You're no longer a n00b when...

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310. Having run out of room to "buy another Corny," you have to worry if kegs are going to kick out of the fridge in time for what is coming out of secondary.
311. While separating and packaging your 22.6 oz "pound" of Fuggle from Hops Direct, your four year old son picks up one of the stray leaves from the floor, sniffs it, and says: "Hmmm! Smells good! Smells like beer flowers!"

312. You know why a "pound" weighs at least 22 oz when it comes from Hops Direct.
c.n.budz said:
313. No longer a noob moment:

Today while at a funeral, I caught myself staring at the holy water dispenser(basically a large metal pot with a spigot at the bottom) and saying to myself "I could brew in that..."

LOL! Must be a new brew called "Holy Beer". :p
Madtown Brew said:
203) You begin dreaming about living in a small brewshed in the woods, sleeping on a bare cot, and wearing loose fitting robes.

314. When you want to choke the brewery tour guide when she tells the whole group that "this fermenter is used for lagers, which are dark beers like stouts" :mad:
315: You have 6 batches in Secondary, 5 in Primary, 4 Lagering, 3 Bottle Conditioning, 2 Force Carbing, and you go on a 1 month international vacation.
c.n.budz said:
313. No longer a noob moment:

Today while at a funeral, I caught myself staring at the holy water dispenser(basically a large metal pot with a spigot at the bottom) and saying to myself "I could brew in that..."

I thought that's what the monks brewed in anyway?

316. You're sitting at a hotel bar and someone approaches you asking you if you're drinking a pitcher full of pepsi/cola due to your beer being so dark.

(just happened to me 20 seconds ago, it was quite funny seeing the look on their face when I said it was beer and NOT pepsi) Silly yankees! :mug:

Oh yeah, this is pitcher #2 so they're probably really confused at this point.
317. When you realize that you have nothing to talk about except for brewing beer, and somehow every conversation reverts back to brewing beer.
318. You'll take a spoon out of the dirty dishes in the sink for your cereal but spend an hour cleaning and sanitizing your brewing equipment.
316. You're sitting at a hotel bar and someone approaches you asking you if you're drinking a pitcher full of pepsi/cola due to your beer being so dark.

(just happened to me 20 seconds ago, it was quite funny seeing the look on their face when I said it was beer and NOT pepsi) Silly yankees! :mug:

Oh yeah, this is pitcher #2 so they're probably really confused at this point.

hey come on now, geographic location has nothing to do with your taste in beer.
#320 Your wife asks if you need to stop at the LHBS because "the (Maris) Otter bin looked low"

(Thread Necromancy in effect)
# 323 - You desperately want to buy a new house as the one you're currently living in has no room for all of your brewing equipment or hop garden.
# 324 - Your significant other (SWMBO) is mad at you about your brewery upgrades... not because you are spending time and money, but because you can't brew beer for her and your parties while the brewery is out of commission:p
327. Your friends buy you ingredients for your next brew. And know the name of the recipe they're after. And bought the exact right ingredients...
328: You no longer receive "that look" from SWMBO when stopping at the LHBS and she is actually interested in what batch is coming up next.

329: People dressed like Pirates empty 2 kegs of beer at your house and the next morning your house looks like Jonestown.

Hey, I resemble that remark :D

(I have NO RECOLLECTION of posing with your doggie on my shoulder whatsoever.)


I don't remember posing for this picture


Wow, I never realized how gray my chest hair is.

Oh, and that's my daughter's dog. I don't think that my dog would fit on your shoulder.
330. Your son calls from work to ask you to hit his keg with another 30psi so he can force carb it when he gets home tonight.

30 seconds ago. brb.
Still a noob... but I didnt see this one...

336. When you throw together some water, DME, and nutrients on your lunch break in order to be able to feed your yeast for the next week.

my biggest mistake is not making any of EdWorts Apfelwein SOONER!! MAN!! If only I would have seen the recipe sooner there wouldn't be a dry carboy in the house!!!
337. Brewing 4 batches of beer in 2 days is no longer impressive.

338. You FIL (who doesn't even drink) walks in the house and asks "So, what's on tap?"
339. When your Brew supplier calls you and your friends V.I.P

340. You've went to the brew shop 2 twice in one day, not because you forgot something, because two batches in one day isn't enough.

341. You have more carboys fermenting in your house than you have people/pets combined.

342. You log all your brewing, so if you screw up and it tastes good, you can screw up again.
343. a) When Revvy stops yelling at you to leave your beer alone.
343. b) When Revvy no longer has to tell you which Asian Country airlocks are made.
343. a) When Revvy stops yelling at you to leave your beer alone.
343. b) When Revvy no longer has to tell you which Asian Country airlocks are made.

344) When you beat Revvy to the thread and YOU tell the noobs to leave the beer alone, and to quit relying on the said airlocks as fermentation gauges. :D
344) When you beat Revvy to the thread and YOU tell the noobs to leave the beer alone, and to quit relying on the said airlocks as fermentation gauges. :D

Put this one on lockdown! Revvy trumped us all!!:rockin:
345) Instead of Drunk Dialing your friends while drinking yet another Arrogant Bastard, you get on HBT and attempt to answer questions.

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