Does this gross you (the men) out?

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Back in the day, when we couldn't go more than a couple of days without doing it, I'd just throw a towel under her ass when the flood was flowing. Nowadays, the only time I have to worry about blood is if I cut my hand at work.
I have a friend whose wife will only sleep with him when she's in her most fertile phase (she's crazy and wants kids NOW becuase that's what her mother did at her age). And when I say sleep, I don't just mean having sex, I mean sleep in the same room.

The guy is 25.
Wow, yeah great idea, commit to this woman forever with children! :rolleyes: Run now and save your' friends life!

The way I do it there's a fair amount of blood anyway.

Not my business, but I will proffer anyway... IUD. My GF got one recently, it's pretty much the best thing ever. Went from occasional sessions to nearly everyday sessions immediately.
Hell yes to IUDs. We had one between pregnancies and and plan on getting another once this baby is born. Fire at Will!!
Go for the non-hormone based IUD's though, women can get a bit crazy on those hormone containing ones.

Copper IUD over here, does the job, stops the swimmers in their tracks.
Go for the non-hormone based IUD's though, women can get a bit crazy on those hormone containing ones.

Copper IUD over here, does the job, stops the swimmers in their tracks.

She's just going to get the one she had last time. Worked really well and didn't seem to effect her.
Well we have two kids and she doesn't want anymore, so I wear the rubbers. She wanted me to get clipped but I wouldn't go for it.

Gettin clipped is no big deal, you don't even have to go the hospital anymore. They do it right in the office, so its cheap too (comparativly). And when the worry of getting pregnant is gone....... YEE HAW!

Whenever, wherever

Well who can blame you Jester!? buahahahahaha!!! :D
There're a couple places in Leviticus that prescribe ostracization for sleeping with a woman during her period. I think both parties get the hook. Old Testament is gonna getcha one way or another.

Leviticus 19:27 - "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard."

There's a reason why it's called the "Old" Testament.
I don't know if it was the new testament, or some other book I read, but I could swear I remember reading "Thou must hit that wheneth given the opportunity, for thou shalt not be given the opportunity often whilst wed"
ha ha, awesome. Pay for a membership. I know it's tough to chalk up 25 smackers for a one year membership, but it's kinda what keeps the site going. That said, there are enough suckers that pay, and enough vendors that pay, that we order from, to keep the site going. So for some people, there's no reason to pay. After all, it is a free site, paying only gets you a sticker, right? Guys like lumpher know enough that they don't really need the advice that's offered on the boards. He's probably one of the guys that contributes information to the n00bs (I'm a n00b, but never got info from him) so that must be his contribution. That, and being a troll and commenting on things that he feels are wrong, or lame, or that he doesn't agree with. We need people like him. I haven't figured out yet for what, but I'm sure he contributes SOMETHING to HBT.
And now back to our regularly scheduled program........

There're a couple places in Leviticus that prescribe ostracization for sleeping with a woman during her period. I think both parties get the hook. Old Testament is gonna getcha one way or another.

Yes, but Exodus says that Moses parted the red sea :eek: :rockin:
Ya know, when I saw this thread title I could only think of one thing that would gross a man out. And 'sho nuff, I was right! That being said, I'm not a big fan of swimming during red tide.
However, I did get my red wings while eating clams when the tide came in. I was both visually and mentally disturbed afterwards.
Yes, but Exodus says that Moses parted the red sea :eek: :rockin:

I'm sure there was an exception made for Moses. He had to be a horn dog. Walking around in the hot desert all the time with all these chicks looking up to him for salvation. They were the original groupies, and groupies can be hard to refuse sometimes.
I'm sure there was an exception made for Moses. He had to be a horn dog. Walking around in the hot desert all the time with all these chicks looking up to him for salvation. They were the original groupies, and groupies can be hard to refuse sometimes.

All that sand, though, must have made its way into all kinds of cracks and crevices, and it ain't like there were any showers or baths nearby. Be like masturbating with 110-grit sandpaper.
Never bothered me. Nothing a few towels and a condom can't deal with. Condoms, because the flow reduces natural lubrication; but it would also eliminate the "coating". Most of the women I've dated find a few orgasms reduces cramps (should they have that problem). That tends to improve their level of accommodation at other times.
I've been married for 18 years and didn't get married until I was 31, so I didn't gather all of this valuable info with just one girl…

Some girls get horny as heck during that time and will do almost anything & a lot of it.
Generally, boobies are extra sensitive during that time, so take it easy on them, but some tongue & teasing will reap rewards.
If she’s a little late, some deep penetration may help open the gate and relieve some anxiety & pressure.
If you do it during “light flow” like beginning or end it’s not that messy & the extra lube is a different kinda feeling…hard to explain, not as slick or it has some grit or texture to it compared to the normal natural stuff…I just realized I don’t know what the natural female lubricating secretion is called.
With some it can be a good time to get a BJ & promise to make up for it later…
On the dirt road theme…it has been my experience that all chicks like it, but some don’t want to admit it, or don’t know it yet & some like it A Lot. If you are going to do that…use lube (KY Liquid) & be real easy at first, give “it” time to adjust…maybe use a finger or thumb first…don’t just cram your deal in there and go for it…I heard that hurts like HE double L. I personally don’t care for the dirt road, but like I said all girls like it and some Really Like It…so, being the man I am I will do what I can to keep a woman happy…and in the end a cookie is a cookie & I have my prostate health to look after...

That’s it for now…carry on…
BTW, the part about not just cramming in and going for it works on the flip side too…get em worked up a bit, get the juices flowing first and even then go in and pause for a few seconds…then a few short movements before “going for it”…she’ll love ya for it…

I’m not a know it all, but I hope this helps someone…

Any Ladies care to chime in? I’m all about learning…if ya ain’t learning your dieing…
I want everyone who commented one way or the other to list how long they have been "with" their SO, wife or otherwise and also how many children you have in the house between 0-18yo. I have a feeling there is a negative correlation between aversion to "colorful sex" and length of relationship x how many kids.

Short term relationship "to hell with that, I'll just make up for it on the other 21 days of the month.

Long term. "it's been 2 weeks since my last opportunity, there's no way I'm giving up this chance".

Kids. "what is sex?"

Couldn't agree more.
Couldn't agree more.

I've been married for over 15 years and have 3 kids, ages 8-12. I honestly don't know what the hell sex is anymore. The swmbo always says she's gonna put out, but never does. As far as the visiting 'aunt flow' argument, I did it back in the day, but haven't since then.
I don’t want to make anyone mad, but…
Everyone likes and needs sex & they’re gonna get off one way or the other…at least occasionally. If things are stale try some teasing (not goosing) & romance. When you walk by her rub the back of your finger down her arm, when you kiss her good-by grab her ass. Tell her that you love her. Date her… dinner & a movie, talk about her, sincere compliments, flowers & notes for no reason, tell her why you fell in love with her way back when, change things up a little. And when the time comes make sure she does…make it all about her…roll over and put her on top of you and let her do her thing…maybe even resort to talking about it…whatever you have to do to make sure she enjoys the experience. If you can do that you will have a tiger by the tail & you’ll be the one needing a break…Guys are like a microwave oven, chicks are like a wood stove…
Guys are like a microwave oven, chicks are like a wood stove…

so what's wrong with being "on" or "off" with only a few buttons to choose from, eh??
