Anyone Snus?

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I closed my eyes and eenie-meenie-mynee'd a puck. Opened my eyes and found General White Portion.

I concur that these smaller sized, more fully filled, portions do last longer. I have had this in for 45 minutes now and it's stil very strong on flavor. Trouble is, I am NOT enjoying this portion. IIRC, it's described as being salty with a slight hint of Bergamont (an Orange apparently).

Well, I definitely get the salt. I'm struggling with that for certain.

The nicotine is strong and that is good. I just feel like I am licking a salt block.
According to General's web site the White Portion is "Kraftigt och kryddigt snus med viss pepprighet och inslag av citrus."... which I believe means something like "strong and spicy snus with [pepper?] and an element of citrus." Perhaps a Swede can better translate that.

It definitely has salt in it. I think most Swedish snus does. The ingredients listed on my can of General Sterk White Portion are (translated):

Water, tobacco, propylene glycol, salt (sodium chloride), sodium carbonate, licorice, smoke flavoring.

I guess compared to sweet American snus, it's quite a change.
I closed my eyes and eenie-meenie-mynee'd a puck. Opened my eyes and found General White Portion.

I concur that these smaller sized, more fully filled, portions do last longer. I have had this in for 45 minutes now and it's stil very strong on flavor. Trouble is, I am NOT enjoying this portion. IIRC, it's described as being salty with a slight hint of Bergamont (an Orange apparently).

Well, I definitely get the salt. I'm struggling with that for certain.

The nicotine is strong and that is good. I just feel like I am licking a salt block.

This was a little bit of a shock for me at first as well. (Hence why I tried every single one at first) I dont think I liked the General White until after I learned to appreciate the snus first. I told ya! Its WAY different than Camel snus - the salt flavor is something you will grow accustomed to (quickly) and not all flavors have as much of the pronounced salt flavor to them. If you have the Rape' #2 I would suggest trying that one. I found that this was a nice smooth subtle snus that I rather enjoy. Out of my 8 pack, I think I only have 2 that I would definitely not order again because they were not my bag. The beautiful thing about Swedish snus is you have so many varieties to choose from. (Not limited to Frost and Mellow)

Trust me, it will grow on you bud! The transition from Camel to real can be a shock at first, but Im sure you will fall in love and end up craving this over the Camel snus anyday!

Here is a helpful link - Re:American Snus to Swedish Snus Transition Guide. - SnusCENTRAL Forum

bear with me, as this may be a very long post. but i feel that it is necessary for those new to snus to know where to start and how to transition. this is my opinion, and i'm sure responses and replies will follow as other people post their opinion. my best advice to snubies, read this post and the posts that will follow before you place a "blind order", as that's what i did first and it almost immediately scared me away.

EDIT: when i mention Camel Snus in this post, i'm mentioning Camel Frost or Mellow, the American snus, not the Swedish Camel Product.
EDIT EDIT: Snubie = snus noob. those new to snus will notice we use the word snubie alot around here.

step 1. you are an American snus user. once you admit that you have a problem, the easier it will be to move towards recovery, and in my opinion, redemption. moving from American "snus" to Swedish Snus is an eye opening experience, but i promise you, in the long run it will be worth it.

step 2. in the words of rick, "STOP SMELLING THE SNUS". when you get your first order, i did it, as did others. that big first smell to see what it's all about, it will be overbearing. i strongly advise you NOT to smell it, and immediately put it into your mouth.

step 3. the salty aftertaste of some snus. most all Swedish Snus will have a strong aftertaste. it's true. this is just something you'll have to get used to, but i promise it's worth it, and eventually you won't even think about it. i used to wash my mouth out to get the taste off my gums, but after a few days, i got used to it and it's almost a refreshing taste.

step 4. not all snuses are for you. you need to find a snus that works for you. in my freezer right now i have about 20-30 different cans, and many of them are missing one portion, and will never be touched. good news - snus is cheap, to quote a fellow forum member.

i quit smoking with Camel "SNUS". when i first tried it, i was under the impression that RJR invented snus, and this was a totally new product. when i got online and read more into it, i realized that snus had been around for hundreds of years, and Swedish Snus was where it was at. i placed a blind order for a white snus try-and-buy kit, because Camel "SNUS" is essentially white mini portions. i got them, smelled every single one, and put them back in the box and into the freezer and went and bought more camel "snus". but then i found the unloadingzone, snustopia, and this website. after corresponding with various members on here i started to learn more and more about snus, and finding what snus products are best to transition. for those of you going from camel, (i was a frost user, but i'm sure mellow users can apply this as well), these are the snus products i suggest you start with. in order of easiest to switch to more strong snus. i'm just now getting off of flavored snus, so i'm still in phase 1, so what i'm going to offer is a beginners guide to snus transition.

this is a great transition guide as well for people interesting in quitting smoking and skipping camel "snus" and going straight into Swedish Snus. i think it's a better idea to go straight into Swedish, unless you're already on camel, then a transition must be made.

