Why do Jolly Pumpkin dregs make the beer sour?

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Jun 3, 2013
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In my experience, if I add JP dregs to ferment my wort it will make it slightly sour. Why is this?

My understanding is that:
Brett shouldn't produce sour beer unless stressed or in the presence of oxygen.
Lacto shouldn't survive in a wort with IBU > 8 - or is this just true for the White Labs/Wyeast strains?

Is it pedio?

Also brett will sour things. Not as quickly/effectively as lacto or pedio, but given enough time, it will make acetic acid.
Yeah, what I suspected. Hopefully the bigger yeast labs will release more aggressive strains.
With some newer yeast companies popping up (The Yeast Bay, Gigayeast, etc) I think they'll probably corner the super-bugs before WL or WY will. What the big 2 make, sells, and is consistent. Homebrewers tend to be one of 2 sides....super safe/consistent or experimenters. I have a feeling the new companies will cater to the later (well I hope anyways).

What ever is in the air in Dexter, keep it coming. LOVE using JP dregs