WTF: Help me understand this recent cultural phenomena

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Yooper Chick said:
WTF is up with all these people under 25 with all these piercings? I think some are cool, even sexy- but some are just gross.

Okay, Cheesefood, photoshop a belly button piercing in your avatar and lets see if she has a change of heart. :D
Dear Frys Electronics and CostCo(and other businesses that do this crap),

I must say, I really love your store, and I love your merchandise. I shop at your stores frequently, as you have good deals, and you treat your employees better than Wal*mart(although that's like saying you're taller than Danny DeVito). But why why WHY must you subject me to this idiocy just after I've spent half my paycheck in your lovely, cavernous business: The line to get out of the store. Yea, a frickin' LINE to get OUT of the store! AFTER I've paid! WTF!?!?

Yea, you know what I'm talking about, that #*&@# stupid line where some myopic 63 year old scans through $462 worth of merchandise to see if the shoplifting fairies left me a present under my legitimate groceries. I AM NOT A THIEF!! I BUY ALL MY CRAP, WHY MUST YOU SUBJECT ME TO THIS TORTURE? I know you don't have sensormatics, those magnetic towers that look for errant magnetic fields that come with EVERYTHING nowadays, I guess because paying someone $7.05 an hour to scan through my two foot receipt and 250 lbs of groceries in two seconds is SOOO much more effective! So how would you know if I'd sneaked a flashcard or a 12-pak of watermelons out of the store under my jacket? Huh? Huh? Huh?

SO here's what I'll do. After I've paid, I'll just hide some items in my jacket, and see what you do. After all, they are MINE now, I paid for them. Will you try and stop me? Will you nitpick my reciept, see there's a home tracheotomy kit missing from my bags, and question me on where it is, or (most likely) will you just draw a happyface for my kids with your highlighter on the reciept? What do you think of THOSE apples? Should I demand a replacement for my "missing" home tracheotomy kit isn't in my basket after you scan my receipt? We shall see, won't we? Better yet, just buy some ****ing Sensormatics so you poor jackasses that have to stare at us as we exit the store can actually do something semi-useful if someone sets it off.

I have issues.
WTF is up with earlobe stretching?

I'm all cool with piercings. I've had my ears pierced several times, my nipple pierced and my tongue pierced. I have two tattoos. I don't understand earlobe stretching. Do people think it looks cool? What happens if you no longer like them?
Cheesefood said:
I've had my ears pierced several times, my nipple pierced and my tongue pierced.

Yeah, those freakin' weirdos getting their ears all stretched..... uhhhhhh.....

Nipple and tongue? Ears several times? You don't don't have one of those things stuck through your... nevermind.

We'll just point and laugh at the strange people.

Fingers said:
Nipple and tongue? Ears several times? You don't don't have one of those things stuck through your... nevermind.

We'll just point and laugh at the strange people.

Ear in HS and college, Nipple on a dare. Tongue, just to see what it felt like. Middle of my cest while I was in college too.
I don't understand it either. But my wife is happy to be paid by kids who want it done. She says she only has problems doing it to people when they get undressed behind the curtain, she walks back there and realizes she needs assistance because of the person's anatomy.

I don't know if this is Utah only, but WTF is up with the latest anti-tobacco ad campaign, "Warriors Against Tobacco"?

That is the *** **** stupidest name that I have heard of. I quit 5 years ago and just hearing, "Warriors Against Tobacco" makes me want to light up out of spite.

I didn't think anyone would come up with a dumber slogan than "Just Say No."
I don't understand all this **** either and im only 21. I am from a small town in West Texas and well we will just say moving to a big city was major culture shock. At work i have people that speak "English" yet i can not understand a damn word they say. When did talking like an uneducated fool become popular? :confused:
Ok people.

It's a VIN or a PIN.
It's not a VIN number or a PIN number.

In other words, it's not a Personal Identification Number number or a Vehicle Identification Number number.

CDL, not CDL license.
VAT, not VAT tax.
Here are a few of my WTFs:
(1) People wearing pajama pants out and around - I see them at airports, grocery stores, fast food, etc. WTF?!
(2) Someone mentioned the self service check out line. WTF is up with having 8 of them, and only 3 of them working? Better yet, WTF is the story with having 8 of them, and only one or two real life cashiers on a freaking Saturday or Sunday mid-day. Finally, if I am the clusterf&ck that understands computers but can't figure out that I have to hit "cancel" on the keypad to get my ATM card to run as credit instead of debit, the gal that comes to help me shouldn't treat me like an idiot - it's my first time at your store and it's not like there was a sign right there telling me how to make the transaction go through! I'm more frustrated than you are, honey!
(3) I can't remember, I just got so worked up over 1 & 2!!!
I got another involving stores- (I do go other places, believe it or not). You buy something, pay for your gas, whatever, and the clerk says, "here you go" and gives you your bags. I say, "Thank you." They say, "No problem".

