Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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Annoying co-workers: My last relief before I retired as an offshore rig welder weighted about 360, about 200 pounds more than me. I had a pretty long run of working in ballast tanks each hitch repairing piping. (He couldn't fit through the hatch).

But that's not the bad part. If there was a particularly tough job (mirror welding or working in the bilge) he would say the space was too tight even when it wasn't.
we have this guy on night shift that brags about how good he is and how much he get gets done a night. the reason he can get a bunch of stuff welded is because he doesn't take the time to put parts in the right places, doesn't make an effort to make decent welds, nor does he clean (knocking off any spatter and/or mill scale) his parts before sending them to paint. I called him out on it yesterday on the loading dock bumpers I was tacking up for the other guys to weld (another rant). I told him that he needs to clean all the spatter off before he sends to paint and all the parts he welded the previous night had spatter everywhere. he looks at me about sideways and says, "Hhhmmm... Nooo..." I come a little unhinged and told him not to lie to me because I checked those parts over myself. take a little pride in your work or GTFO.
gonna bullet list this to keep it readable...

guy complains about being broke all the time but spends $5 on bojangles daily...

got arrested less than 2 weeks ago for not wearing seatbelt, expired tag, suspended license and pot in the car...why would you have pot in a car with expired tag?

came to work yesterday driving girlfriend's car (license still suspended)...yeah, her tag expired in OCTOBER (7 months ago)....OMG, I could write a book on this guy's stupidity....sadly his GF has 2 kids by 2 dads...he has 3 kids by 3 moms....he's 40, she's 37 and one of her daughters had a baby 6 months ago and made 2 guys take paternity tests (both came back negative)....this stuff would be absolutely hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
I work on a computer help desk. My annoying coworker that I have reported on several times already in this thread did another one that I have to share. One of the trouble tickets that he made yesterday got sent back due to not enough information and not being clear and of course we can no longer assign them back to him so I got it to work on. Here is the entire problem description. "Computer is running very slow to logon it take him around 5min. After it login him the it still some time for app to open up"

Say what? I think I have figured out what he was getting at, but seriously? I want to say this about it.

And what the hell is up with the underlined part. Lets just throw words out until I find the right one.
When they tell someone a 10-15 minute story about their kids going to college...

Then proceed to repeat the story to five other people throughout the day. Do some work and stop raping my ear holes.
The same person, previously mentioned...

Gave her a completed package of upwards of 500 drawings that I've been working on for almost a year.
She asks where the other one is. Actually asked where one more drawing is... five minutes away. Apparently I do not make her look good enough.
Love it when my boss goes out of his way to make people feel like sh*t. My trainees are taking the biggest qualification exam of their lives and they are already stressed to the point of tears, and he feels like its a good idea to make comments like "better hope you pass if you want to keep working here".. chuckles to himself and walks back into his office to put his feet on his desk. He hasn't done actual work since 2006
no one at my work drinks except one guy, and every time i have him over he gets **** faced, crashes on my couch, and has never pitched in for pizza or beer or anything

... i need better drinking buddies.
no one at my work drinks except one guy, and every time i have him over he gets **** faced, crashes on my couch, and has never pitched in for pizza or beer or anything

... i need better drinking buddies.

Sounds more like a parasite.
no one at my work drinks except one guy, and every time i have him over he gets **** faced, crashes on my couch, and has never pitched in for pizza or beer or anything

... i need better drinking buddies.

Easy fix. Start going to his place. Drink his booze, raid his fridge. Two can play that game.
People who disappear the minute the boss is gone but not a second sooner. Grow a spine and get some actual work done and you won't have to stick around to create the illusion of working hard.
Standing desks are the ultimate in bourgeois privilege.

"Boo hoo. My desk job is so easy that I feel the need to stand all day just to stay challenged."

**** off. Let's ignore the fact that we all went to college in the hopes that one day we would have a nice desk job instead of actually working on our feet all day. Remember how great your feet felt after standing for a 10 - 12 hour shift? I do. It wasn't a good feeling.

