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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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So, as I was brewing my second of two beers this weekend my keg tapped out. So I was forced to drink Budweiser during the duration of the brew. Please don't shun me or diss-own me for this, I'm still an ok guy!
Lmao. I understand how hard it is to drink something that's not craft now. Since July of 2010 I have been brewing almost every other weekend and have not had to buy beer from the store. Best thing in the world! But I used all my vacation around the end of the year and went to my parents house. I even brought equipment home to brew at a friends while I was there and it just so happened that we used some bad water and ruined the beer. I'm still tinkering with it to try to save it. But anyways, I've had to go to the store and buy beer for the last few weeks until this weekend when my oldest brew should be carbed. I cannot wait for this to happen. I cannot go to the store and spend $30+ on 24 craft brews while I'm still making it at home for that much and getting 2.5 times the amount of beer. Lets just say my consumption has dropped over the last month.
So, as I was brewing my second of two beers this weekend my keg tapped out. So I was forced to drink Budweiser during the duration of the brew. Please don't shun me or diss-own me for this, I'm still an ok guy!

What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
So, as I was brewing my second of two beers this weekend my keg tapped out. So I was forced to drink Budweiser during the duration of the brew. Please don't shun me or diss-own me for this, I'm still an ok guy!

I don't care for Bud, or really that entire genre of lager, but the guys that brew it are undoubtedly very, very talented. They have my respect for generations of repeatability and consistency.
how did a bud even get in your fridge?

+1 and who forced you to drink it? :mug:
I'd rather go without. I mean, I don't eat rice cakes when I can have prime rib.

They have my respect for generations of repeatability and consistency.

Thats fine but they care zero for making a beer taste good and since they do not care about going to the edge and producing something different, I will continue to only purchase/ drink 1. my own brew, 2. Michigan made craft brew, 3. all other craft and home brew.
wolverinebrewer said:
+1 and who forced you to drink it? :mug:
I'd rather go without. I mean, I don't eat rice cakes when I can have prime rib.

Thats fine but they care zero for making a beer taste good and since they do not care about going to the edge and producing something different, I will continue to only purchase/ drink 1. my own brew, 2. Michigan made craft brew, 3. all other craft and home brew.

Why would they try to make something different when their customers already like what they sell? There was a time when bud light didn't exist too and there's plenty of bmc beers that bombed. They're in the business of selling beers most people will like and they do a great job doing it. They actually are on the cutting edge of brewing scientifically.

When I brew a beer for other people, I don't do the same recipe I would choose for myself. So if your goal was to sell a lot and make money, and there's nothing wrong with that, then you gotta sell that kind of beer.

I cant wait until there's a bud ipa, and everyone will still cry foul.
Just a regular Bud? You're still okay in my book, but a Bud LIGHT...

Well, that's a different story! :)

I'm a bud light fan. I said it. I feel so much better now. I'm sorry, but how can you NOT like it. I can understand how there's a lot of "better" beers out there, but there's nothing better than drinkin bud light while shooting the **** with friends. I'm sorry, my .02.:mug:
Why would they try to make something different when their customers already like what they sell? There was a time when bud light didn't exist too and there's plenty of bmc beers that bombed. They're in the business of selling beers most people will like and they do a great job doing it. They actually are on the cutting edge of brewing scientifically.

Just because they sell a lot, it does not mean it is good. They sell a lot because it is cheap and convenient, in other words, can find BMCs anywhere. Their goal is to make production less expensive as possible while driving sales growth, which invariably leads to a poor product compared to crafts.

When I used to drink a lot of BMCs, I thought they were good too, but that was just my lack of knowledge about beers in general. Once I started brewing my own, learning about beer, and tasting all sorts of craft beers, then I realized how bad BMCs were. In my case, and this is just me, I don't regret the good times I had while drinking BMCs but I do regret not knowing they have a very poor quality and taste.

I know there are those out there who do have the knowledge about craft beers but still drink BMCs for whatever reasons and that's just fine. As long as people know that there is a huge difference between the quality of BMCs vs. craft, I think it’s all good!
So I'm thinking its not the drinking of the Bud, its the beginning a post with "So . . ."
Why would they try to make something different when their customers already like what they sell?

For the most part this is true but I bet it bothers them that their 2009 US sales were down while, at least here, Michigan craft beer in-state sales were up over 10% and all state sales up 17%(2009). Since 2002, total beer sales in Michigan have declined EACH year while Bell's have increased from 52,000 barrels to 131,000 (2009). In 1997 we had 30 breweries. Spring of 2010, 73. As of the end of 2010, 88. This means in our crappy economy, people are drinking less but trading up and demanding quality. Founders just finished a $6.6 million expansion. Bell's is scheduled to spend $52 million over 5 years to expand production. I can now go to my local Meijer and select from over 30 Mich. beers where I couldn't 5 years ago. Every weekend I can attend a craft brew festival somewhere in the state. I have to believe this leaves the mass market companies scratching their head. So for me, I raise my glass to all those that have a passion for making wonderful craft brew and giving me the opportunity to drink great beer.
Just because they sell a lot, it does not mean it is good. They sell a lot because it is cheap and convenient, in other words, can find BMCs anywhere. Their goal is to make production less expensive as possible while driving sales growth, which invariably leads to a poor product compared to crafts.

When I used to drink a lot of BMCs, I thought they were good too, but that was just my lack of knowledge about beers in general. Once I started brewing my own, learning about beer, and tasting all sorts of craft beers, then I realized how bad BMCs were. In my case, and this is just me, I don't regret the good times I had while drinking BMCs but I do regret not knowing they have a very poor quality and taste.

I know there are those out there who do have the knowledge about craft beers but still drink BMCs for whatever reasons and that's just fine. As long as people know that there is a huge difference between the quality of BMCs vs. craft, I think it’s all good!

I'm just the opposite, haven't touched a Budweiser in years, recently had one and liked it. I keep an occasional 6 pack around, and enjoy a few here and there.

It's really pointless to argue someone's taste, it just is.

When I run out of good brew I drink my stash of TJ's Simpler Times Lager (Minhas Craft Brewery) that I keep set aside for making beer bread. $2.99 a 6-pack and really isn't bad at all. It's not fantastic but works in a pinch and is 6.2% abv to boot. :D
I'm just the opposite, haven't touched a Budweiser in years, recently had one and liked it. I keep an occasional 6 pack around, and enjoy a few here and there.

It's really pointless to argue someone's taste, it just is.


And that's perfectly fine, some people do actually like Buds... and it is pointless discussing about taste, I concur.

And I wish I enjoyed BMCs as much as some others do, because it is sometimes cheaper to just buy a Natty or other cheaper BMC than brew my own craft at home... but, fortunately to my hobby, I can not stand their generic watery taste with corn sweetness sticking in the mouthfeel... :D
There's nothing wrong with Bud. Its not big on flavor, and honestly InBev is a corporate monster that I try to avoid. However they have a consistent product that a lot of people like, made from breweries all over the world. Think about it... breweries all over the world, all using different water, shipping out a product that is darn near indistinguishable from any of the other breweries. That's kind of awesome. And the lack of flavor has a rich history behind it... its created by two world wars, prohibition, and a depression. Its not great, but its better than nothing :)

(God if I had written this before I started reading about beer history I would have smacked myself)
Yes, except they are not an American company despite of the constant associations with American culture...

I'm not sure where/when they were incorporated. I know when August Busch was still in charge it was primarily brewed in the US, their Corporate HQ are in St. Louis, and it still has something like a 50% market share. Walking like a duck and quacking like a duck :p