Breaking Brew

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
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So one of my buddies came over and after seeing all my carboys and one gallon jugs said something to the effect "Dude, you're going Breaking Bad in here". I'd never watched the show and had to ask what he meant.

You gents ever have an experience like this when a nonbrewer walks in on your equipment area with wide eyes?
A while back I was looking for a large trash bag to use to suck down a love sac using a shop vac till it was small enough to fit into a duffel bag that was large enough that I could fit in... I went to the military surplus store and asked for a huge trash bag. The younger lady responded with "like a 45 gallon trash bag" and I said no. Then the older lady asked what it was for and got offended by the phrase "love sac".

Once we got past what a love sac is the young lady said "oh so big enough to hold a body?" Then with out missing a beat the older one responded with "oh no honey, he needs one big enough to hold 4 or 5 bodies" that is when the young suggested a mattress bag. I bought their largest duffel bag and left.

Apparently the unit of measurement at military surplus stores is "bodies" which surprised me because I was met back at my home due to a tip that a murder may have occurred...

Next time I went to the same place looking for a large burner and a 40 quart pot I was told to leave because the don't associate with meth heads... As I was walking out the door not wanting to explain two tweekers who had just checked out ran past me...

These two incidents were years apart
People always seem to like the joke "What are you making, meth?"

I do look at the shiny stainless on the show and experience much "I Want".

Wow, that story of the military surplus makes me think of the one in Falling Down. You just have to impress the shopkeep to be able to shop there.
I have a neighbor who makes the Breaking Bad / meth joke every time he sees me brewing... and every time he laughs hysterically like it's the first time he (or anyone) has ever used the joke.

My mailman makes the meth joke every time.

Also had 3 cops in my garage last time I brewed wondering what I was doing. They were nice and seem interested once I told them what I was doing.
I had a friend comment on a picture I posted on facebook of my yeast starter stir plate build saying "Dude...dont get arrested." A few extra comments once I posted pictures of my counterflow chiller.
I get that kinda stuff too.

"Somebodies gonna think yer making meth and call the cops!"
"What if the cops catch you?"
" The neighbors are gonna think,..."

Never stops. :D

When people say that to me I just tell them

"Apparently you know as little about making meth as you do about making beer"
Oh... so my neighbor is actually a home brewer and is NOT manufacturing meth?

Good to know.

Ignorance is fine, as long as the ignorant are willing to overcome their ignorance. How could anyone think that grain, water, and yeast = meth? And how could they reason that any person manufacturing meth in their garage would do it in plain sight of everyone?

That kind of reminds me of an episode of "That 70s Show". Bob - the neighbor - thought that Kitty was cheating on Red. He told Red, who understood the absurdity and told Bob that he was going to have to get his gun and kill Heid - the person Bob thought was doing the deed. Bob then reasoned that maybe Kitty was teaching Heid how to dance. Red responded - "Now that makes perfect sense. Don't you think Bob?". That's a lesson to be learned. When what you think you're seeing is absurd, you're probably right, and you should consider a more reasonable explanation.

The only real problem that I've had was that I used to throw my spent grain on my mulch pile. The maggots do a great job of breaking it down... One of the neighborhood dogs got into the mulch pile and ate a bunch of it - maggots and all. Went home and got sick all over the front yard. I started bagging the spent grain and throwing it into the garbage can. It's a waste, but at least the neighbors dog isn't getting sick from eating maggot filled spent grain.
So one of my buddies came over and after seeing all my carboys and one gallon jugs said something to the effect "Dude, you're going Breaking Bad in here". I'd never watched the show and had to ask what he meant.

You gents ever have an experience like this when a nonbrewer walks in on your equipment area with wide eyes?

I hosted a party on Saturday and one of the guests was asking where I brew and a buddy answered for me: "He's got an RV out in the desert". :D

^ That's funnier if you're familiar with the show btw ;)

I live in a very walking/jogging friendly neighborhood and when I'm brewing w/ the garage door open I'm sure some of the passers by think I'm up to something nefarious....I embrace it...when I'm in the mood and I see them looking in I start acting all twitchy and nervous and run over to close the garage door down.
Sounds like your neighbors problem :)

One truth about living....... You have to find a way to get along with your neighbors. Even if it means building a fence.

Of course, if I could afford 100 acres, I wouldn't have neighbors to deal with.
Another conclusion some jump to is,... "Is that a still?" And before I can reply, "They gonna bust you for that!"

Whenever somebody makes the Walt White reference, I simply reply, "No, I'm more like Breaking Plaid."
I've actually never had anyone make that reference. Although most of my neighbors are older and probably don't even know what Breaking Bad is, let alone what it would take to cook meth. Maybe they just know how annoyed I get at stupid questions as well and just figure it would be easiest to leave me alone. "Putting a retaining wall in yourself eh? Still mowing your own lawn eh? You're gonna put that whole roof on by yourself eh? and the classic, "Is that as heavy as it looks?" are all questions they have asked and gotten pretty snide replies from me. I think after 16 years of living next to me, they realize the best time to talk to me is when I'm just relaxing, not working.

Although I'm surprised I haven't had a visit from local law enforcement as there is someone on the street who calls and sends me a visit from the village to make sure all my permits are in order, whenever I'm working on something.
My dads a cop so its fun to show him my stuff. He makes the jokes, calling my dextrose baggies coke, the brew set up meth set up, ect. it just makes it that much more entertaining I guess. Btw, breaking bad was the best show ever and the best ending to a show. Though I'm nervouse about "Gotta call saul". That could very well ruin it.
Ya I brewed at a buddies house a while ago. Then one of his neighbors came out and reminded me that cops live down the road, so I should be careful. I told her to invite them over, many hands make little work......

The only real problem that I've had was that I used to throw my spent grain on my mulch pile. The maggots do a great job of breaking it down... One of the neighborhood dogs got into the mulch pile and ate a bunch of it - maggots and all. Went home and got sick all over the front yard. I started bagging the spent grain and throwing it into the garbage can. It's a waste, but at least the neighbors dog isn't getting sick from eating maggot filled spent grain.

Compost pile, my friend, grains go in the compost pile.
Last night I was pushing cleaner and sanitizer through 6 cornies and a 1/2 barrel. With all the tubing running every which way,... I felt like ol' Walt for a few minutes.