The guy in the cubicle next to me somehow convinced HR to pay for a standing desk even though weeks ago, HR sent out an email saying they wouldn't pay it without a doctors note. I understand if you have severe back pain from an accident or a chronic injury, but this kid is young (22) and is just fat.

It's bad enough that I can't stand his voice or even his face. Now I get to put up with him standing over our cubicle row all day. Except, EXCEPT, he only stands maybe for an hour total during the day. The rest of the time he sits in a tall stool with his feet up on his desk. The cost of this annoyance? $650. That's $650 that isn't going to be going to raises, improvements, anything. It's a total waste of money.

Everyone in this office who previously had a standing desk has been fired over the last year. I can only hope that this trend continues.

our entire building is electric standing desks - we are a large global brand in multiple industries - they are slowly rolling out the new approach across the various company sites... which includes:
flex-space working - standing/sitting/adjustable height desks, unassigned for most employees, small phone booth type offices for conference calls, larger spaces with video and whiteboards for larger meetings, community spaces for informal collaboration and so forth.

no assigned desk, we get lockers and such instead. personal belongings/mementos are not expected to be at workspaces. no cubicles either. and no offices along the windows. and no offices for anyone (including senior VPs, etc) everyone is equal and shares the same space and can see daylight - there's no wallboard obstructions to the daylight.

flexible work from home approach (since we are a global company, often workers are spending time in conference calls across timezones - you dont need to be in the office to do this)

no assigned desk phone -all desks have phones you can log into each day, all are automatically logged out at night. i use a BT headset with voip via the computer so have never used an office phone.

Im a designer so we do have an assigned desk in the design neighborhood because i have 2 monitors on arms in addition to the macbook.

i dont stand all say and i dont sit all day, i mix it up just because mixing it up feels better than sitting or standing all day. the purpose of the adjustable desk is not to have all the sitters stand. its to give people options. i work from home 2-3 days a week and from the office 2-3 days week on average. its easily the most unannoying, most comfortable, least political working space ive ever encountered. this is a company with over 100,000 employees worldwide.
our entire building is electric standing desks - we are a large global brand in multiple industries - they are slowly rolling out the new approach across the various company sites... which includes:
flex-space working - standing/sitting/adjustable height desks, unassigned for most employees, small phone booth type offices for conference calls, larger spaces with video and whiteboards for larger meetings, community spaces for informal collaboration and so forth.

no assigned desk, we get lockers and such instead. personal belongings/mementos are not expected to be at workspaces. no cubicles either. and no offices along the windows. and no offices for anyone (including senior VPs, etc) everyone is equal and shares the same space and can see daylight - there's no wallboard obstructions to the daylight.

flexible work from home approach (since we are a global company, often workers are spending time in conference calls across timezones - you dont need to be in the office to do this)

no assigned desk phone -all desks have phones you can log into each day, all are automatically logged out at night. i use a BT headset with voip via the computer so have never used an office phone.

Im a designer so we do have an assigned desk in the design neighborhood because i have 2 monitors on arms in addition to the macbook.

i dont stand all say and i dont sit all day, i mix it up just because mixing it up feels better than sitting or standing all day. the purpose of the adjustable desk is not to have all the sitters stand. its to give people options. i work from home 2-3 days a week and from the office 2-3 days week on average. its easily the most unannoying, most comfortable, least political working space ive ever encountered. this is a company with over 100,000 employees worldwide.

The company that I work for is rolling out this approach as well. It almost matches word for word your description. To say that none of the staff or management support it is an understatement. I highly suspect it's a way to get us to work from home so they don't have to pay for office space.

**** lockers, **** communal desks, **** all of that. We're not in kindergarten.
I found co-workers so annoying that I haven't had a job in 35 years........ My work ethic was "The company needs to make a profit for me to have a job" .......... Nothing more and nothing less. I "flew the flag", and everything I did was productivity / profit oriented, and my tolerance for those who didn't was zero or less. I always documented everything in terms of operations from my late teens onward..... What worked and why it worked, what didn't and why it didn't.. and that included "human liabilities, and every week a write up of my notes went to management...... and I'm sure many of them went into "file 13".......... Many didn't as I saw changes instituted........... I was the "co-worker from hell"........... You throw a monkey wrench into the works..........literal or figurative, and I'd jump in the middle of your "s__t", and you know for a fact that management will know. I regard business as a team, and the goal is to win..........I've never worked for a publicly traded company without owning stock in the company....... even if it's just a few shares..............