1. Mocca Pomegranate. This is a mini white portion snus with a very mild flavor. i did not detect pomegranate, however it does have a nice cinnamon/apple/redhot flavor to it. the portions are small, can be slightly uncomfortable, but are the closest in size to camel "snus". i suggest prewetting them.

2. General Mini Mint. many people will tell you this is the perfect beginners snus. this is a mini white portion, and is "camel frost done right", in my opinion. this will get you used to the smell, and aftertaste of a real swedish snus. but it does it gradually. this has a great flavor, lasts longer, and is a great snus to begin a transition with. (if you're a camel frost user/mint snus enthusiast - don't try Mocca Mint Mini, this is the first stop on the mint snus train, in my opinion).

3. Catch Eucalyptus. (they also make this in a mini portion - which you can try if you're not ready for a full white portion, but after the previously mentioned two, you should be ready to move into a full white). this has a great, refreshing taste. the mint flavor is amazing and the eucalyptus plays midly in the background. of course, it does have a little smell to it, and a slight salty aftertaste, but after General Mini Mint, you should be getting used to it. but this is a great beginners snus.

4. Jakobsson's Ice Fruit. This is a great snus. It's strong, but satisfying. it has a great fruit taste, a little ice flavor in the background, and it's a good step up into the big leagues. this does have a stronger salt aftertaste, so make sure you're ready for it before you try it. but once you have, your eyes will be opened. it is quite amazing. i rotate this between mini mint, and it's a great combination. i'll do 5 mini mints, and then after that i'll have an ice fruit.

i would suggest those four to start with, if you're placing your first order. that's my opinion. a perfect first order, looking back on it for me would have been
General Mini Mint - 2
Mocca Pomegranate - 1
Catch Eucalyptus - 1 (mini portion), and 1 (white portion)
Jakobsson's Ice Fruit - 1.

now, another subject i'd like to touch on. those of you transitioning from dip to snus. General has a product called General Wintegreen. i tried dip once, in high school, and it was the worst experience of my life. the only thing i like about it and the reason i wanted to try it was because of that yummy wintergreen smell. General Wintergreen is no different. it has a great smell, and tastes just like Wintergreen snuff, but without all the spitting. so if you're transitioning from dip to snus, i strongly suggest you try this as i believe it is right up your alley.

these are my thoughts. again, i'm relatively new to snus, but i believe this will be helpful for those of you brand new without an idea of where to turn to. the four snus products i suggested are, IMO, the best to begin with. i'm sure other snus users will have opinions of what they started with, but my advice to the snubie - take in as much as you can. this forum is a great resource and will provide alot of quality information to you to guide you in the process of transitioning. good luck, happy snusing!

According to General's web site the White Portion is "Kraftigt och kryddigt snus med viss pepprighet och inslag av citrus."... which I believe means something like "strong and spicy snus with [pepper?] and an element of citrus." Perhaps a Swede can better translate that.

It definitely has salt in it. I think most Swedish snus does. The ingredients listed on my can of General Sterk White Portion are (translated):

Water, tobacco, propylene glycol, salt (sodium chloride), sodium carbonate, licorice, smoke flavoring.

I guess compared to sweet American snus, it's quite a change.

The General White is a nice blend of pepper (tastes like black pepper) and lemon(?) This is a nice snus once you have cut your teeth on snussing and can appreciate the flavors. I think that I might have been scared away if I tried this one at first as well. To be perfectly honest - My very first snus was the Jakkobesen Ice Fruit and it wasnt exactly my favorite. Now that i have had a chance to come back to it, its pretty nice!
The General White is a nice blend of pepper (tastes like black pepper) and lemon(?) This is a nice snus once you have cut your teeth on snussing and can appreciate the flavors. I think that I might have been scared away if I tried this one at first as well. To be perfectly honest - My very first snus was the Jakkobesen Ice Fruit and it wasnt exactly my favorite. Now that i have had a chance to come back to it, its pretty nice!

