Beverage Cooler MLT for PM Question

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Jun 4, 2012
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Hey all. So I just recently got into homebrewing (first post, btw :rockin:) and have really become enamored by it. I brewed my first batch about 4 weeks ago and am brewing my next one in 2 days and, if I may go off on a tangent, this site rocks! I have been here probably everyday (slight exaggeration) for the past 5-6 weeks and have learned A TON about the craft.

This brings me to my question (sort of). I am heavily considering talking the step to PM (even though I swore I wouldn't) and so I have been checking out MLT creation threads like this:

And others where they convert a beverage cooler like this:


into an MLT suited for partial mashing.

Which ACTUALLY brings me to my question: What is the point of replacing the spout of a beverage cooler? It already has one. The only real reason I can see is so they can fit it with a false bottom, but there has to be a better way to do that (off the top of my head I'd say muslin/nylon bag?). Is there some thing I am missing here, a reason why something that already has a perfectly good spout needs a new spout?

Thanks in advanced for your answers. Try to make them easy enough for someone who has only done one brew to understand. Also bear in mind that I plan on using it for PM, so no crazy complicated AG answers :drunk:.
I don't do PM (ag brewer) but I have 2 coolers setup like how you propose (replacing the valve with a ball valve/braided hose line). The reason I selected to do that is so I can control the flow of the wort coming out of the cooler. I'd replace that spout with one that you can control the flow.
I agree with avidhomebrewer. You want to be able to control the flow coming out of the tun.
Or, you can use a bag. I currently do 2.5 gallon all grain batches and used to do 5 gal partial mash with a 3 gallon unmodified drink cooler lined with a 5 gallon pain strainer bag. I batch sparge and just let it flow fully open. I get 77-78 % efficiency consistently. Mine does have a flip top valve on it though so you don't have to hold it open.

BTW, all grain doesn't have to be complicated. A partial mash for a 5 gallon brew is about the same as a 2.5 gallon all grain batch. I enjoy doing these small batches to experiment with new recipes.
The spigot has to be held down and the ball valve can be placed open. The mash tun also needs a filtering device, usually either a braided hose, or manifold. It might be easier to integrate the hose/manifold with a ball valve rather than attempting to use the original spigot. There's also the bag method, which might be the easiest to start out with, you can always add the hose and ball valve later.
This is what I have - as I said it has a flip top that you don't have to hold open. Got it for $17 at an end of summer sale but this was about 4 yr ago.


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