WTF: Help me understand this recent cultural phenomena

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cha ngo said:
WTF is with the pop-Christian decals on the backs of cars (like 5 fish on the minivan or Calvin on his knees . . .). I have noticed that these people are more likely to cut in front of me and hit their brakes. I can only conclude they are trying to give me a religious experience.

Never underestimate the ability of the religous right to preach one then then F' ya over with the exact thing they are preaching about

Balancing out the liberal comment for ayrton
I'm an equal oppertunity offender
WTF is with me having to park 1/2 a mile from the front door of the supermarket cuz about 1/3rd of the spots are reserved for handicapped parking.

Then some @ssmunch goes wheeling their Olds-98 up to the closest spot with their handicapped blue thingy hangin off the rear view and then proceeds to practically jog into the store.

Oh,,,and WTF is with Anna Nicole what's her-ass? Has there ever been so much frickin attention paid to someone with so little talent? Change the f__ckin subject already.
Pumbaa said:
Balancing out the liberal comment for ayrton
I'm an equal oppertunity offender

LOL! You don't need to do that on my account; I don't get offended. I'd have posted a smiley, but they don't change size with the font. :)
Cheesefood said:
WTF is up with hot women not throwing money at me? Every time I make eye contact with a hottie, she's like "No fat guy, I'm not going to throw large stacks of money at you."

I suspect it is boob envy.
BierMuncher said:
Then some @ssmunch goes wheeling their Olds-98 up to the closest spot with their handicapped blue thingy hangin off the rear view and then proceeds to practically jog into the store.

Not every handicap is readily visible.

That's all I'm sayin on that...
BierMuncher said:
WTF is with me having to park 1/2 a mile from the front door of the supermarket cuz about 1/3rd of the spots are reserved for handicapped parking.

Cripples are lazy ****ers. In the old days cripples used crutches and they walked everywhre and they liked it. Now they sit their fat asses in "rascles" and park in front. Hell if they are going to drive in the GD store let them park in back.
Oh,,,and WTF is with Anna Nicole what's her-ass? Has there ever been so much frickin attention paid to someone with so little talent? Change the f__ckin subject already.

Between her and Britney shaving her head I am about to throw my GD TV through the wall! I don't know how many times I have to tell the old lady to change the channel. Why the F*** do so many people care what the hell is going on in the lives of so many celebrities anyway. They are all a bunch of liberal pompous a**'s, that can take their money and fancy houses and shove it all up their butts.
I've got one (not as good as some others but it bugs me anyway), WTF is up with absolutely everything becoming a political issue? There are some things that aren't about being a liberal or a conservative, like, an unshakable belief that drinking beer is good. I'm sure someone out there can make a political mess out of that statement given enough time and stupid people sucking up to them.
WTF is it with the person in the car in front of me, making a right hand turn at a snails pace. I swear they must think they're taxiing a 747 around that corner and sweating bullets the whole way through.
ErbiumYAG said:
WTF is it with the person in the car in front of me, making a right hand turn at a snails pace. I swear they must think they're taxiing a 747 around that corner and sweating bullets the whole way through.
Hey man...back off a little. I'll make the turn when I'm good and damn ready...

Young whipper snapper...

WTF is it with people who think that just because 9/11 is five-and-a-half years in the past, it's perfectly OhhhhK to drop our guard and pretend it never happened; and then on top of it all, rant about the EVILS of the U.S.A.!!! I'm not getting political either. I just don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of pansies who think hiding in a corner will save you. That's not what I learned in the Marine Corps.
I think that is is going to get political since 9/11 has been so politizized by our government (and I'm not talking about the White House ********--- I'm talking about ALL those political ********).

So waht is it with asshats making stupid decisions 'because of 9/11' and then accusing anyone who questions the value of, legality of or effectiveness of a particular deciusion is immediately demonized as being 'against America', 'for terrorists' or 'pretending that there's no problem'.

