Drinking alone

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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2005
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Deepest, darkest Eastern NC
Do you ever have trouble finding someone to drink with, or just don't want to ? Is this a sign of a problem ? Does drinking alone make you an alcolholic, or just selfish? IMO, drinking here doesn't count as alone. I know you guys are there with me. :D :cross:
Usually, drinking alone means you don't have any friends to drink with . Now, this can be the result of , well one, body oder. Else two, people just don't like you and would prefer you sit in the corner like that street person. Or three, it's a work night and people have responsibilities... . All in all, it's really a matter of choice.
Gotta get a sponsor. When do I get the chip to carry around ? Other than the one on my shoulder .
Just noticed that you used virtually the same line on me as you did on Scott T. I feel so dirty ! :eek:
Well, it's brewing weather now and we don't normally give chips out during brewing season. But, we are thinking about brewing a Kellerbier and it requires alot of chips. You could come by and we'll let ya hold the bag.
Take a shower before ya come and I'll introduce ya ....maybe. :D
Ya might want to check your PM's , never can tell when a drinking buddy has lost their sense of decency.
Most of the friends I've made since I moved to Texas don't drink much or at all - I keep wondering how the hell THAT happened! - so I tend to drink alone. Either I'll be the only one drinking, or I drink at home alone. (Wow, that sounds pathetic, doesn't it? :( )
I drink alone almost all of the time, but only a pint or two. It's when I'm at a club meeting trying everybody's homebrew that it things get fuzzy.
I like drinking with friends but I’ve been consistently surprised that my friends don’t have the home brew passion i do.

So, i drink alone a lot.....but it’s ok.

I’m not drinking and driving....I’m home with wife and family....enjoying an evening of football...or pandora..or my recliner ...

The thing about drinking alone is I get to pick the music...i get to decide when it’s time for bed...don’t have much cleanup in AM...and never asked to do alphabet backwards...

I think drinking alone gets a bad rap...I’m a happy guy...i have an awesome family...a good job...my parents are wonderful people.

So, here’s to drinking alone...enjoy..be safe..and turn up the music...life is good!
I like drinking with friends but I’ve been consistently surprised that my friends don’t have the home brew passion i do.

So, i drink alone a lot.....but it’s ok.

I’m not drinking and driving....I’m home with wife and family....enjoying an evening of football...or pandora..or my recliner ...

The thing about drinking alone is I get to pick the music...i get to decide when it’s time for bed...don’t have much cleanup in AM...and never asked to do alphabet backwards...

I think drinking alone gets a bad rap...I’m a happy guy...i have an awesome family...a good job...my parents are wonderful people.

So, here’s to drinking alone...enjoy..be safe..and turn up the music...life is good!

My wife went back to FL to help her mother so I’m having a steak and a home beer...ALONE!

Hell, I’ll probably break out a little wine or a scotch here soon.

And I’m as happy as can be! [emoji1]
My wife doesn't drink more than a few beers a year and I'm not a very social person in general. So, we got a dog and I let her (dog, not wife) sample my brews so I don't have to drink or brew alone anymore! :D
"Its not easy being drunk all the time. Everyone would do it if it were easy."- Tyrion Lannister
Quite often I’ll stop at the local Brewery on my way home from anywhere for a pint of whatever I’m in the mood for, and I usually sit at the bar by myself and chat with the bartenders. Yes I drink alone.
I drink alone a lot. I go to the local place for a bit and have a brew. Or ill pick up a 6pk on the way home. My first batch of home brew is still doing its thing but I suspect I'll be mostly drinking that alone too.
I spent a lot of my younger days in pubs but now i drink almost always alone.
“And here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
An' I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time
But here I go again, here I go again,
Here I go again, here I go”

I never did care for the bar scenes. I have always enjoyed having the drink at the house. Just because once I had enough I could always climb my happy but in bed. My wife doesn't drink, so I pretty much drink alone all the time. Me personally, I think when you can not go a day without a brew, then that is when you have an issue.. Every now and then I will go a day with out a brew just to check to make sure I'm not having an issue.

there are many things that can be done alone.....or with others.
When I head here this week for the 1st time, I'll think of you Suds...unless you want to be left alone unthought of. [emoji39]

We have 2 little kids so I drink when they're in bed. Some times it's alone and some times it's with my wife. I share my beer when I can but I don't really hang out with many people who really like beer so I have to drink it all. I mean it's not going to drink itself.
A curious construct...
"drinking alone" is irrelevant. It's how much you drink, regardless of others around you, that might be examined. Sometimes I have a few pulls while sitting by myself watching TV. Many other times I'm with friends. Alone or with people, is not an issue that would indicate some sort of "problem"....
Out of curiosity, is it considered drinking alone when your wife sits by you while you drink? ( My wife does not drink at all)
If you're logged into MV it's perfectly fine.

It might cause you to dredge up 13 year old threads though.
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Do you ever have trouble finding someone to drink with, or just don't want to ? Is this a sign of a problem ? Does drinking alone make you an alcolholic, or just selfish? IMO, drinking here doesn't count as alone. I know you guys are there with me. :D :cross:

I enjoy a beer when I get home and occasionally a little bit of Port or scotch before I go to bed after the wife has gone to bed but I rarely get hammer, not even a light a buzz. Getting buzzed alone often is a sign of a problem.