WTF: Help me understand this recent cultural phenomena

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Yuri_Rage said: you have any genuine interest in anything this site has to offer, or are you just here to troll?

I smell a ban coming on...


And since she quoted me: Please don't clog up our website with your off topic banter! :D

What is up with the lady letting her 4-5 year old and her toddler share a RED BULL in the gate area just prior to boarding a 3+ hour flight at 7pm.

No, folks, I am NOT making this up.
That makes me shudder and yes, I have witnessed something similar. I was at a gas station and some woman got EACH of her 6-9 year old kids Red Bulls. Gee, wonder if that has anything to do with more kids getting diagnosed with ADHD these days.:mad:
Holy Hell. I've recently seen my 2-year old on a sugar rush. And that scared the crap out of me. A 4-year old on a plane with a Red Bull?

Glad I wasn't on that flight.
I'd personally like to know WTF is the deal with the Lifetime channel? Does anyone besides my old lady actually watch those after school specials they play 24/7?
And why do they insist on showing the "new" movies that the old lady has "only seen twice" during all the cowboys games?
WTF is with the is with all the soap, towells, and pillows that are "just for decoration"?
And can someone please explain to me why I had to spend $400 on china(dishes) just so they can sit in a cabnet and mock me while im fed reheated KFC on a paper plate?
DesertBrew said:


Ditto! I can't hit the mute button fast enough when that comes on.

My big WTF is people who carry on loud, personal cell phone conversations in public places. It seems like this is the Target store, the market- even my next door neighbor has these loud convos on her back porch. I'm thinking of buying one of those radio shack cell phone scrambler thingys...
I have heard that the prime cause of that is the lack of a feedback loop on cell phones. Regular phones have a feedback loop built in so that when you speak, you can hear your own voice in the receiver. That way you know how loud you sound on the other end.

Cell phones don't do that. So people are subconsciously prompted to speak louder because they are trying to make sure the other person can hear them.
You know, I never realized that about the feedback loop until now.

Something else I noticed about cellphone yakkers is that they might be in a noisier public environment. Perhaps they can't hear themselves as well due to the background noise and not having the feedback loop. In response, they talk louder to better hear themselves.

Thus, I conclude that compulsive cellphone abusers like to hear themselves talk. :D
Let's just have rant thread, shall we?

FedEx, cable TV, your ex, you name it.

I'll start:
I wish there were landmines along the dividing line for the carpool (HOV) lane. I CANNOT STAND people who think they are so superior that they can just cross into it wherever they want!!
As an ex-motorcycle rider, who was allowed by law to split lanes, this flat out scares me as I've seen a number of riders taken out by Mr. I. Am So Important That I Shouldn't Have To B. Stuck In Traffic With All You Commoners. BOOM! No loss of flesh of any value.

Your turn.
I hate that there is so much bad brewing information on the net, at LHBS, and even in kit instructions. I am not talking about teenage hooch makers, I'm talking about folks who genuinely would like to make beer but have been given bad information from souces that should know better. I figure the lucky ones are the folks that find HBT. Most of them are willing to listen but way too often it is too late for their first experience in home brewing.
<end rant>
I hate:

- People who think they can drive and talk on the phone, Most people can hardly driven when paying attention, let alone while distracted.
- Noisy neighbors
- Crappy managers
- buying beer that turns out to be stale, skunked, or have the caps start corroding inside.

That's all that comes to mind right now.
National Public Radio.

The pretentious breathy drawl of every announcer on there makes my skin crawl whenever I accidentally scroll past an NPR station.

I mean honestly, who, besides native Spanish speakers, rolls their "R's" when pronouncing Nicaragua? Yep, pretentious NPR announcers do.
I hate threads that try to take a rather broad subject matter and roll it into one thread.
I hate those stupid "no-spill" gas can spouts! They shoot the gas out sideways. How is that NOT going to spill and splash? Never seemed to have a problem with spilling my gasoline until those came out.
I hate the way you talk to me,

and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car,

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots

and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick,

it even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way you&#8217;re always right,

I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh,

even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when you&#8217;re not around,

and the fact that you didn&#8217;t call.

But mostly I hate the way I don&#8217;t hate you,

not even close&#8230;

not even a little bit&#8230;

not even at all.
kornkob said:
I hate threads that try to take a rather broad subject matter and roll it into one thread.
Hey, one stop shop. Sure beats weeding through 3 pages of threads of "hate" just to get to the good stuff. Appreciate yur opinion......*coughblowmecough* :D
I only really HATE one thing, I am annoyed by many thing, but the HATRED comes out for the following..