Unfortunately it's a losing battle........the world is full of idiots and ********........ I want to make it work...... it seems sometimes like everybody else wants to make it fail. I had a series of employees over the years since I quit working for other people......... until I got tired of dealing with the very same stupidity........ I learned that being a big shot with numerous people working for you generated more cash flow, and more problems, and sometimes more profit..... sometimes not. That "quality of life" deteriorates with complexity and complications.

I have many less customers these days, but the bond between us is far stronger, and the trust 100%.......... I don't promise what I can't deliver, and I deliver it with my own hands. My income is far less, but my freedom is far more. Customers know that if they have a crisis, I will put other plans on hold and leave no stone unturned in dealing with it....... And they pay well and willingly for what I offer. Self employment is not cake walk... it's a 24 / 7 commitment. If I'm hundreds or thousands of miles away when I get the call, I know what resources are available and deploy those resources relentlessly until the problem is solved......... People know that when they call me, the problem WILL be handled one way or another, wherever I am.......... And that's the foundation of my business.

I would not go back to a situation where I had "co-workers" for all the tea in China....I'm not a hard person to get along with.... If you are a team player. I will back you up every inch of he way ..........If you are NOT, I will destroy you without mercy, and never look back....... You will find me to be the co-worker from hell!! If you cheat, steal, sabatoge, etc........ Look out..... I'll get you! You may not work for or with me, but I am utterly relentless!! I've literally "fired" people who work for customers. "You are through here... You'd just as well "pack your bags", and in each of the several cases, it was "sound advice".............My relationship of trust with management was such that they were done. My tolerance for BS is zero!! I can be an absolute ******* when I need to be.

I'm not the "co-worker from hell"...........I'm far worse..........

The company that I work for is rolling out this approach as well. It almost matches word for word your description. To say that none of the staff or management support it is an understatement. I highly suspect it's a way to get us to work from home so they don't have to pay for office space.

**** lockers, **** communal desks, **** all of that. We're not in kindergarten.

assigning everyone a seat and requiring them to be there every day for attendance is far more school-like than a trusting environment where the work you do speaks for itself and you dont have the drama of who sits next to who and who has the window and so forth.

honestly i dont really use my locker at all - i dont have personal **** at work.

i do have a dedicated desk but thats the only difference between what design does and the rest of the org. there is one facility thats still a massive cube farm with numbers on the central support posts so you can find your way around and it is absolutely the most depressing, soul-killing environment ive ever seen. i can't understand how someone would prefer that 90's cube farm approach to workforce management...

its not kindergarten because youre exposed and you have to prove your value - so theres nowhere for the slackers and whatnot to hide.
we have an order of 100 for conveyor belt guards. they are all the same size and we have a fixture to set everything. on Monday night the guy guy working on them got 20 tacked up in 12 1/2 hours. yesterday I got 40 done in less than 12 hours. we had 40 left when he showed up last night. I told him what I got done and that I expect the same out of him. his response, "You have more experience than me." I told him that he did a very repetitive job for 12 1/2 hours and should know how to tack them by now. this is also the same guy that I made the trophy for after he made the video bragging about how good he is (which he never posted). we'll see what he got done and what his excuse(s) is(are).
I spend the first hour of my shift fixing everything second shift screwed up and get the line running good for an hour and a half after that... Then comes the relief operator and it's break time... Twenty minutes later I'm back on the floor and my line is down because he decided to mess with the settings on the scale and the bagger. Ugh.

