Well-Known Member
I'm currently brewing two batches of Bells Two Hearted IPA. They're identical save for the yeast used - one is US 05, the other is Safale S-04, as I thought it'd be informative to try a side-by-side comparison. The US 05 batch is fermenting very visibly (big krausen, airlock farting like crazy). But the S-04 batch looks dormant - there are a few particulate specs on the surface of the wort, but nothing that looks like krausen, and the airlock isn't bubbling. I thought I might just have had a bad batch of yeast, so yesterday (one week after first pitching) I pitched a second sachet of S-04. After 36 hours there's no change. I'm not too worried about the lack of airlock activity as the fermenter lid may not be airtight. But I'd be interested to hear from anyone who's used this yeast before - does it sound like my yeasties have a problem, or is the S-04 just a less demonstrative strain of yeast?