Then I leave the store, look at my husband and say, "I just thanked THEM for allowing me to buy something in the store!!!!"

WTF happened to the clerk saying, "Thank you" when you buy something?????
Oh, I thought of another one, not the one I spaced out last night though:
WTF is up with short people taking the exit row seats on the airplane -- have some courtesy, the 5'8" and shorter folks have as much or more room in a regular seat as we 6'2"+ have in an exit row seat. If you're under about 5'10, don't "upgrade" to exit row, please, leave it for the tall folks!
WTF is up with these 14-18 year old girls with the slutty myspace pictures? WTF is up with their parents, more specifically. I see the pictures of girls my 14 year old son talks to on Myspace, and I thank God for blessing me with sons.
WTF is up with going to a concert and the singer expecting the CROWD to sing the song? Seriously! Who's getting paid here? I paid to hear YOU sing the song, not for you to point the mic at the crowd and expect US to sing it.

Lazy *******.
Cheesefood said:
WTF is up with going to a concert and the singer expecting the CROWD to sing the song? Seriously! Who's getting paid here? I paid to hear YOU sing the song, not for you to point the mic at the crowd and expect US to sing it.

Lazy *******.

Every once and a while is really cool. But i've been to concerts where the singer sang TWO WORDS in a song! The entire song was sung by the crowd!

What the hell!

$80/ticket after 'service fee' and 'venue fee' and taxes, $25 to park, $10 for sh|t beer (i'm still convinced venues buy beer that is sold lower in alcohol so you buy even more expensive sh|t tasting beer), and gas money to get there and we get this?
Yanos said:
WTF is with people who don't believe in the "Martini Lunch"? Why did it all of a sudden become wrong to drink at lunchtime? If the ten hour workday has become the norm, why take away the mid-day snack?


and whatever happened to the bottle of 12yr in the second drawer on the right?
Brewpastor said:
WTF is with Madd's campaign against drinking, period? I am so sick of rights being away. Enforce the laws we have. I want to start a new group, DAMM, drinkers against mad mothers.

I am all against drunk driving. My brother was killed by one. But don't try to take my beer from me lady!

What is up with everyone in general wanting to treat symptoms and not problems? Lately it's all about CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL! Isn't that the basis of the friggin US? People are responsible enough to handle things themselves?

Every d@mn irresposible drunk I've known (many in my family included) find root problems in depression and self loathing. No maybe they aren't the guy in the corner at the bar who after 3 pints whines about the one who got away or how the divorce ruined their life at 18, but that doesn't mean they aren't constantly hating themselves or running away from something they've done. It's not the beer that throws them over the edge!

You can't cure HIV by fighting the cold that kills people after AIDS sets in! yeesh!

Quit trying to control someone else's life and lend them a friggin hand when they need one!


(Now we can talk about the uncle who ran himself over with his own truck while taking a leak):rockin:
Brewpastor said:
WTF is with Madd's campaign against drinking, period? I am so sick of rights being away. Enforce the laws we have. I want to start a new group, DAMM, drinkers against mad mothers.

I am all against drunk driving. My brother was killed by one. But don't try to take my beer from me lady!
HEY!!! That's mine! You can't do that!!!

I'm the president of DDAMMADD - Drunk Drivers Against Mad Mothers Against Drunk Drivers!!! :drunk: :drunk: :drunk:
olllllo said:
Ok people.

It's a VIN or a PIN.
It's not a VIN number or a PIN number.

In other words, it's not a Personal Identification Number number or a Vehicle Identification Number number.

CDL, not CDL license.
VAT, not VAT tax.
...and "scampi" is Italian for "shrimp"...There's no such meal called "Shrimp Shrimp".

It p1sses me off that I get no shrimp with my Chcken Scampi too!!
homebrewer_99 said:
...and "scampi" is Italian for "shrimp"...There's no such meal called "Shrimp Shrimp".

It p1sses me off that I get no shrimp with my Chcken Scampi too!!

We have a Table Mesa Rd here and a Picacho Peak.

