You're probably thinking of either Hoegaarden or Celis. Both excellent wit beers. I was surprised....Blue Moon is actually a decent wit, but is too sweet for my tastes.
I have a buddy that LOVES blue moon, but makes a face if I order something good like Stone or Victory Hop Devil. I really think he just like the orange slice in the beer.... Anyway, I want to get him a 6 pack of a wheat beer that is pretty good. I am not a fan of wheat beers, so I don't know what's good in that category. I'm looking for a "if he likes Blue Moon, he'll love..." Any suggestions?
Might be hard to get, but Great White is a really good beer for someone who likes a light, wit beer with a hint of orange and spice. It's made my Lost Coast Brewing, which is a fairly small company.
I like the Blue Moon, and remember having Celis from Michigan Brewing Company and thought it was the best. Still need to try some more.
Celis himself is supposedly working with someone else on a new formula. I believe he thinks the MBC is not making Celis to his standards. Not sure how that is all working out, but I like the MBC Celis. They have a stronger version too,k that is fabulous. I really need to get me some more of that.