Just leave my line alone!
I found co-workers so annoying that I haven't had a job in 35 years........ My work ethic was "The company needs to make a profit for me to have a job" .......... Nothing more and nothing less. I "flew the flag", and everything I did was productivity / profit oriented, and my tolerance for those who didn't was zero or less. I always documented everything in terms of operations from my late teens onward..... What worked and why it worked, what didn't and why it didn't.. and that included "human liabilities, and every week a write up of my notes went to management...... and I'm sure many of them went into "file 13".......... Many didn't as I saw changes instituted........... I was the "co-worker from hell"........... You throw a monkey wrench into the works..........literal or figurative, and I'd jump in the middle of your "s__t", and you know for a fact that management will know. I regard business as a team, and the goal is to win..........I've never worked for a publicly traded company without owning stock in the company....... even if it's just a few shares..............

Unfortunately it's a losing battle........the world is full of idiots and ********........ I want to make it work...... it seems sometimes like everybody else wants to make it fail. I had a series of employees over the years since I quit working for other people......... until I got tired of dealing with the very same stupidity........ I learned that being a big shot with numerous people working for you generated more cash flow, and more problems, and sometimes more profit..... sometimes not. That "quality of life" deteriorates with complexity and complications.

I have many less customers these days, but the bond between us is far stronger, and the trust 100%.......... I don't promise what I can't deliver, and I deliver it with my own hands. My income is far less, but my freedom is far more. Customers know that if they have a crisis, I will put other plans on hold and leave no stone unturned in dealing with it....... And they pay well and willingly for what I offer. Self employment is not cake walk... it's a 24 / 7 commitment. If I'm hundreds or thousands of miles away when I get the call, I know what resources are available and deploy those resources relentlessly until the problem is solved......... People know that when they call me, the problem WILL be handled one way or another, wherever I am.......... And that's the foundation of my business.

I would not go back to a situation where I had "co-workers" for all the tea in China....I'm not a hard person to get along with.... If you are a team player. I will back you up every inch of he way ..........If you are NOT, I will destroy you without mercy, and never look back....... You will find me to be the co-worker from hell!! If you cheat, steal, sabatoge, etc........ Look out..... I'll get you! You may not work for or with me, but I am utterly relentless!! I've literally "fired" people who work for customers. "You are through here... You'd just as well "pack your bags", and in each of the several cases, it was "sound advice".............My relationship of trust with management was such that they were done. My tolerance for BS is zero!! I can be an absolute ******* when I need to be.

I'm not the "co-worker from hell"...........I'm far worse..........


Are you hiring? :D
One of my coworkers always runs errands during her lunch break.

Coworker #1 - "I'm going to [PLACE] to [PERFORM ACTION]. Does anybody want anything while I'm there?"

Coworker #2 - "A million dollars."

Coworker #3 - "Make that two!"

Coworker #1 - *polite chuckle*

Coworkers #2 & #3 - *unreasonable amount of cackling*

Every. Goddamned. Day.

I think it's part of an organized plan to drive me mad.
Coworker #1 - "I'm going to [PLACE] to [PERFORM ACTION]. Does anybody want anything while I'm there?"

Coworker #2 - "A million dollars."

Coworker #3 - "Make that two!"

Coworker #1 - *polite chuckle*

Coworkers #2 & #3 - *unreasonable amount of cackling*

TheCADJockey - *unreasonably loud mocking laugh even though he wasn't involved*

I go through the same thing. I just join in the laughing, louder and prolonged after they stop. Until they look into my office, just to find me glaring, running a protractor across my throat while pointing at them.
I'm getting awfully tired of my coworkers asking me when I close on the house. I tell them every day we are waiting to find out, and I'll be taking vacation days immediately because I can not wait. They then continue to chortle and warn me that being a homeowner isn't fun and that there is always problems and its a money pit.

*****. Just because you don't know how to fix a cracked window, ripped screen, chipped floor or leaky pipe doesn't mean everyone else is equally as retarded and incompetent. Don't ask, every day, if you're just going to repeat your mind dribble.
People who disappear the minute the boss is gone but not a second sooner. Grow a spine and get some actual work done and you won't have to stick around to create the illusion of working hard.

Same person today: in the door at 9:30, out the door at 4 (the boss and team leader are on travel). Bet this person's time card reads 8+ hours too, they like Friday afternoons off...
I'm getting awfully tired of my coworkers asking me when I close on the house. I tell them every day we are waiting to find out, and I'll be taking vacation days immediately because I can not wait. They then continue to chortle and warn me that being a homeowner isn't fun and that there is always problems and its a money pit.