I think that particular rant is best not started.
WTF is with people in a Prius driving like dead snails? The whole purpose of all that tech is so you can drive normally & get decent mileage. Plus if you just drift to a stop, you don't get any of the benefit of re-generative braking. Use the freak'n battery! That's what it's there for!
WTF is it with people who insist on exceeding the speed limit (or the safe spee dfor conditions) by a significant margin who then get all pissed off at someone who is driving safely (and courteously)? Like being a few minutes late is gonna kill you. Learn to plan your day better, *******.
kornkob said:
WTF is it with people who insist on exceeding the speed limit (or the safe spee dfor conditions) by a significant margin who then get all pissed off at someone who is driving safely (and courteously)? Like being a few minutes late is gonna kill you. Learn to plan your day better, *******.

Here I must agree. Do you *need* to practically brush my bumper as you pass me? I'm already going faster than the speed limit. If you don't like it, go to hell. Get up earlier next time.
WTF is with people who don't believe in the "Martini Lunch"? Why did it all of a sudden become wrong to drink at lunchtime? If the ten hour workday has become the norm, why take away the mid-day snack?
I could write about 100 of these just on one subject... motorcycles... but I'll limit it to my top few complaints.

WTF is up with vehicle drivers not letting me easily pass them, giving me nasty looks or flashing the lights when I finally do pass them? No one seems to understand the roads are covered will small particles that get kicked up when you drive over them sandblasting me in the face... regardless how much space I put between us.

WTF is up with motorcycle riders dressing/acting like they are bad-asses when, in fact, they are a bunch of accountants? And really, wtf is up with fringe? I've been suckered into several poker runs and the likes where these guys congrigate, wearing their leathers and trying to act cool... Seriously, be yourself and have fun.

I'm such an a-typical Harley owner... in fact, if they hadn't made the V-Rod, I wouldn't be a Harley owner... but I don't try to act like anyone other than myself and I definitely don't try to act like I'm better than anyone else just cause mine's shinier.

If they really cared, they'd buy a VW Golf and get Better gas mileage and also have a car built from almost entirely recycled materials. Jackass's, do your research!
A diesel one, and throw some biodiesel in that b!tch (for the record I have not done my research on biodiesel and I'm not a neo-hippy, it does sound cool though)
Ok, I had to jump in when it got to motorcycles, WTH is with earsplitting straight pipes? I appreciate the low rumble of a well tuned exhaust as much as any gear-head, but what's up with the guy on the two cylider harley with 3 foot long 4 inch headers whacking the throttle while we wait at the stoplight??? I got a car with decent insulation and all the windows up and the damn sound waves are crushing my head.
AND it not just harleys either. some dumbs**t nearby has a crotch rocekt and I SWEAR he cut open the can and just pulled out the packing and put it back together. It sounds like a coffee can with some pennies rattling around. BUT LOUD
AND it's not just street bikes, what's with the off road spodes that think a 105 dB can on their 525 makes them any faster?? The best thing they could do to be faster is lose the damn beer gut.

k. I feel better.
kornkob said:
I think that is is going to get political since 9/11 has been so politizized by our government (and I'm not talking about the White House ********--- I'm talking about ALL those political ********).

So waht is it with asshats making stupid decisions 'because of 9/11' and then accusing anyone who questions the value of, legality of or effectiveness of a particular deciusion is immediately demonized as being 'against America', 'for terrorists' or 'pretending that there's no problem'.

I think that particular rant is best not started.
Well, since the cold war is over . . .
Alright, I've been saving these up for a while, so I'll finally post my "collection".

Car washing--it's sad that some people have such boring lives that they spend their weekends washing their vehicles--every weekend. Or washing it by hand. It's a car/motorcycle/truck. It's a depreciating asset. Your car will get you from place to place regardless of how it looks. My cars get washed when it rains. And maybe just before I put it up for sale. and if you're polishing it because you think it will get you laid, then I feel even more sorry for you.

Loud engines or exhaust--whether its on a car or motorcycle, it is still super annoying. When I can't hear my passenger during a conversation with the windows up because you think it's cool to make loud noises, then it's too loud! We get it, you want attention, so you have a way to make your vehicle say, "hey everyone, look how cool i am!"

Phones--if you are the caller, then you identify yourself first thing. If I get a call from someone, I don't want to have to guess who it is based on the voice, i don't care how well I know you. And if someone calls me and asks me who I am, that's when I get pissy!

