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The moat will fill up though and then you have a zombie land bridge. I just think it would be a waste. A short wall or strong embankment at your firing line would serve as a better defense. Something to just slow them down a bit while you are taking aim.
Yah, you can come crying to me when your face gets eaten off because you had to make a choice between a rifle and shotgun (carrying both, plus ammo, is quite a burden, and absolutely slows down your ability to escape and move undetected), and you chose the shotgun, and your place of refuge was quickly surrounded by hordes of the undead because one of them got inside and you unloaded both scattershot barrels in his head and alerted all the other zombies in the area, and were unable to pick them off from a safe location because, as I noted earlier, after about 10 feet, shotgun pellets are nothing but a minor annoyance to the undead, and by the time you were surrounded, it didn't matter how many scattershot rounds you had, because they kept on coming.

I certainly wouldn't carry a double-barrel. I'd carry either a pump (my preference) or a semi-auto. 7-8 rounds with double-0, would certainly do the trick. A hunting vest with slots for rounds, a lever action 30-30 (ammo in the vest as well) and a pistol (probably a .38 mag or .357) and you're good to go. Both shotgun and 30-30 with slings and you're really only talking about an additional 12ish lbs. The advantages far outweigh the risks/disadvantages.
Well Evan, the moat will be deep enough that the burning zombie's won't be able to get out. If I can get the fire going enough, the I will turn then into ash, thus maknig more room for zombies. Yes, I know it will stink, but I've lived through Apfelwein fermmenting, I know this can't be that bad. :D
Well Evan, the moat will be deep enough that the burning zombie's won't be able to get out. If I can get the fire going enough, the I will turn then into ash, thus maknig more room for zombies. Yes, I know it will stink, but I've lived through Apfelwein fermmenting, I know this can't be that bad. :D

I think you'd have to set up some sort of O2 injecting system into the moat to get and keep the fire that hot ... an oxygen wand for zombie killing if you will. I would imagine that once you got it that hot, it could be pretty self-sustaining as long as you just keep feeding it zombies.

Clearly you'd need the older more decayed zombies to start off with. The lower moisture content will help to start the fire better.
I think you'd have to set up some sort of O2 injecting system into the moat to get and keep the fire that hot ... an oxygen wand for zombie killing if you will. I would imagine that once you got it that hot, it could be pretty self-sustaining as long as you just keep feeding it zombies.

Clearly you'd need the older more decayed zombies to start off with. The lower moisture content will help to start the fire better.

What if you rigged up a big industrial grinder at the bottom of the moat...kinda like a zombie disposal?
I like the idea of piping in O2 into the bottom of the moat. Maybe add a fuel into the mix, like propane, pipe that in as well. I think the grinder would a great addition to the fire, I would get a much better burn with the smaller chunks.
Inside your moat, you're going to have to have a very large sound system blasting Micheal Jackson's "Thriller."

The zombie hordes will be too busy dancing to storm the "castle."

So, how high can a zombie climb? I think a wall would be just as good as a moat. Easier to build as well.

36" might be too short. Maybe zombie couldn't climb it but with enough forward momentum they might fall over it and get up on the other side. 4-5 feet should be good enough.

My house is in a cul de sac and every back yard is enclosed with a 60" concrete block fence. I think if we put a barricade at the entrance to the cul de sac we'd be good to go. Just tear up the pavement in the middle for a community garden, dig a well, maybe find a couple goats and we could survive quite well.

Livin' the high life; goat meat, veggies and homebrew. Bring on the apocalypse...
Well I dont think zombie's can climb. I would figure with the rapid decay of their muscles and tendons, that their arms would fall off if they tried to lift themselves up. Best of both worlds, 15 ft moat plus 5 foot fall. I could stone off the inside of the moat and build the wall right on top of it. They could never climb a sheer face thats 20 ft tall
Zombie...the other white meat.

Actually, I think zombie loaf would be more nutritious than Spam.

Pashaw!! It's a media cover-up ... everyone knows that all the vita-mins and minerals are in the snouts and a$$holes, right?
No, they can't climb, but you'd be surprised how quick a horde of zombies can trample themselves, pile up, and turn into a nice "ramp" for the others.

I'm glad to see we gave up on the assault rifle talk, unless it pertains to zombie killing and/or maiming. Though there was something wonderful about a thread title that had absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.

BTW, we're getting a lot of views on this thread......just goes to show how important preparedness is. I'm glad everyone else realizes that too.

If I knew that this was going to degenerate from a boring political thread into a cool zombie one, then I would have stuck around...


I got some reading to do...
73%; I must need more guns (more than 0). Also, do you think having my mom with me would help or hurt? My mom's pretty badass.
I suspect this may be a cultural thing, but I cannot for the life of me figure out who would look at an assault rifle and think "I really need to buy one of those". What sort of possible future event do people imagine that leads them to conclude that getting an assault rifle is the way to go?

I hope this doesn't come across as rude, as it's not meant that way. I'm just genuinely baffled by it.

I know I'm going way back in quoting this thread, didn't have time to respond yesterday. This is an easy question/thought to answer.

There are simply all kinds of people in this world that deserve and need to be shot! :mug:

To prevent the mods closing the thread for having not mentioned beer once in this thread I present to you...