I guess I never thought about it like that. I've been snus-ing for a couple years now and it's easy to forget how I came to appreciate snus. It might be like taking a BMCer who wants to appreciate better beer and handing them a Duvel. They might not like it at first.

Plus we Americans are so used to everything being overly sweet, it's sometimes difficult to make the transition to other flavors.
SWMBO is not digging the snus jus teeth tinting. I wish I went with whites. I don't think any of mine are white portions.

Jakkobesen Ice Fruit<--Not on
I think you can find it at

I got my order from them and it included JIF. :)
Thats the thing I LOVE about snus - the variety! I dont have to sit and snus one flavor all day! I think that I am going to start making a 'mix-pack' can of flavors I enjoy (when Im not within reasonable distance of my snus/yeast/beerthatidontdrink fridge.
Variety is awesome with snus!
Plus we Americans are so used to everything being overly sweet, it's sometimes difficult to make the transition to other flavors.

And this a perfect description of my issue at hand. I still have several to try but so far I have tried the General White (of which I confused the description), the Roda Lacket, and now I am on the Catch Eucalyptus.

The domestic Camel appeals to my sweet tooth and the flavor does last for a couple hours IF you aren't actively sucking the life out of it (another downside I discovered about the Camel Snus). I now this now because I accidentally fell asleep while snusing. Woke up and still had flavor after a 2 hour nap.

Which also explains why mensch doesn't suggest the swallowing bit. So far, all I get is salt and if you forget and try to draw the 'jus' from the portion you are quickly reminded of the salt again. If not, you can get the nic fix with only a lingering saltiness. I have not been able to break myself of drawing the jus' yet and it's brought me to a near yak each time.

Honestly, I expect that after these are gone I'll have gotten it right but, I still switch to the Camel Snus between Sweedish varieties. And if for any reason I haven't gotten a taste for the salt I'll not order again. I doubt I'll find a taste for tho' (side story) my wife loves "Salted Duck Eggs". Has eaten them with her foods as a salt replacement for years. We are approaching our twelfth year of marriage and I still can't stand the eggs. Okay, so, no real similarities but, I am not a salt person. I don't even salt my foods after they've been cooked. And a single canister of Mortons, has lasted us nearly 4 years.

I am looking forward to at least one or two of the 5 remaining to appeal to my sweet tooth. I liked that about the Camel Snus because it also helped curb my appetite and I am trying to drop 50 pounds off my frame. A particularly tall order considering I also recently quit smoking (somewhat).

Of course, that might also be to blame as well. I never believed the hype before but, things are tasing a bit more "intense" than they used to and I am beginning to concede that smoking did have an effect on my palate.
I am looking forward to at least one or two of the 5 remaining to appeal to my sweet tooth. I liked that about the Camel Snus because it also helped curb my appetite and I am trying to drop 50 pounds off my frame. A particularly tall order considering I also recently quit smoking (somewhat).

I read Bob Greene Fit for life. Made me aware of calories and other stuff, down about 30 since christmas.
I closed my eyes and eenie-meenie-mynee'd a puck. Opened my eyes and found General White Portion.

I concur that these smaller sized, more fully filled, portions do last longer. I have had this in for 45 minutes now and it's stil very strong on flavor. Trouble is, I am NOT enjoying this portion. IIRC, it's described as being salty with a slight hint of Bergamont (an Orange apparently).

Well, I definitely get the salt. I'm struggling with that for certain.

The nicotine is strong and that is good. I just feel like I am licking a salt block.

So its been a couple of days with your new snus - how goes it? Have you grown more used to it (even learned to love it?) Out of my 8 can first order, I only found 2 kinds I really didnt care for. I think that the most difficult part for me was that initial snus in the AM as opposed to a cigarette. Good news is I smoked the last of the pack I have had over week yesterday. No more plans to buy ciggies and I might want to think about making another snus order (even though I am still good for a while)

I really like Swedish snus, and I find myself trying to help fellow smokers make the transition and give up the cancer sticks. (In fact I gave away a can of one of my favs to a buddy of mine!)

Whether you end up with Camel snus or your Swedish counterpart, the mere fact that you kicked cigs/dip is a HUGE accomplishment in its own right!
So its been a couple of days with your new snus - how goes it? Have you grown more used to it (even learned to love it?) Out of my 8 can first order, I only found 2 kinds I really didnt care for. I think that the most difficult part for me was that initial snus in the AM as opposed to a cigarette. Good news is I smoked the last of the pack I have had over week yesterday. No more plans to buy ciggies and I might want to think about making another snus order (even though I am still good for a while)

I really like Swedish snus, and I find myself trying to help fellow smokers make the transition and give up the cancer sticks. (In fact I gave away a can of one of my favs to a buddy of mine!)

