Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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I made the mistake of telling people I was selling my house.

Now every person I see asks me:
"Did you sell your house yet?"

I get it. You care. But seriously, STFU.
I made the mistake of telling people I was selling my house.

Now every person I see asks me:
"Did you sell your house yet?"

I get it. You care. But seriously, STFU.

Better then tellling them you are buying house/car/wristband. Did ya do this this and this.becuase thats how you get the deal/less screwed by the banks.
I made the mistake of telling people I was selling my house.

Now every person I see asks me:
"Did you sell your house yet?"

I get it. You care. But seriously, STFU.

just tell him ever since people founnd out about the meth lab in the basement no one will buy it
just tell him ever since people founnd out about the meth lab in the basement no one will buy it

They already know its a brewery.

At least now I don't hear "so when are you bringing us in some more beer to try?" anymore. Yeah, bringing you free beer so you can keep my bottles and not even bother to say thanks is really high on my list of priorities.

"Still waiting for those empties to come back." was my go-to response. Arseholes.
paulster2626 said:
They already know its a brewery.

At least now I don't hear "so when are you bringing us in some more beer to try?" anymore. Yeah, bringing you free beer so you can keep my bottles and not even bother to say thanks is really high on my list of priorities.

"Still waiting for those empties to come back." was my go-to response. Arseholes.

I get this a lot too. I mostly just exchange with the other couple of people in my office who brew. The one guy I gave some stuff to on his last day before leaving for another job. He half-joked at his going-away lunch within earshot of several other people, "I should've put your beer in the fridge so I could be drinking it right now."

Then I had to endure the "c'mon man, why didn't I get any beer?" from everyone else who heard. Well, for one I know for a fact you only drink Bud Light, and two, if I brought some for everyone in the office, I wouldn't get to enjoy my own handiwork. At least if I give beer to him, I get some of his in return.
They already know its a brewery.

At least now I don't hear "so when are you bringing us in some more beer to try?" anymore. Yeah, bringing you free beer so you can keep my bottles and not even bother to say thanks is really high on my list of priorities.

"Still waiting for those empties to come back." was my go-to response. Arseholes.

Sounds like you need to start kegging.
People who think that turning the fan on only while your in the bathroom and spray a little Lysol works.

Sorry but the air change rate for a fracking $20 Wal-mart fart fan is not that high, it just smells like **** and Lysol.:mad: Leave the freaking thing on and crack the door for flow through! I'll write a memo don't mess with me!

And wash your hands your a grown man!
This is for all of you!

Crap Drops
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Not necessary. As soon as my log starts coming out, my smell has overpowered any lingering odour that was already there.
Dude, you light the match post-log. Immediately before flush (so you can get rid of the match that way as well)
ID10T: "Yes, remember they switched rooms around? Derp McDerpington is now in room X and Derpina Derp is now in room Y."

I caught the ID10T thing.... reminds me of all those "user to keyboard interface errors" our customers would experience :tank:
Just got up to go to the bathroom and make my morning oatmeal. The 30' of hallway smelled of rancid B.O., as did the bathroom. Then I went into the lunch-room, which reaked of the same stench. I never saw him, but his presence was clearly marked. How fricking bad do you have to smell in order to leave lingering aroma everywhere you go?

I once overheard a convo he had on the phone with a rental car company. Apparently he had been to the location to look at options to rent a car while his was being repaired. The phone conversation went something like, "So you have cars available but you won't rent them to me?!?!"...............I wonder why....

Oh man I feel for you, I hate stinky people, why dont they get a clue and just shower ?

Cheers :mug:
On Wednesday one of my coworkers began his daily meltdown at 8:15 am. We started work at 8:00. As he is having the first of many daily tantrums, I'm thinking you have only been here 15 min. How can you possibly be that stressed out already. At some point he says, "If this keeps up I think I'm going to have a stroke" I was so close to blurting out please let me know a couple min ahead of time so I can step out of the area for a bit.

