your first beer.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2008
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south of Eugene, OR
The first beer I remember drinking was around 13 years old. I was hunting with my father and he had shot a 3 point (6 point for the easteners) and we had to pack it a few hundred yards up a fairly steep hill. It took about two and a half hours to pack the deer out.

When we got back to the truck we sat down on the tail gate, my father asked me if I wanted something to drink. I expected him to pull out a soda. But he pulled out two cans of Blitz Winehards. He sat one on the tailgate and cracked one open. He did not say a word as we sat there.

To this day, I do not know if he thought I was becoming a man. Or if he felt sorry for making me drag a few hundred pounds of blacktail up a hill so steep that you could stand up straight and touch the ground above you with your elbow.

We never talked about it.

So, when and what was your first beer?
It was a miller light my freshman year of highschool. I was feeling kinda sick all day, and my friends who were slightly older decided 'power hour' was the way to go to get ready for the game in time. I puked 3 times, but these were all wonderful pukes that left 0 aciddy taste and death in my mouth. I felt better each time I puked and kept coming back for more power hour. I thought the taste was horrible then, but now beer = love.
i don't remember, but it was long ago, when we used to fetch beers for pops and his buddies working in the yard/on the house.
Great thread!

My Dad and Grandfather had taken me fishing. It was hotter than hell, and when they were done cleaning the fish, Dad pulled out a heineken, and handed it to me. I was 12.
I was sitting at a firehouse for some fundraiser or soemthing or other on the sidewalk with my stepdad. He asked if I wanted to try it. I was 12-13. Took a drink and thought "gross". It was probably Beast. Although it was only one drink and it was A$$ NASTY, it was still very cool. My first full beer was a can of Budweiser after drinking two bottles of strawberry boonesfarm. Once again tasted horrible! ( This was my first time getting drunk)
My first full beer was a can of Budweiser after drinking two bottles of strawberry boonesfarm. Once again tasted horrible! ( This was my first time getting drunk)

+1 except I was drinking boxed wine first (mmm...Franzia...:drunk:). I still have a scar on my foot from that night (very drunk + clutzy me + stairs = boom!).
It was either the 6pk of Bud Light that we had a coworker grab for us, or it was a can of High Life that I welched from dad's stash, and cooled down in the walk-in cooler while at work, then cracked open after the restaurant had closed. One of the two. Don't remember which was chronologically first.
i was about 9 years old. my neighbors had a kegerator in their backyard painted up like a coors light can. the beer was probably who knows how old but it still counted as beer.
First beer I can remember was a Michelob with dad after mowing the lawn one time. Don't remember when. The bottle was cold and I was thirsty.

Five acres is a lot of lawn with two push mowers.
4 yo, my grandpa gave me drink out of his Pabst. My sister got some too, and while she didn't like it, I didnt' think it was too bad. I can still hear grandma tell him, "Don't give those kids beer, Jerry!"

Ah, well, he was probly a bit happy at the time. Don't remember when my dad actually gave me a beer to drink, but I'm sure he figured out that I'd had a couple in my life before then anyway.

One of the first times was when I was a young teenager and my friend's brother had a kegger at their house. Their dad told us to go out and make sure they were not getting too loud (It's a kegger??) and so we each grabbed a glass at first opportunity and made sure they were not getting too loud. My friend's name was Oliver, so my name automatically became Stan (he was fat, I was skinny).
I didn't have my first beer until I was about 18 years old. Before that I had been drinking total **** since I was about twelve. I don't call that crap that 12 year olds drink real beer. Edermacation is a wunnerful thing! :D
Man, no idea. Guess it was not a very momentous occasion for me. I'm sure I had a sip of my dad's when young and I'm sure it was some light lager. Maybe Bud. He was never much of a beer drinker, or anything else really when I was young. Sounds like he drank more before us kids came along. Schlitz I think was in the mix then.

Anyway, rambling on. First time I remember drinking beer was when I worked at a convenience store at 15. A coworker of mine (I think he was in his mid 20's and nuts) would take turns slamming beers in the walkin while the other covered the register. Or doing whippits...

Snagged a 12 pack of skunky Heinies once smuggled out in a pickle bucket. Man that was nasty. My buddies and I walked it to the woods after work at night and "enjoyed". Skunky beer in bottles covered with kosher dill pickle juice. Yum. First experience trying to open pry bottles without an opener! Tried using playground equipment. I think we broke a few.
The first time I have any memory of having beer was when my parents and their neighbors were standing around outside a house we moved out of when I was 4 (so it must have been before then) and my Dad was drinking RedHook ESB. I asked him for a sip and he gave me one. I didn't try beer until I was 17 after that.
A Busch beer while watching the TB Bucs lose another one on TV with my Dad. I think Dad just wanted me to quit eying his beers and take the mystery out. It pretty well warned me off for a few years. I also remember the first beer I actually kind of liked. When I was in the Army some guy had this new Samuel Adams stuff in the cooler that I didn't have to choke down!
My older brother and I snagged a Molson from a construction site (at least I THINK it was beer) when I was 9. I thought it tasted like s**t. I didn't have a beer I liked until I tried Dinkelacker from a mini-keg when I was 12 or 13 (haven't had it since; for all I know it sucks).
Found 3 cans of warm PBR floating in lake winnipesaukee while on a canoe trip when I was 12 or so. Drank some with my friend and got pretty sick. Don't remember what my first 'real' beer was...
A six pack of Redhook ESB that I bought on the way to a party. It was followed by my very first case of the "spins", and then by my very first vow to "never drink again".
My first beer...

