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Funny, I love winter due to leaving my beer in the garage and not worrying. I also went to the market and drove around all day with milk and some frozen stuff without issue. But it is cold here...very cold.

So brew day...what time? :D Is this the Gose?

Need SoS

I was planning to send you SoS.
Sweet paddle

I was on a flight for a few hours and no one's given Remmy a hard time about being MIA for the last few days yet?
What's a Remmy?

Whelp, this is about to bring me some flames
   


Derived from the word remtard. Means absolute idiot, or retard.

Rem dog on bad education

Person 1: mate, how are you and Jess going?
Person 2: you remmy! We broke up 2 months ago!

by Jags eh December 09, 2013

Thanks for clearing that up Urban Dictionary
Diver Down.

Made the mistake of opening the door to strangers earlier. Hey were some religious group. The lady started saying how crazy of a world it is, and said in my neighborhood there's kids killing parents and parents killing kids. At that point I was just figuring out a way to end the conversation.
Are you planning a step mash since the FM can be undermodified?

Drinking water.

I'm still pretty basic in my supplies and abilities. I'll be brewing BIAB and doing a 60 minute mash-in @ 149, with the wheat and Pilsner, then an additional 45 minutes @149F, with the acidulated malt. Then I'll do a kind of very basic sparge , running 170F water through a tube via a bottling bucket and over the drained BIAB bag and draining into the brew pot. From there, standard boil.

Drinking Diet Coke.
60/- earlier, and now Rye PA, and doing volume calculations for the batch I meant to do last Sunday morning, which was replaced by the batch I meant to brew last Saturday morning. So I'm brewing it tonight.

This Rye PA is definitely not my normal beer, but it's pretty f***ing good if I do say so myself. Definitely a rye beer though. Next time I'll probably reduce the rye down to 10-15% (this batch is 21%) and replace it with more Maris Otter.

Whelp, this is about to bring me some flames
   


Derived from the word remtard. Means absolute idiot, or retard.

Rem dog on bad education

Person 1: mate, how are you and Jess going?
Person 2: you remmy! We broke up 2 months ago!

by Jags eh December 09, 2013

Thanks for clearing that up Urban Dictionary

That's great - and accurate for that matter. One thing it doesn't say is fat ****. :D
First pour outta my keg so its a bit murky but mighty good!!!

Its a zombie dust clone,not fully carbed yet (only 5 days in) but I had to try it in my new glass!!!


Did you make that paddle yourself? All I did was drill some holes in a crawfish paddle, looks pretty lame in comparison. I have paddle envy now

I did make it myself. It was fun making up but, it did take up some time. Started off with a a piece of maple and a stencil. I used a router to jog out the centers and shape it. I Then carved out the pattern. It turned out pretty nice. It recently started to crack in some places. Might be time for a new one. This time I can use a duplicator jig.
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Surprised I've never had this before. Really good and smooth - can't tell all that alcohol is lurking in there.
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For @coldcrash :
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus justo nisi, gravida eu ligula eu, auctor commodo mauris. Etiam rutrum vehicula aliquet. Duis vitae feugiat diam. Maecenas id nunc semper, gravida diam eu, pellentesque nunc. Etiam imperdiet id orci non ultrices. Cras ut erat ut diam accumsan imperdiet. Morbi non placerat urna. Praesent sed molestie justo. Donec mattis hendrerit lacus a porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse urna dolor, dapibus sit amet commodo in, maximus a metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Donec eu pellentesque lorem. Nulla rutrum venenatis quam eget maximus. Aliquam id suscipit felis. Aenean ipsum eros, vulputate vel dui ac, sollicitudin congue libero. Aenean vestibulum elementum velit dignissim consectetur. Aenean efficitur euismod erat a ornare. Donec venenatis magna at sagittis maximus. Ut odio magna, porttitor non interdum eget, vestibulum ut libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque commodo ante mollis nisl posuere bibendum. Suspendisse et ante nec leo porttitor molestie at ac metus. Donec ante nisi, blandit eget risus a, porttitor lacinia augue. Nullam feugiat id lectus non convallis.

Vestibulum odio quam, faucibus quis egestas eu, accumsan et nisl. Donec vitae eros ut sapien facilisis tempor sit amet in tortor. Nulla ut nunc ut neque pellentesque gravida vel vitae diam. Aliquam ut aliquet ex. Pellentesque et vehicula felis, a mattis neque. Sed at nulla luctus, semper tortor a, scelerisque odio. Donec dignissim, sem vel hendrerit elementum, arcu nibh luctus odio, in convallis justo elit nec magna. Praesent erat justo, fringilla non faucibus molestie, molestie vel tortor.

Nullam commodo consectetur mi in vehicula. Duis eget elementum sapien, sit amet aliquet lacus. Nullam ex nisl, finibus eget mi sit amet, consequat convallis enim. Quisque euismod elit ut turpis imperdiet, nec scelerisque leo lacinia. Aliquam eget nisi neque. Curabitur quis accumsan purus. Donec ac nisi malesuada, volutpat lectus non, ornare urna. Sed pulvinar mi ac ante interdum venenatis. Aenean ultrices gravida sem, in interdum elit. Curabitur quis malesuada ligula. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer vulputate consectetur libero vitae rutrum. Sed nec dui nisl. Curabitur ac imperdiet eros. Sed nec purus velit. Donec lectus nisl, interdum quis auctor euismod, sagittis et risus.

Aenean porta augue placerat ipsum vestibulum, at consequat felis elementum. Vivamus dignissim efficitur augue, sed facilisis odio rutrum consequat. Pellentesque fringilla felis a odio tempor volutpat. Mauris sit amet bibendum massa. Sed lectus erat, mattis nec nibh vitae, sollicitudin luctus neque. Quisque eu pharetra orci. Vestibulum suscipit et ligula sed tincidunt. Vestibulum ornare, urna ac feugiat feugiat, velit enim efficitur lectus, et mattis nisi augue ut ex. Etiam nec massa at nulla tempor porta. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam bibendum, nulla id tristique sodales, eros nunc molestie lectus, at faucibus quam eros sed augue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec vestibulum quam felis, nec varius metus tincidunt ac. Sed bibendum venenatis vestibulum.