Does this gross you (the men) out?

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So SWMBO and I got into a discussion (argument) about the fact that I am disinclined to engage in sexual congress with her during that time of the month. The other 3 weeks of the month I am all for it. Maybe I'm just crazy or a pansy but a womans period is the ultimate turn off for me. I do not like finishing to find out that I am wearing a fine schalcking of menstural fuild on my member. Am I standing alone in left field here or are some of the other guys with me?

I used to be in the same boat as you, but after 15+ years of marriage, when that time came, I told her to wait for about another week.

That was 14 years ago.... Now it never comes!!!
Boys. And I do mean boys. Man up and give the woman what she wants.

i may be alone on this one but sex is a mutual thing between two people. if the guy's not down to do something, then a woman shouldn't put pressure on him to do it, just like how you wouldn't tell a girl who didn't enjoy or want to have anal sex to sack up and give her man what he wants.

if you aren't gonna enjoy the sex then wtf is the point, know what I mean?
i may be alone on this one but sex is a mutual thing between two people. if the guy's not down to do something, then a woman shouldn't put pressure on him to do it, just like how you wouldn't tell a girl who didn't enjoy or want to have anal sex to sack up and give her man what he wants.

if you aren't gonna enjoy the sex then wtf is the point, know what I mean?

The voice of sanity!!!

Way to ruin a perfectly good brain dead thread!!! :cross:
I have a tendency to make really long drawn out explanations for things that are really simple. what I meant to say is:

bless fvcking girls on the rag, that sh!ts nasty.
It doesn't bother me at all. Part the red sea and have at it.

**** I've even been doing it drunk and found myself finger painting on her back.

Told ya I was sick.
Don't think I've ever facepalmed harder than after reading this...there's a reason they get bitchy, moody, and defensive during that time. Any woman that wants to set sail under red skies deserves no sailor on her ship.
I've done it but not often. She smells different during that time of the month and it's distracting almost to the point of completely turning me off.
We enjoy before, during, after, and all times in between. I don't refuse her and she never refuses me. Been together solid for 4 years. Started together 25 years ago. 3 kids, one in the NAVY, 2 at home. Split floor plan cuz she's a screamer. ;)
Only known cure for PMS is to HIT THAT THING and HIT IT HARD, but she has to have a few big O's and get those deep muscle contractions. I am better than Midol or Advil.

I don't much care for the smell and I keep the lights low; even slink off shamefully into the shower with my eyes closed. But at this time, it's not about my needs--it's about hers. No more cramps, no more attitude and hey....we're back to it being blowie week again for a few more days.

I have needs too--need me some good blowies every now and again. I am pretty sure she's not fond of that at all times but a good woman will take care of her man, and vice versa.
Been married 2 years...Have only parted the red sea once...maybe twice. Usually when drunk (that's why I cant remember how many times).
Hah...I used to be called fruit know cause of the water running off your beard when cleaning up...I like Red Beard better. Much more manly. I suddenly feel emasculated. :ban:

I just stopped in place with my eyes wide open like the banana man did after reading that...
The hormones get all weird around that time. Been some pretty damn intense experiences on those kinds of nights.

Also, when she was still menstruating (pre-IUD), I could always tell when she was about to get her period (before she would know). The smell would be just a little more pungent, and you know, I've got a fairly sensitive palate ;)
I'll dip my paddlein a all kind of streams: normal ones, red ones, brown ones. Unless I'm completly drunk, I doubt I would actually dive in the red one though.
On the rare occasion I have the pleasure of having some sex, I'm not saying no, regardless of what's going on down there. Been married 5 years and a 12 pack of trojans lasts me close to a year.
On the rare occasion I have the pleasure of having some sex, I'm not saying no, regardless of what's going on down there. Been married 5 years and a 12 pack of trojans lasts me close to a year.

I feel for you:
a) Pack of trojans lasts a year
b) Married and still needing rubbers

I have a friend whose wife will only sleep with him when she's in her most fertile phase (she's crazy and wants kids NOW becuase that's what her mother did at her age). And when I say sleep, I don't just mean having sex, I mean sleep in the same room.

The guy is 25.

I think this song pretty much sums up what you should do when this kinda situation shows up.
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Well we have two kids and she doesn't want anymore, so I wear the rubbers. She wanted me to get clipped but I wouldn't go for it.
I feel for you:
a) Pack of trojans lasts a year
b) Married and still needing rubbers

I have a friend whose wife will only sleep with him when she's in her most fertile phase (she's crazy and wants kids NOW becuase that's what her mother did at her age). And when I say sleep, I don't just mean having sex, I mean sleep in the same room.

The guy is 25.

Friend of mine got married to the woman he lost his virginity to, in his early 20s. I actually haven't talked to him in a while, but the last time he did, his two sons were both pretty young, oldest might have been three.

Andm he and his wife had had sex twice in the preceding four years; he was two-for-two (swimmers must have been pent up and hit her uterus at Mach 3).

Poor dude. She's just a completely asexual person. Either that, or he's REALLY terrible in bed.
I posted a simple question and this has become and awesome thread. I feel for all the guys that are getting some few and far between, I was there and it was when I was in college none the less! It definitely give me a little prespective, maybe I just need to start showering after I go to bed
thats what they made showers for ,you dont mess up the clean sheets .darn yyoung people ,lmao
thats what a shoew is for ,for those times of the month ,so ya dont mess up the sheets ,oh the younger days .lol
Well we have two kids and she doesn't want anymore, so I wear the rubbers. She wanted me to get clipped but I wouldn't go for it.

Not my business, but I will proffer anyway... IUD. My GF got one recently, it's pretty much the best thing ever. Went from occasional sessions to nearly everyday sessions immediately.

As for the OP, just get it done. Put an old crappy shirt under the scene on the bed or hit the showers. It all feels the same no matter what time it is.