Loud People--as you can see, I like peace and quiet. Actually, I just like normal amounts of noise, appropriate for the particular setting. Just like with cars, obnoxiously loud people are bothersome. Your lives are not that important that other people want to overhear. Same goes for cell phone conversations.

Lazy People--There are trash cans everywhere in the U.S. There is no excuse to throw one's trash on the ground. If you are too lazy to walk to the nearest trash can, then carry it or put it in your pocket. Or (heaven forbid) think ahead and don't purchase it in the first place if you won't have a way or won't be willing to throw it away. And if you throw gum on the ground then there should be a very stiff penalty. :mad: Oh, leaving trash in the movie theater or another public place is just as bad. Just because you know it is someone's job to clean it up, doesn't give you the right.
It's almost as if vehicle manufacturers stopped putting blinkers in the cars these days. How difficult is it to flick your left wrist and turn on your blinker? I don't care if you are in the turn lane and it seems obvious, use it anyway. There's a thing called peripheral vision and situational awareness. Blinkers help immensly with that and I'm sure that's why they were implimented.

The bottom line here with these ostentatious behaviors seems to be (with the exception of laziness) the attempt to improve one's image. Maybe it's because I'm married, and have no one to impress really. But, then again, I didn't do these things as a bachelor either. I just think there are better ways to improve one's image and still maintain common courtesy to others.

It may seem that I'm uptight about trivial things, but I just wanted to share my rants. These are, indeed, trivial compared to things that are occuring around the world. However, most of those issues are political and, therefore, inappropriate here.:mug:

Interesting thread, by the way!
WTF is up with me having to be subjected to Federally mandated drug screening (for my job at the airport) to be able to work my ass off and pay nearly 1/4 of my earnings into taxes just so some lowlife lazy piece of crap can collect welfare to go buy crank?
desiderata said:
Phones--if you are the caller, then you identify yourself first thing. If I get a call from someone, I don't want to have to guess who it is based on the voice, i don't care how well I know you. And if someone calls me and asks me who I am, that's when I get pissy!

That's one of my peeves too. I don't feel the need to identify myself to strangers while I'm sitting in my living room. Who did you phone, you f***nut?

Someone called my employer and complained about my driving recently. The complaint centered around some guy who said that 'HE' was travelling at a safe speed on an icy road and I passed him. The implication being that he is the best judge of what is a safe speed to travel and we should all apparently follow his example. This, despite the fact that the guy was driving a car patently unsuited for the weather conditions and I was driving a full sized all wheel drive van with proper rubber. What a dickhead. My secretary is a young pregnant mother and she was driving more aggresively than this clown.

Thankfully my boss (and my secretary) have larger testicles than this idiot so the matter didn't go anywhere, but WTF is with people driving in inclement weather that are so afraid that they create a hazard for the rest of us? I mean it's one thing going out under conditions that you can't handle, but it's yet another to complain about those that can!:mad:
Lot's of good ones folks!! WTF is up with Bourbon County, KY being dry(no alcohol sales) & Christian County being wet. Celebs Life & death. who cares? Much finer people increase the quality of peoples lives and die(the #1 guarantee) every day. WTF with PC? If I have to tolerate you being able to express any opinion you want, no matter how unfounded, you have to tolerate me telling you your an idiot.:) Oh yeah, to the Safety police, when I was a kid we ate dirt, fell out of trees, fell off bikes,fell in the bathtub, beat the cr$p out of each other on a regular basis, ad nauseum. Scratches & dents build character & the ability(skill?) to handle adversity. Children are precious, and resilient. Let them grow. Breathe in..... breathe out. Much better. Peace & Love RR
John Beere said:
WTF is up with vehicle drivers not letting me easily pass them, giving me nasty looks or flashing the lights when I finally do pass them? No one seems to understand the roads are covered will small particles that get kicked up when you drive over them sandblasting me in the face... regardless how much space I put between us.

Well said!!!!

John Beere said:
WTF is up with motorcycle riders dressing/acting like they are bad-asses when, in fact, they are a bunch of accountants? And really, wtf is up with fringe? I've been suckered into several poker runs and the likes where these guys congrigate, wearing their leathers and trying to act cool...

