What proportions to use for a corn syrup substitute?

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Dec 26, 2008
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Hello everyone!
I've only got one AG batch under my belt and for my second AG batch I'm trying a Smithwick's Clone. The sticky point for me is the "corn syrup". I can't seem to find "brewer’s" corn syrup in a reasonable sized quantity and I read in this forum that I should stay away for typical "grocery store" corn syrup. I've also read I could use corn sugar, corn starch, flaked maize or Carapils malt (not too sure about the carapils) as a substitute. My question is what proportion would I use of one of these substitutes for a given amount of brewer’s corn syrup? In my case (try not to gasp as you read this) I'm need to substitute 2lbs of brewer’s corn syrup.

Here is what I'm trying:
5gal batch
7.5lbs Maris Otter 76%
.375lbs Roasted Black Barley 4%
2lbs Corn Syrup (or not!) 20%
1.5oz Fuggles
.5 Kent Goldings
Irish Ale Yeast

I couldn't really find a solid clone anywhere so I took a few of the better ones I found and blended them together. I figure this should be a good starting point.

Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated. I've already learned so much from this forum! Thanks!
For the most part, I went ahead and tried what I had planned originally and added 1.5lbs of corn sugar to the wort once I had it boiling. I'll let you all know how it turns out in a few months.
That sounds fine. I've never used corn syrup in brewing, so I'd only be guessing if I said I knew the amount to sub, though.

Let us know how it comes out!
As an experiment, I added a little corn syrup to the AG Vienna Ale I brewed last Thursday to bump up the OG to 1.051. It was only about a cup, my efficiency was pretty decent. I didn't want to bust open a 4 pound bag of corn sugar for just a dab and the corn syrup was handy.

We will see how it turns out in a couple of weeks...
your grocery store might have Lyles Golden Syrup on hand...IICR, that's just an invert sugar syrup that shows up in a bunch of brew recipes.
Thanks for the input everyone. The only corn syrup I can find locally is the Karo, but I'll keep my eyes open for your suggestion. I too was trying to raise the OG and ended up with 1.043, but I was shooting for 1.048 - 1.052. However, I had a malfunction with my wort chiller resulting in the lower OG. The hose clamp wasn't tight enough and water started leaking into the wort. I ended up with an extra gallon of water in the wort before I noticed it. Not knowing what to do I ended up bringing my now 6.5gal of wort to a boil for 10min and then started to chill it again. I'm not actually at home now, and I won't get back for another 5 weeks. However, the wife is keeping an eye on it for me and she said it's fermenting quite well.

Thanks again!
I brewed up a clone of this last year, here is my notes. Not sure how the formatting will come out.

20080802 - Smithwicks
86.8 % 8.90 Two-row Pale 44.9 2.9
7.3 % 0.75 Crystal 60L 3.5 8.2
2.4 % 0.25 CaraPils 1.1 0.1
2.4 % 0.25 Wheat Malt 1.3 0.1
1.0 % 0.10 Roasted Barley 0.4 8.2
% Wt Weight Hop Form AA% AAU Boil Util IBU
42.9 % 0.75 Willamette Pellet 5.5 4.1 60 0.277 15.6
28.6 % 0.50 East Kent Pellet 4.1 2.1 30 0.213 6.0
28.6 % 0.50 East Kent Pellet 4.1 2.1 5 0.055 1.5

OG: 1.046 EFF: 76% ABV: 5.3
FG: 1.009 EST: 1.012

20080816 Racked to secondary SG: 1.010 Wet towel in bathroom.
20080822 Moved to kegerator for crash cool.
20080828 Racked to keg - 30lb co2 pressure. Tasty, light.
20080830 Put on tap #1.
20080913 Target Age.
20080921 Brought to Friends party - keg floated quick.

06:30 Started heating water. 2 camden tablets.
- Note, this is to adjust my local water, now I use only one.
07:50 Mashin 3.5 gal 170F water bed 151F
08:30 Stirred Temp down to 147F Added 2qt hot water bed 150F.
09:05 First runnings 2.2 gals - 1.063 15 brix
09:20 First batch sparge 2.2 gals @ 188F - Bed to 160F.
09:30 Second runnings 2.2 gals - 1.036
09:45 Second batch sparge 3 gal @ 190F - Bed to 167F.
09:55 Third runnings 3 gals - 1.019
10:10 Preboil SG 1.042 ??
10:40 Boil - two pots 5gal / 2gal. Hopped with
.7 oz Amarillo/Willamette mix 5% AAU (60 min)
.5 oz NZ East Kent Goldings 4.1% AAU (30 min) 11:10
IC, Nutriant (15 min)
.5 oz NZ East Kent Goldings 4.1% AAU (5 min)

12:00 85F, 13:45 - Racked on yeast cake from blonde.

Batch sparge with 2.5 gal at 190F

Don't know if this helps, but it tasted pretty good.
Thanks Kauai Kahuna! I think I'm going to take another stab at it again sometime so your notes are greatly appreciated. There's a lot of info there!