High class...
I was 12 I had just found out my dad passed away my older brother and my cousin took me out and had a few and smoked a dub, then they took me bowling. Wow! what a mess I was. Now I am teaching them how to brew, thanks guys!
I do believe that I was 12 years old. I don't remember if this is the case or not, but this is the way my dad tells me it went. I had gotten my first deer with a bow, and dad brought me a Bud Light bottle and a can if Kippered Herring and a fork. So, I partook in some kippered herring (which is really quite good if you like fish) and a beer.

Damn it if it hasn't been a hellish ride for my liver since then....
When I was about 5 years old my Grandpa gave me one of those Budwieser stubbys. I think my mom took it away before I could drink it all. My Dad and I used to sit in the backyard in the summer when I was around 13 and drink Michelob Special Dark. I would always pour a little in a frisbee for our dog Shaggy.
Fosters Australian Lager if my memory serves me correctly, I think I was 5 or so and it was just a few sips from my dad.

After that, Id say maybe something like natty lite or busch something or other in high school... Havent touched either of those beers since.
I came from a non-drinking family and never got those childhood samples from good ole dad. My first real beer was Little Kings Cream Ale (7 ounce bottle) after close at McDonald's. I was 17. Little Kings became the beer of choice, because you could down the 7 ouncer before it got warm. We were lightweights in those days.
My parents don't really drink so I was never around alcohol. When I was 12-13 my dad and I went on a Saturday to one of his co-workers who ran a junk yard on the side and had just gotten a car crusher. Well, it was hot and dry and very cool to watch this crusher but I was getting thirsty. The owner offered my dad an Old Milwaukee and after a few sips asked me if I wanted some. I was dying of thirst so I took a big swig. I spit it out almost immediately. I think I may have only had beer once more through high school, then one of the guys in our group of friends older sister would buy us a bunch of 40s (most were 2 yrs younger than me). I didn't really start drinking regularly until I was nearly 21
I was 12 or 13, and a buddies dad would drink about a case of Red, White and Blue a day; so we snagged a couple of his, and went into the wood to drink 'em down. I was pretty sure that beer was God's way of punishing us for our sins. It wasn't until later that I figured out that it's just Red, White and Blue...
I'm ashamed to say that my first fizzy alcoholic beverage was a wine cooler of some sort -- probably Bartles & Jaymes. I've been atoning to the beer gods ever since.

I'd graduated to beer by the end of high school. By then, I was doing construction with my dad, and we shared a fair number of sixpacks on the tailgate of the truck after work the last two summers I lived at home. It was generally Oly or Miller or Schaefer.
I was 15 years old before I had my first full beer to myself. I was at Sunset Beach in Santa Cruz attending a church camp for a week. The whole week this very cute but badly sunburned blonde with the most amazing voice kept flirting with me. We finally snuck out of our respective tents with a few other kids and went around the campgrounds seeing what people were up to. A group of college kids invited us to the fire and offered us some beer. I took a look and lo and behold it was a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale! I asked them if they knew it was from Chico. They laughed at me and said, "yep, and so are we!". Pretty cool to be hanging out with the big college kids and getting drunk on free beer with a blonde way out of my league.

The night got WAY better after that, but it doesn't have anything to do with the beer (or maybe it does). Let's just say that drinking beer wasn't the only first that night. Anyways, it was a fantastic evening up until the point I wandered back to my tent. The camp dean had found out about our little excursion and took my sleeping bag AND pillow out of the tent. I figured "Fack it, I'm going to sleep anyway!". Woke up the next morning with a bad headache and a queasy stomach. This in combination with the hangover, and getting busted for sneaking out might not have been worth it save for the company. My parents had some sick sense of humor I think, and took me out to seafood for lunch...uuuhhhh, almost hacked it up in the restaurant bathroom.

Good times...:D:tank::mug::drunk:
WHOA. I'm jealous of you, THB. I've never had that cool of a time. I'm lame. :(
I was about 8. Hot, humid Illinois summer day. Tom's dad gave us each a can of warm something or other. Didn't touch another for 10 years!

13 years old.

Two buddies and I stole three (steel) budweiser cans from one of their dads. Grabbed a can opener and went out to the detached garage. It was 11:00 at night and we were on empty stomachs.

We climbed into the back of the station wagon, punctured the cans and drained them lickity-split. Definitely felt the warm buzz.

We fell asleep in the station wagon. We were using the ole "sleeping at so-and-so's house" as an alibi for the parents.

Remember it like it was yesterday. Haven't seen those guys in 35+ years.

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