...and I definitely don't try to act like I'm better than anyone else just cause mine's shinier.

I hate that $hit as well. And since we are on the topic of bikes...

WTF is up with a$$holes walking around with their chaps, vests, leather shirts on...IN THE FRIGGIN SUMMER TIME?!?!?!?!? You wear that stuff to protect you on the road...not to walk around a rally or show looking like you skinned every single cow in Oklahoma and decided to wear it all at once.

I have a pair of chaps, but think I have worn them once...when it was 20 degrees out! And thats another thing...

WTF is with these summer only riders who think they are the cats a$$ during the nice months, but are never on the road when its below 50?!?!?!? If it aint snowing, or there isnt ice everywhere, my bike is on the GD road!

Yeah, I ride a Harley, because I want to, because I could afford it, and like the style (Im jealous over your VRod JB, damn I want one)...and not because I have to to look cool or be part of some in thing. Truth be known, if I had the cash, I'd have a collection of all kinds of bikes. Jap, German, Italian, Brit, I dont friggin care. Its about riding and lovin every minute of it. AND, if i'm on the road, and you are coming the other way...on whatever kind of bike you ride...I friggin wave to you. My hand goes down to acknowledge you, say hi to you, and am glad to see you RIDING...period. WTF is up with these ba$tards who are snobs on the road, and snub everyone else. Mostly its BMW riders, or real old men on Gold Wings...but I wave at em anyway. I wave to friggin bicyclists, scooter riders, I dont care. To me, if you ride, I say hi!

We now join our other rants, already in progress!
WTF is up with this chick?? (WORK SAFE)

I read the post about uggs and looked them up (damn i'm bored) and found this pic. Look at her eyes??!!

Anyway, for real.

WTF is up with Project Runway, Top Chef, Top Design, Top A$$Hole.....all those. My girlfriend is OBSESSED with those crappy shows...pisses me off.

Why not a Top Brewer? I'd watch that. Except it'd probubly be promoted/judged by BMC..

WTF is up with the a$$ clowns who wear their pants down below their butts and the crotch down to their ankles? This is attractive to the ladies???:drunk:

WTF is up with he traffic lights in my city that are timed so I hit every one of them right when they turn red so I have to wait through a complete cycle before it turns green?

WTF is up with idiot **** stick terrorists who put 2 kids in the back of the car so it will pass through check points easier, then flee from the car and detonate a bomb with the kids still in the car? Aren't we going to run out of these vial scum one of these days?
clayof2day said:
A diesel one, and throw some biodiesel in that b!tch (for the record I have not done my research on biodiesel and I'm not a neo-hippy, it does sound cool though)

OK based of this . . .
WTF is up with this country not switching totally to ethonal and biodesil? I am by no way a hippie, tree hugger, or enviromentalist but FFS we could make the switch and tell every oil producing country what to suck, when to suck it, how long the sucking should be and then make them swallow.

Have you ever seen Iowa? (I'm on a Iowa kick and am to lazy to type Nebraska tonight . . . GDI I typed Nebraska anyway . . . MF did it twice) There is nothign but room and farmers we could grow the hell outa anything we wanted just about. BUT NOOOOOOO!! instead we subsidize farmers to NOT grow crops or pay them for growing **** we dont need. Here's a clue . . .If Uncle Sam is giving away free cheese and butter to any d1ckshine that shows up we probably dopnt need anymore for a while. Butcher the cows and try something else. . .Barley works for me
Tony said:
Yeah, I ride a Harley, because I want to, because I could afford it, and like the style (Im jealous over your VRod JB, damn I want one)...and not because I have to to look cool or be part of some in thing. Truth be known, if I had the cash, I'd have a collection of all kinds of bikes. Jap, German, Italian, Brit, I dont friggin care. Its about riding and lovin every minute of it. AND, if i'm on the road, and you are coming the other way...on whatever kind of bike you ride...I friggin wave to you. My hand goes down to acknowledge you, say hi to you, and am glad to see you RIDING...period. WTF is up with these ba$tards who are snobs on the road, and snub everyone else. Mostly its BMW riders, or real old men on Gold Wings...but I wave at em anyway. I wave to friggin bicyclists, scooter riders, I dont care. To me, if you ride, I say hi!