Whether you end up with Camel snus or your Swedish counterpart, the mere fact that you kicked cigs/dip is a HUGE accomplishment in its own right!

I haven't opened them all yet. Still have 4 more to try. I have been Snus the Camel mostly. It's to do with the salt. I'm just not fnd of the salt. I have found some places where it's useful but, not enough to consider re-ordering the Sweedish stuff.
According to General's web site the White Portion is "Kraftigt och kryddigt snus med viss pepprighet och inslag av citrus."... which I believe means something like "strong and spicy snus with [pepper?] and an element of citrus." Perhaps a Swede can better translate that.

You're right "strong and *some* spicyness and elemet of citrus"

Hehe, it's just hilarious to read about you guys doing snus... I don't do snus myself but when I lived in Boston I got the op to try your domestic stuff and ofcourse I din't spit. Bad night. Baaad night.

keep me informed. Maybe I should arrange a group buy?

Hehe, it's just hilarious to read about you guys doing snus... I don't do snus myself but when I lived in Boston I got the op to try your domestic stuff and ofcourse I din't spit. Bad night. Baaad night.

keep me informed. Maybe I should arrange a group buy?


Of course you felt icky... It was the AMERICANIZED version of snus. (Theres no telling what went into that)

I (almost) feel saddened that Gila doesnt care for it. Its all good though, Camel appeals to some (and it gets you off the ciggies) So thats a plus!
Who spits, who doesn't. I do not spit the camel snus.

On another very positive note, I had an hour ride home from a picnic today, and had NO urge to dip. First time in a long time. This will help quit the skoal.

I still use the shoal in the morning, but the rest of the day is cake. and only used one can this week as opposed to 2.
I went there and couldn't order because NJ wasn't on the list. How did you order it?

I found it. That drop box didn't respond on the first try. Ordered my samples.

You will get a can before your samples come in though :)

General is yum yum yum. Their white portion and Onyx are both very nice snuses. I am sending a can of General Wintergreen and I might send you another snus (I didnt care for) but you may enjoy. It tasted like Copenhagen to me.
Out of curiosity, which brand tasted like Copenhagen? I got the sampler pack from, and while I find each flavor to be OK, none tastes like Cope to me.
Out of curiosity, which brand tasted like Copenhagen? I got the sampler pack from, and while I find each flavor to be OK, none tastes like Cope to me.

I think its the Grovsnus portion. The tobacco taste was just too much for me. I didnt find it pleasurable. Was that in your kit?
I am not beaten yet!

Mebe I'll take a tip from the Snus film. Pinch, pull, lift, and tuck. I am thinking maybe they do this so they don;t have to actually taste this stuff. ;)

I can see how, if done lightly, the saltiness is appealing. I find myself after an hour or two (if I don't brush) enjoying the post Snus lingering saltiness and even re-considering a portion. Ineveitably, I Snus and BAM! SALT!

So far, the GrovSnus has been the least offensive to my palate. Still very strong salinity, but definitely milder than the others. Or, i have started to become accustomed to it.

I grabed the Goteborgs puck and I am about to try it. Not expecting much but I am one of those who will be damned to not use something I have paid good money for.

Ironically, I was carrying Grov with me today and was at a buddies house. He was drinking Budweiser and offered. I took one and the salt from the Snus accented the beer (just like for those who salt them) and made BOTH the Snus and the beer extremely enjoyable to me. A sort of balancing act betwixt the two.

It was confusing, disorienting, and a little exciting to me. Like mistakenly rushing into the ladies room with a pee-woody and being accosted as a pervert by your Freshman year high school sex-ed teacher.
Mebe I'll take a tip from the Snus film. Pinch, pull, lift, and tuck. I am thinking maybe they do this so they don;t have to actually taste this stuff. ;)

I can see how, if done lightly, the saltiness is appealing.

That's pretty much how I do it. I don't taste it all that much... like I would if I was sucking on it like a Jolly Rancher.:cross: I just put it in my upper lip and leave it alone. The white portion especially is good for subtlety in taste.
I am really enjoying this Goteborg. I can swallow and get a hit of the jus without feeling the urge to gak. Finally.

Goteborg is one of my favs. Very subtle, flavor and it tastes great. It took me a couple of snuses before I became accustomed to the taste. In fact, one of my favs (Jaks Ice Fruit) didnt really appeal to my palette at first.