Table Table Road.
Peak Peak.
onecolumbyte said:
Ok, I had to jump in when it got to motorcycles, WTH is with earsplitting straight pipes? I appreciate the low rumble of a well tuned exhaust as much as any gear-head, but what's up with the guy on the two cylider harley with 3 foot long 4 inch headers whacking the throttle while we wait at the stoplight??? I got a car with decent insulation and all the windows up and the damn sound waves are crushing my head.
AND it not just harleys either. some dumbs**t nearby has a crotch rocekt and I SWEAR he cut open the can and just pulled out the packing and put it back together. It sounds like a coffee can with some pennies rattling around. BUT LOUD
AND it's not just street bikes, what's with the off road spodes that think a 105 dB can on their 525 makes them any faster?? The best thing they could do to be faster is lose the damn beer gut.

k. I feel better.

AMEN BROTHER ! Great post !
What about people thinking any beer other than BMC is 'foreign' and 'un-american'. what happened to supporting local business? has wal-mart blinded everyone in this country!? do you know who owns BMC, and where alot of their ingredients and corporate resources are from!? I am sick of seeing all the signs, stickers, and reminders of people that 'Anheiser-Busch is the only all-american brewery, drink anything else and your shipping jobs overseas". these seem to be the same people that shop at a national chain to save 4 cents on a box of screws and say, "what a shame" when the local hardware store that was family owned for 127 years finally closes down.

Or in contrast the beer snob phenomenon that is starting to take root that only foreign beer is good. I mean hell it's cool you are drinking something other than BMC but why do you spend a ton of money for a beer because it's from the UK and you didn't even know there were 4 brewpubs in your general area and 3 micros in your state that have won multiple world beer cup medals?!!! The trend of buying a case of beer that is $42 and not even knowing what the hell it is:

Person at party: "Hey what kind of beer is that?"
Person with beer: "I don't know, it's not American though so it tastes better than yours."

or the trend of people thinking that being drunk is taboo in general. the increase on banning booze at any public event, party, park, or community center.

or the trend in banning smoking in bars. i don't smoke, but i don't give a crap if you smoke in a bar. no i don't want to taste smoke when i'm eating my salmon at the local restaurant, but a FREAKING BAR? c'mon people, you've managed to ban vices into hiding places far enough, now your trying to ban them for good? go home and watch american idol.

or maybe the person in line at the fast food joint that orders the triple meat with extra cheese minus lettuce and tomato supersized with an extra large diet coke. Seems i usually overhear them talking about consipiracies of contaminated water and radiation because they are in the doctor every week and need 30 different medications to keep them alive.

[edit] or what about the bars arguing when they have, "$1 off domestic draughts 3-7 PM" and I ask why I'm being charged full price for a sam adams? I have actually had a bar manager argue that Sam Adams was not a domestic beer! Waitresses I can understand, I don't even ask them since it usually results in a deer-in-headlights look, but a manager!? c'mon!

A good conversation I had once:

Me "So, domestics are only $2 draughts during happy hour? I'd like an oberon."
Waitress "Sure, thats not discounted with happy hour though"
Me "Why not isn't that domestic?"
Waitress "No it's not"
Me "Oh so who makes Oberon?"
Waitress "Bell's" Looking at me like I should know since I ordered it
Me "So where is Bell's located?"
Waitress "Here in Michigan somewhere"
I continue to smack my forehead.
How about people who wait until after they have won an item on EBAY to ask their question about the item, as if they now can bargain the price down. Once you win the item it's YOURS and you should read the description better.
or the trend in banning smoking in bars. i don't smoke, but i don't give a crap if you smoke in a bar. no i don't want to taste smoke when i'm eating my salmon at the local restaurant, but a FREAKING BAR? c'mon people, you've managed to ban vices into hiding places far enough, now your trying to ban them for good? go home and watch american idol.

I'll argue with you on this, on a couple fronts.

Cigarette smoke causes cancer. And people have to work in that environment. Locally a bar maid that worked in bars for 30 years and never smoked now has lung cancer. I find that kind of sad. Nobody made her work in a bar, I know but there still has to be safety in the workplace.

I used to hate coming home from a bar and smelling like smoke. I'm really glad that bars have gone none smoking. Cigarette smoke really seems to bother my eyes. I'm astonished at how much more I enjoy going out now that the bars are smoke free.

I don't mean to infringe on people's right to smoke. I just don't want their smoke on me.
People who think that skunky taste in green bottled imports is supposed to be there.

People who will only drink imports in green bottles because they look "imported. (budvar aka czechvar is now shipping in green 500ml bottles instead brown ones in order to compete now - and skunky taste is now prevalent)

Liqour stores that place bottled beer neer windows.