Thanks. My bike has been off the road since late last fall when I punctured the rear tire... work got in the way and I'm just now getting it back on the road. Its a 2002 and already has a little over 12,500 great miles on it. I will say that my Jeep has spoiled me though. I haven't had the top on it in over a year now and only put the doors on when its really cold or really bad weather. Its not the same as riding a motorcycle but it is very fun in its own way - sort of like flying a brick.

I'm with you on waving... I work about 5 miles from a new drag strip ( There always seems to be packs of sports bikes coming too and from it and I think it really suprises them to see me wave.

And to get back on topic...

WTF is up with my wife's "headaches"? I think I'm about to go call her bluff...
Pre-emptive strike, John. Hand her an aspirin and when she looks at you funny you yell 'AHA!' And then it's shaggin' time....
Pumbaa said:
OK based of this . . .
WTF is up with this country not switching totally to ethonal and biodesil? I am by no way a hippie, tree hugger, or enviromentalist but FFS we could make the switch and tell every oil producing country what to suck, when to suck it, how long the sucking should be and then make them swallow.
I agree with reducing our dependence on foreign oil :mug: but I've heard that ethanol requires quite a bit of fossil fuel to manufacture. Not only from the farming of the corn but also from the mashing, fermenting, and distillation process.
I would like to see MUCH more R&D go into alternatives to oil. I think the time is now!
Speaking of which...
WTF is up with the price of gas back up to $2.60 a gallon?

I was looking at the WTF as in

"I really don't understand what your F'in thought process is, that appears to be a stupid idea that has somehow been deemed acceptable type if deal."
Ex. Uggs, Fat Pipe mufflers, droopy pants.

I wasn't expecting the WTF in the angry sense.

It's ok, though. Get your anger out. If nothing else, it'll be easier to find Pumbaa's rants in one thread.:D

I'll save my other ones for later.
kornkob said:
WTF is it with people who insist on exceeding the speed limit (or the safe spee dfor conditions) by a significant margin who then get all pissed off at someone who is driving safely (and courteously)? Like being a few minutes late is gonna kill you. Learn to plan your day better, *******.

The left lane is for passing. Keep right and nobody will get pissed at you.
RichBrewer said:
I agree with reducing our dependence on foreign oil :mug: but I've heard that ethanol requires quite a bit of fossil fuel to manufacture. Not only from the farming of the corn but also from the mashing, fermenting, and distillation process.
I would like to see MUCH more R&D go into alternatives to oil. I think the time is now!
Speaking of which...
WTF is up with the price of gas back up to $2.60 a gallon?

Corn-based ethanol is much more about giving subsidies to farmers than it is about protecting the enviornment, IMHO. The key towards making ethanol viable as a real alternative fuel will be to be able to convert other, cheaper biomass. We need to advance the science of starch conversion and alcohol distillation!

There's also an ethical issue that might ultimately need to be addressed with regards to ethanol (particularly corn-based ethanol) - and I do not profess to have the answer to this. If we're growing corn to fill our gas tanks, well, aren't there still people who could use that corn for food? There's basically a fixed amount of farm land; how much gets alllocated to food production versus energy production? Not an easy answer to that one, I don't think.
If someone can explain this, I won't worry about the rest of the world.

What is up with girls who dye the top half of their hair blond and the bottom half black?

Its not "punked out". Its not roots growing out. Its like they took all their hair above their ears and bleached it blond. Then they took the hair below their ears and dyed it jet black. Its like a bowl dye job instead of a bowl cut.

Its not accidental. I've seen 6 girls in the past couple years who have done this. They look like skunks.
the_bird said:
There's also an ethical issue that might ultimately need to be addressed with regards to ethanol (particularly corn-based ethanol) - and I do not profess to have the answer to this. If we're growing corn to fill our gas tanks, well, aren't there still people who could use that corn for food? There's basically a fixed amount of farm land; how much gets alllocated to food production versus energy production? Not an easy answer to that one, I don't think.
Good point and every day there is less farm land so it is only going to get worse.

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