrometer will not be accurate, and you will not know when it is finished.
Add some corn to that water - yeast - malt(ed barley) - sugar recipe and you have Popcorn Sutton's moonshine mash recipe.