I finally just moved my stuff to another work area, and left him to piss, and moan to himself.... Now apparently I'm an a$$hole
The woman humming along to the same ten Top-40 songs every single day three feet away from me gets old real fast. Getting out of here ASAP for mostly other reasons.
Having to explain to a co-worker that has been in the industry for 17 yrs (and makes more money than me) that the insurance industry IS in fact regulated by the Department of Insurance (DOI) in EVERY state.

Or how about the Executive Director of Marketing that asked ' What's a whitepaper? '

Seriously?! FML.
On Wednesday one of my coworkers began his daily meltdown at 8:15 am. We started work at 8:00. As he is having the first of many daily tantrums, I'm thinking you have only been here 15 min. How can you possibly be that stressed out already. At some point he says, "If this keeps up I think I'm going to have a stroke" I was so close to blurting out please let me know a couple min ahead of time so I can step out of the area for a bit.

I finally just moved my stuff to another work area, and left him to piss, and moan to himself.... Now apparently I'm an a$$hole

That's the worst part. HR seems to take no responsibility for their failed hires (they seem like failed hires for the most part themselves). I just look at it as entertainment and laugh about the company wasting money. Though I get to work all day by myself.
How about when the guy in the cube across the aisle spends 15 minutes bitching about how much he has to put up with that day. He then repeats this 15-minute *****-fest to every person who enters his cube. News flash, buddy, you have it better than everybody within earshot of you, because we all have to listen to your broken record of constant complaining.
I love "no call/no shows", especially when it's the weekend and I'm on call... got woken up last night at 12:30 as he one moron failed to show up yet again for an overnight shift. Fortunately for me, the staff that was working worked a double instead of me having to come in... yippee

Pet peeve is asking them to do their job and getting attitude for it...
I love "no call/no shows", especially when it's the weekend and I'm on call... got woken up last night at 12:30 as he one moron failed to show up yet again for an overnight shift. Fortunately for me, the staff that was working worked a double instead of me having to come in... yippee

Pet peeve is asking them to do their job and getting attitude for it...

Seconded. I work Sunday from 3-11pm. Then come back in at 6:30 in the morning M-R. It really irks me when my relief is 30 minutes late every Sunday for the past year. One time she didnt even show up and I was the guy pulling the double. 16 hours is doable for me, anything over that is just cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention that since I am the single, competent guy with no children I am always tapped to work on major holidays or natural disasters.
FMLA has had to have been mentioned already, this slick gov't program gives coworkers unlimted call-offs to stick mates 16 hours.
grathan said:
FMLA has had to have been mentioned already, this slick gov't program gives coworkers unlimted call-offs to stick mates 16 hours.

It's not unlimited time off, it's 6 weeks. However the weeks don't need to be consecutive, but the validation for time off needs to be verified by a Dr. At least in CA.
How about when the guy in the cube across the aisle spends 15 minutes bitching about how much he has to put up with that day. He then repeats this 15-minute *****-fest to every person who enters his cube. News flash, buddy, you have it better than everybody within earshot of you, because we all have to listen to your broken record of constant complaining.

It's not unlimited time off, it's 6 weeks. However the weeks don't need to be consecutive, but the validation for time off needs to be verified by a Dr. At least in CA.

One guy at work breaks it down by the hour. I know I could have taken 12 weeks when my last was born.
What's up with people who always have poo-breath? I mean seriously - floss or something. It literally smells like there is a piece of poo in your mouth.
What's up with people who always have poo-breath? I mean seriously - floss or something. It literally smells like there is a piece of poo in your mouth.

That, and people who don't do a good job with the TP. It's disgusting when they walk through the room and they crop-dust the place with the smell of dookie. :mad:
I am more annoyed by people who would rather smell good rather than break a sweat. People who somehow think sitting at a desk can even remotely be called work.
Thats it! I am sick and tired of working at a desk in my shorts in the AC in my house with no one to complain about. You lucky buggers have it all! :p

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