Inconsiderate/arrogant/oblivious Arseholes who think that the rules do not apply to them/ they are more important than you.

You know the ones.. they park in handicap spaces or Taxi ranks, they step into a queue to "talk to a mate" and stay there so they can get served ahead of everyone else, make a big deal to get a better seat on a plane or in a restaurant, with NO respect for anyone around them.
I hate how no one ever seems to use this smiley in their posts: :fro: . I'm not sure what it means... is it a Rastafarian? A gay clown? Maybe I need to do some research on the meaning of internet smilies, but whatever it is, I really think we need to use it more. I'll start: :fro:
WTF is with the UGG Boots, I see the dam things everywhere, and they are F***K**G UGGly!

When they were invented in Australia a few years ago now, they were a way to keep your feet warm after coming out of the surf. Let's face it, other than thongs (you call them flip flops or something stupid - real men (Australians) call them thongs, not those stupid undies you wear half way up your bung hole) - real surfing men don't wear sox. Just thongs and Ugg boots. It was also a good way to use up some of the millions of excess sheep skins we kind of accumulate down here. Yes, they were a post surfing accessory. Now, well America tried to steal the copyright name (UGG) but we beat you you thieving bastards !

Is that a good enough rant ?
Fatgodzilla said:
When they were invented in Australia a few years ago now, they were a way to keep your feet warm after coming out of the surf. Let's face it, other than thongs (you call them flip flops or something stupid - real men (Australians) call them thongs, not those stupid undies you wear half way up your bung hole) - real surfing men don't wear sox. Just thongs and Ugg boots. It was also a good way to use up some of the millions of excess sheep skins we kind of accumulate down here. Yes, they were a post surfing accessory. Now, well America tried to steal the copyright name (UGG) but we beat you you thieving bastards !

Is that a good enough rant ?

Wait wait wait. Your telling us that DUDES wear those stupid things in Australia, and you're proud of that fact????? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! What a bunch a flamers!! ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Why is there brail on drive up ATM's?????

Going out on limb Im going to say because when the make an ATM they make them all the same. They don't make drive up, walk up, and in store ATM's and stack them in different places.

However if you find a drivers test in brail now you have something to question. :fro:
GaryA said:
Going out on limb Im going to say because when the make an ATM they make them all the same. They don't make drive up, walk up, and in store ATM's and stack them in different places.

However if you find a drivers test in brail now you have something to question. :fro:

Thanks! :fro:
WTF is up with super-bright headlights on cars? Those halogen lights are more than annoying, they are dangerous to oncoming drivers. And now Sylvania has a new super-bright wide-spray replacement light everyone can get. Pretty soon I'll have to wear my sunglasses at night, too.

And on a related topic, WTF is up with SUV drivers who drive around with their fog lights on even when its not foggy. ID10T.
cowgo said:
I mean honestly, who, besides native Spanish speakers, rolls their "R's" when pronouncing Nicaragua? Yep, pretentious NPR announcers do.

Alex Trebec does. As soon as I ready your post I though of him saying was so funny when he did it. :rockin:
Here are a few that I really cause me to scratch my head:

WTF is up with:

1. Body hair phobia. The younger generation nowadays seems to think that both women and men (the latter of which I really can't understand) should have bodies which are entirely hairless other than their head, and, in the case of men, their faces. I'm sorry, folks, but the only thing I'm shaving is my face.

2. (Seconding an old post by EdWort) fat chicks wearing clothes that are too tight so their fat bulges out all over.

3. Along the same lines, fat chicks with ugly tatoos and a thong hanging out of their jeans.

4. Excessive road rage. Where did all of this come from?

News flash: if someone cuts you off while changing lanes, chances are that they didn't do it on purpose. Get over it. If you unintentionally cut someone off, do you want some nut going postal on you for something that was just an accident?
Beerthoven said:
WTF is up with super-bright headlights on cars? Those halogen lights are more than annoying, they are dangerous to oncoming drivers. And now Sylvania has a new super-bright wide-spray replacement light everyone can get. Pretty soon I'll have to wear my sunglasses at night, too.

And on a related topic, WTF is up with SUV drivers who drive around with their fog lights on even when its not foggy. ID10T.

you are one of those people who don't like the HID's that cars are coming with now, they are replacing the halogens because you can see so much better than you could before. I like them, and halogens are teh suck IMHO :D