And the game Zombie Beer Run


Zombie Beer Run is a 2d side-scroller created in the 2d game programming class at the University of North Texas. Criss Martin collaborated on the project with Frank Mills(Programmer) and Eric Koch(Artist). The game was adapted from Dr. Ian Parberry's 2d game engine entitled Ned's Turkey Farm. Zombie Beer Run plays a lot like Double Dragon. You move the player down the street, and when you come up to a zombie you punch it. There are also bottles of beer that appear randomly on the street. If you drink one your player will become stronger, but you must be careful. If you max out your blood alcohol meter your player will become too drunk to fight and once he recovers, your strength is gone.


Download here....

Teh googlez is a wunnerfully weird place...you never know what you get when you google zombies and beer. :D
Ok so I just watched the most recent Resident Evil. Houston, I think we have a problem...those zombies can run...fast.

And they can climb.

Zombies aren't supposed to be able to do that...

Especially not climb....

I may have to rethink my survival plan.

Think I can have me one of them Milla Janovitch killer clones???
I'm glad to see we gave up on the assault rifle talk, unless it pertains to zombie killing and/or maiming. Though there was something wonderful about a thread title that had absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.

BTW, we're getting a lot of views on this thread......just goes to show how important preparedness is. I'm glad everyone else realizes that too.

I sooo want more assault rifle talk! zombie or no zombie.
Ok so I just watched the most recent Resident Evil. Houston, I think we have a problem...those zombies can run...fast.

And they can climb.

Zombies aren't supposed to be able to do that...

Especially not climb....

I may have to rethink my survival plan.

Think I can have me one of them Milla Janovitch killer clones???

Oh, more far-fetched Zombie fiction. Just wait till the documentary "World War Z" comes out in 2010. Brad Pitt's producing it. That'll show you what they're really like. Hell, I could make a movie where the zombies could drive cars and assemble complex missiles, but that doesn't mean you need to prepare for such contingencies. Stick with what we know, man!
Evan! has a point. Besides, in Resident Evil 3 a mad scientist mutated the T virus to make the zombies super strong, just to go after Leela Multipass :D Besides that far-fetchedness, something else I didn't like about that movie was that the whole world turned into a dust bowl. Oh really? The entire world. A dust bowl. Just because humanity was going to extinction. Whatever. :rolleyes: Oh yea, and you can get from Las Vegas to Alaska on one tank of helicopter fuel too, apparantly.
Oh, more far-fetched Zombie fiction. Just wait till the documentary "World War Z" comes out in 2010. Brad Pitt's producing it. That'll show you what they're really like. Hell, I could make a movie where the zombies could drive cars and assemble complex missiles, but that doesn't mean you need to prepare for such contingencies. Stick with what we know, man!


I hadn't heard they were making WWZ into a film...COOL!!!!
Great info on the film.

Except those under water zombies creep me out...I wonder if the lazer sharks would stand a chance.
Oh, more far-fetched Zombie fiction. Just wait till the documentary "World War Z" comes out in 2010. Brad Pitt's producing it. That'll show you what they're really like. Hell, I could make a movie where the zombies could drive cars and assemble complex missiles, but that doesn't mean you need to prepare for such contingencies. Stick with what we know, man!

Evan! has a point. Besides, in Resident Evil 3 a mad scientist mutated the T virus to make the zombies super strong, just to go after Leela Multipass :D Besides that far-fetchedness, something else I didn't like about that movie was that the whole world turned into a dust bowl. Oh really? The entire world. A dust bowl. Just because humanity was going to extinction. Whatever. :rolleyes: Oh yea, and you can get from Las Vegas to Alaska on one tank of helicopter fuel too, apparantly.

Yeah I gues I should remember the fallaciousness of the RE series, especially since the chief bad ass zombie hunter goes off to fight the baddies wearing thigh high silk stockings.


I mean it's hot and all but leaving bits of flesh open just leaves one vulnerable to zombie bites...Leather bike chaps would be more practical and protective.

Especially since you can now get the neptune c sharksuit...which is pretty darn sexy on the right body.


The Neptunic C Suit made from steel mesh, high-tech fibre, titanium and hybrid laminates can withstand shark bites — but will make a $23,000 hole in your wallet.
Inside your moat, you're going to have to have a very large sound system blasting Micheal Jackson's "Thriller."

The zombie hordes will be too busy dancing to storm the "castle."


You owe me a new keyboard, as mine has been soaked with a refreshing cocktail. Ha!
Having never read the entire ZSG, I'm probably missing something here. But a stone building like a 12th-century Norman keep would work, especially if it's surrounded by a moat.

A 25' deep moat with a replenishable film of inflammable fluid, a la the flooded crypt in Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade.

Then, if the shambling corpses do manage to gain access to the near side of the moat, a 50-meter clear field of fire until they get to the base of the walls, a 50-meter clear field of fire full of pit traps.

Should they make the base of the walls, we resort to good old-fashioned boiling pitch and oil poured on them from the battlements. A few road flares tossed into the mix will make a burn the likes of which we haven't seen since they torched latrine pits in Vietnam. Those that don't burn get big rocks dropped on their heads. If they make a ramp or zombie pyramid large enough to gain the battlements, a handful of men with swords and axes can hold indefinitely.

Of course, there'll be swivel-guns mounted on the battlements, loaded with all manner of shrapnel, including chain-shot. (Did someone say, "Pirates!") I don't care if you need a head shot to kill 'em; if all they are is a fine red mist that's on fire, they ain't gettin' up. QED.

That's my plan, at least. Soon as I hit the Powerball!


That is a great idea, except every one of the "solutions" takes resources. The name of the game is to stay safe and have lots of room for an escape if overtaken.