*****. Just because you don't know how to fix a cracked window, ripped screen, chipped floor or leaky pipe doesn't mean everyone else is equally as retarded and incompetent. Don't ask, every day, if you're just going to repeat your mind dribble.

You should just respond and say "oh, actually we're not going to close. I took your advice about the problems of homeownership, we broke the contract, and we're going to keep renting."

If you can manage to do it with a complete deadpan and straight face, I would *love* to hear the response!
I'm getting awfully tired of my coworkers asking me when I close on the house. I tell them every day we are waiting to find out, and I'll be taking vacation days immediately because I can not wait. They then continue to chortle and warn me that being a homeowner isn't fun and that there is always problems and its a money pit.

*****. Just because you don't know how to fix a cracked window, ripped screen, chipped floor or leaky pipe doesn't mean everyone else is equally as retarded and incompetent. Don't ask, every day, if you're just going to repeat your mind dribble.
Laugh at them. Do it directly in their faces. Loudly, and as obnoxiously as you can.

I'll never rent again in my life. Do they honestly think rental properties are somehow immune to the same problems a home has? A rental, when something breaks or goes wrong, you've got to tell the landlord, wait for them to care enough to do something about it, and then wait for the contractor to show up and fix it. When you own the place, you can fix it before it's broken, because it's your responsibility. If you've even a basic handy-man skill set, you can tackle a LOT of the "problems" that come up -- but you know this already.

And the money pit? Yeah, in the 9 years I've owned my house, I've probably put $20k into improvements and repairs. BUT, my mortgage payment was $15/month LESS than my rent was (for a smaller living space, at that), and I paid the mortgage off 3 months ago. Now I have the full value of the house as equity I can use as a down payment on the next house. If I had stayed in the apartment, there would be over $30,000 in rent checks I will never see again. Heck, even if when I sell this house, I LOSE $10,000 on it, I'm still over $20,000 ahead of if I had been renting.

(Yeah.... housing is cheap where I live. 900 sq ft, 2 bedroom house with attached garage, full basement, and 1/4 acre lot can be bought for under $40,000)
(Yeah.... housing is cheap where I live. 900 sq ft, 2 bedroom house with attached garage, full basement, and 1/4 acre lot can be bought for under $40,000)

Wow. Here, you can roughly add a zero to that number...

(Not like you'll find 1/4 acre lots... Here is a slightly larger 2bdr on 1/10 of an acre... Coming in for *more* than just adding a zero...)
I'm an armoured car guard and our setup is driver and custodian(partner) sit in the main cab together. We drive, stop, service, load, pickup, deliver etc as a pair for the whole 10 hour shift.

This one partner I am stuck with 10 hours a day 3x a week, doesn't STFU. I've been working with him for 2 years now, so it's been long enough that I've heard 95% of his stories which are drastically over exaggerated and catch him in lies daily.

The rest of the guards talk about it, they know what's up, and we all know what to expect when were scheduled with him, but nothing can be done. I've even told this guy straight up to stop talking so much. Especially when he should be guarding me while my face is in an ATM machine or were in a casino. He runs up beside me just to tell me a stupid beeping story.

Anyways... It's getting to the point where it's stressing me out and hopefully I don't gotta turn into an A hole to get the point across, but it's coming close to it.
Laugh at them. Do it directly in their faces. Loudly, and as obnoxiously as you can.

I'll never rent again in my life. Do they honestly think rental properties are somehow immune to the same problems a home has? A rental, when something breaks or goes wrong, you've got to tell the landlord, wait for them to care enough to do something about it, and then wait for the contractor to show up and fix it. When you own the place, you can fix it before it's broken, because it's your responsibility. If you've even a basic handy-man skill set, you can tackle a LOT of the "problems" that come up -- but you know this already.