Which Goteborg do you have? The Rape' #2?
Thats what I have and Im interested in trying the original to see how it compares!

Happy snusing!
Goteborg is one of my favs. Very subtle, flavor and it tastes great. It took me a couple of snuses before I became accustomed to the taste. In fact, one of my favs (Jaks Ice Fruit) didnt really appeal to my palette at first.

Which Goteborg do you have? The Rape' #2?
Thats what I have and Im interested in trying the original to see how it compares!

Happy snusing!

The Original. I am still getting accustomed to the flavors. The tobacco alone has a very pronounced flavor. And the salt still gets to me. It's too bad that these websites don't break these down into saty and sweet versions but, then again, the domestic Camel may be it's own breed of Snus. I would love to try some other "candied" flavors. Hold the salt please.
It seems like the Ice mint flavors are a little milder on the 'salty' side. They say that the Jakobssens Ice Fruit is a good starter, but I found it a bit salty at first. Now its pleasurable, but it does leave that 'aftertaste' in your mouth. Gotlandsnus (The light green can) is rather tasty and seemed a little less salty to me. I gave this can to my buddy (even though its a fav) to help get him introduced to snus.

Thats the beautiful thing about snus - there are sooooooo many flavors to try and they are all different!

Good luck!
K, snuses are in the mail for you Rob! We would like to get your (honest) opinion on these snuses when you get them in your hands!
And hopefully you will come to enjoy them and get off that dip! :)
I think its the Grovsnus portion. The tobacco taste was just too much for me. I didnt find it pleasurable. Was that in your kit?

Yes. I have one in now. The taste is definitely more of tobacco, rather than the stronger flavor additives (bergamot?) in some of the other brands. At this point, I do prefer it, but I will give the others a chance also.
Thats good! You are starting to enjoy a snus. They have PLENTY of 'plain' snus if you like just the tobacco flavor. I hear the Lucky Strike is good - Tobacco with a hint of smokiness. I think it kind of has to grow on you as well. I didnt 'like' couple at first (Generals) but now they are becoming one of my daily snuses.
I think I like my Kronan the best. I also like Ettan, but like JoeMama said (heh that's fun), it's all really growing on me a lot.
Okay. Been doing the face contortion thang to get the Snus in and it seems to make a BIG difference. HUGE!

I suppose it keeps the Snus drier so you don;t get hiy with a big slug of salt. Still Snusing the Goteborg Rape Original. Heven't been compelled to put it back in the freezer and I've slowed down on the Camel Snus.

Down side is, received a gift package from family overseas. They didn;t know I quit smoking and sent me 2 packs of Gudang Garam Surya Kretek. My all time favorite smoke!

Sure, I could just pitch them in the bin and they'd be non-the-wiser but.....
Goteborg is one of my favs. Very subtle, flavor and it tastes great. It took me a couple of snuses before I became accustomed to the taste. In fact, one of my favs (Jaks Ice Fruit) didnt really appeal to my palette at first.

Which Goteborg do you have? The Rape' #2?
Thats what I have and Im interested in trying the original to see how it compares!

Happy snusing!

I've since read that the Rape #2 is a sweeter version of the Original Rape.

That just looks all wrong!
at 9 am it will b e 24 hours without skoal. ROUGH morning. anybody use double portions?

With the Camel snus I used to double portion it all of the time. With my real snus, im almost afraid to! (You get a really decent nic hit from it)

If it comes to where you are looking for even MORE vitamin n, they make Sterks (higher level snuses) Normally I would see people use these in the AM to get their blood a pumpin. I know that for me a General Onyx is usually the way to go in the morning. It has a little more nic hit than the white portion.

Hang in there bud! Couple more days maybe?
I do! It's not that big a deal. The Camel Snus is 8mg just like most of these so, it'd be no different that doubling the Camel Snus.

Ithink their is one puck in my set that does have 11mg but, I've forgotten which. All the "mainstream" pucks are 8mg.

Sometimes, 1 just isn't enough. I am more familiar with that quick ruch of nicotine from the smokes (they say it hits the brain in 7 seconds) and this goes MUCH slower. I find I Snus more than I smoked but, that is okay by me considering no-one knows when I am Snusing. I don;t have to go outside to Snus. And I don;t have to carry around an empty bottle.
Had a partial tin of the Camel Snus and a partial puck of the Goteborg Rape. Combined the two into the puck. Now the Camel isn't as sweet as it has taken on some of the saline character and the GR isn't as salted either.


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