People who hate Trailer Park Boys. Seriously wtf, how can you not love those guys. :D
Dennys Fine Consumptibles said:
People who hate Trailer Park Boys. Seriously wtf, how can you not love those guys. :D

You know, I've heard of people like that. Some may call them a myth or an urban legend, but I've heard a friend of mine say that his wife doesn't like TPB. Of course she was pregnant for the last nine months so we can forgive a little instability. In my house, we're always looking for the big easy...
Flyin' Lion said:
How about people who wait until after they have won an item on EBAY to ask their question about the item, as if they now can bargain the price down. Once you win the item it's YOURS and you should read the description better.

Ive done that. Only because I didnt want to 'alert' other potential buyers to the auction, and the seller had some discrepancyies in the description I hadnt noticed untill after the auction ended. (It wasnt untill after some research that the discrepancy was discovered, turned out it was just a mistake on his part.) People were so scketched because of this discrepancy that (I think) they were fearfull of bidding. I ended up saving 600 bucks!
Cheesefood said:
WTF is up with going to a concert and the singer expecting the CROWD to sing the song? Seriously! Who's getting paid here? I paid to hear YOU sing the song, not for you to point the mic at the crowd and expect US to sing it.

Lazy *******.

Oh, yes, you hit the nail on the head here, Cheese'

I also hate it when the singer is so drunk he's sounding like crap. I mean, as a rock star, it's kind of expected that you're going to be tanked, but at least have some restraint until the after party to over-indulge.
WTF is with commercials on satellite radio? Not all stations have them, but some do. I pay my monthly fees to listen to whatever channel theme I've selected, not to be subjected to yet another barrage of inane bull****. If you're going to pump that crap at me, make the the damn thing free, or at least much cheaper than the monthly fee I'm paying TO NOT LISTEN TO THAT CRAP!!!
desiderata said:
Oh, yes, you hit the nail on the head here, Cheese'

I also hate it when the singer is so drunk he's sounding like crap. I mean, as a rock star, it's kind of expected that you're going to be tanked, but at least have some restraint until the after party to over-indulge.

Why do you think they make the audience sing all the songs?

Fingers said:
WTF is with commercials on satellite radio? Not all stations have them, but some do. I pay my monthly fees to listen to whatever channel theme I've selected, not to be subjected to yet another barrage of inane bull****. If you're going to pump that crap at me, make the the damn thing free, or at least much cheaper than the monthly fee I'm paying TO NOT LISTEN TO THAT CRAP!!!

Yeah. No kidding. Advertyised as "commercial free" and half the channels are full of f'ing ads!! (sirius radio at least)
Fingers said:
WTF is with commercials on satellite radio? Not all stations have them, but some do. I pay my monthly fees to listen to whatever channel theme I've selected, not to be subjected to yet another barrage of inane bull****. If you're going to pump that crap at me, make the the damn thing free, or at least much cheaper than the monthly fee I'm paying TO NOT LISTEN TO THAT CRAP!!!
I hear you!!! I HATE THAT!!!

WTF is up with text messaging? First of all, I bought a cell phone so that I could call people...not so that I could take pictures, make memos, and send text messages. It's MUCH easier just to call someone than to text message them! If you're in the car, get a freakin' ear piece if you need to use your cell phone...and DON'T try to type text messages!

But, if my phone is equipped to take pictures, memos, and messages, why should I have to pay extra to take advantage those features? And WHY THE F*** should I have to pay when someone text messages me?!?!

Along with text messaging...why do ppl needlessly abbrev stuf wen they're not txtng?

Why do people intentionally misspell words like prolly, gurl, teh, etc? It makes you look F***ING stupid!
Whats up with the American public becoming so d*#$ dependant on the government for protection.

"Just remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
olllllo said:
WTF is up with people washing thier hands at the soda fountain at COSTCO.

They have bathrooms with sinks AND soap.

I love ALL your rants about Costco, of course its so funny because they're true. The first long one was especially funny. The carts being above average in size does not help with any of the situations.

My WTF is people saying "exspecially" there's no 'x' or 'c' in there people, its an 's'!
... and along the same vein, you don't 'borrow' your electric drill to your friend, you 'loan' it to him! He borrows it from YOU!

If you keep hearing these things over and over, you don't become fustrated, you become frustrated. With an 'R'!!!!

Canadians don't say 'Aboot'. Some on the east coast may do that, but regional accents are REGIONAL!!! Canada is a larger land mass than the US and we don't expect New Yorkers to sound the same as people from Alabama. Why do so many Americans think WE all have the same accent?
landhoney said:
I love ALL your rants about Costco, of course its so funny because they're true. The first long one was especially funny. The carts being above average in size does not help with any of the situations.

My WTF is people saying "exspecially" there's no 'x' or 'c' in there people, its an 's'!

hehe, almost as bad as "supposubly" or "axe you a question".