And the money pit? Yeah, in the 9 years I've owned my house, I've probably put $20k into improvements and repairs. BUT, my mortgage payment was $15/month LESS than my rent was (for a smaller living space, at that), and I paid the mortgage off 3 months ago. Now I have the full value of the house as equity I can use as a down payment on the next house. If I had stayed in the apartment, there would be over $30,000 in rent checks I will never see again. Heck, even if when I sell this house, I LOSE $10,000 on it, I'm still over $20,000 ahead of if I had been renting.

(Yeah.... housing is cheap where I live. 900 sq ft, 2 bedroom house with attached garage, full basement, and 1/4 acre lot can be bought for under $40,000)

Agreed. Heck, if you want a great example of how much it is better to own if you are going to stick around for a while look at property values vs rental prices. Where I live (way expensive for what you get) the rental estimate on my house is >$300 higher than the estimated mortgage payment. That savings pays off my property taxes for the year and a little more as well. With me having roomates until I need more space I am saving even more. I pay maybe $500/month towards my mortgage per month, the rest is paid for me.

Wow. Here, you can roughly add a zero to that number...

(Not like you'll find 1/4 acre lots... Here is a slightly larger 2bdr on 1/10 of an acre... Coming in for *more* than just adding a zero...)

Yeah, same applies here. We have 1/4 acre lots and all here, but that extra 0 is there too.

I'm an armoured car guard and our setup is driver and custodian(partner) sit in the main cab together. We drive, stop, service, load, pickup, deliver etc as a pair for the whole 10 hour shift.

This one partner I am stuck with 10 hours a day 3x a week, doesn't STFU. I've been working with him for 2 years now, so it's been long enough that I've heard 95% of his stories which are drastically over exaggerated and catch him in lies daily.

The rest of the guards talk about it, they know what's up, and we all know what to expect when were scheduled with him, but nothing can be done. I've even told this guy straight up to stop talking so much. Especially when he should be guarding me while my face is in an ATM machine or were in a casino. He runs up beside me just to tell me a stupid beeping story.

Anyways... It's getting to the point where it's stressing me out and hopefully I don't gotta turn into an A hole to get the point across, but it's coming close to it.

Sounds to me like he is not doing his job. If you do not feel that he is properly guarding you should have every right to file a complaint with your employer. Unfortunately everyone knowing someone sucks/could be dangerous isnt enough. Documentation is really helpful. It sounds like you dont really care much what he thinks of you,
Laugh at them. Do it directly in their faces. Loudly, and as obnoxiously as you can.

I'll never rent again in my life. Do they honestly think rental properties are somehow immune to the same problems a home has?

Oh. Thats the part I left out.

I've been a landlord for 10 years. The property we currently have has a "cottage" and double next to it. It was seized when it was a drug house, my parents bought it mega cheap. I renovated the entire thing (both structures), live in one half of the double and rent out the other half and the cottage.

They know this. They still think somehow being a "homeowner" will discourage me back into the current hell I live in.

I've received calls at 3am saying they plugged their toilet and don't know what to do.

Every winter I tell them to leave their water trickle or their pipes will freeze. Get a call when I get home from work, saying their pipes are frozen because they forgot.

No thanks. I'm done babysitting.
Just hired a guy, and he will post NSFW updates for you if you walk away from the computer with Facebook open, even for a minute.
Just hired a guy, and he will post NSFW updates for you if you walk away from the computer with Facebook open, even for a minute.

Windows key + L. You are welcome. Locks the workstation so he can't play. Where I work, sending an email as someone else will get you fired.
Windows key + L. You are welcome. Locks the workstation so he can't play. Where I work, sending an email as someone else will get you fired.

This is actually a work requirement in my workplace. If you don't lock your workstation when you're away, even for a minute, you're liable to be red-teamed or scolded by a coworker. Did I mention that we're a HIPAA security section?

Really wish more people did this, even outside HIPAA-covered entities. It eliminates a lot of risk.
My boss refuses to speak to the employee directly below me in the hierarchy of our department.
Everything, and I mean everything, he channels thru me.

I can understand that practice in a large company, but we only have 15 people in this office, amongst all departments. There are only 4 total people in our department in the entire company.
Seems silly to me.

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