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Was that Steve Ippolito's company - IPL?
Or Magnuson, maybe?
Not sure that Cambex ever got their 148 clone to market.
Then there was Amdahl, and later Trilogy...

I knew all those guys and worked with a few of them over the years.
I actually owe my career to Joe Kruy of Cambex (nee Cambridge Memories)...


It was a small company in New Jersey, Formation Inc.
Trying t figure this out. Does anybody else have issues with there temp sensors going below 32 degrees? When the temp of my glycol drops below 32 degrees something malfunctions and the temp reading changes to 7402 degrees. I first thought it was a bad sensor so I finally swapped it out with another one but its doing the same thing.
Trying t figure this out. Does anybody else have issues with there temp sensors going below 32 degrees? When the temp of my glycol drops below 32 degrees something malfunctions and the temp reading changes to 7402 degrees. I first thought it was a bad sensor so I finally swapped it out with another one but its doing the same thing.

Hi Chris,
It's a code problem in the TeensyNet.ino, I'm working on it right now.

What board version do you have?

Hi Chris,
It's a code problem in the TeensyNet.ino, I'm working on it right now.

What board version do you have?


OK, this should fix it :eek:

In the TeensyNet.ino file, find the "void updateChipStatus(int x)" function.

In that function find this code snippet
      // convert the data to actual temperature
        int raw = (chipBuffer[1] << 8) | chipBuffer[0];
        if( showCelsius == TRUE)
          if(chip[x].chipAddr[0] == 0xAA)
            chip[x].chipStatus = raw;
            chip[x].chipStatus = (int16_t) ((float)raw / 16.0);
          if(chip[x].chipAddr[0] == 0xAA)
            chip[x].chipStatus = (int16_t) ((((float)raw) * 1.8) + 32.0) ;
            chip[x].chipStatus = (int16_t) ((((float)raw / 16.0) * 1.8) + 32.0);

and replace it with this
      // convert the data to actual temperature
        int16_t raw = (chipBuffer[1] << 8) | chipBuffer[0];
        if( showCelsius == TRUE)
          if(chip[x].chipAddr[0] == 0xAA)
            chip[x].chipStatus = raw;
            chip[x].chipStatus =  raw >> 4;
          if(chip[x].chipAddr[0] == 0xAA)
            chip[x].chipStatus = ((raw * 9) / 5) + 32 ;
            chip[x].chipStatus =  (((raw >> 4) * 9) / 5) + 32;

Re-compile and upload to the teensy3.x

Let me know if that fixes it.
Assuming that you have a Raspberry Pi or other system with the database and Apache software:

If you want to monitor temperatures, all you need is a TeensyNet board, and some DS18b20 cables, or one or more of the thermocouple boards for a greater temperature range.

If you want to control temperatures, adding an action board to the above allows you to connect two SSR's to control the AC to your fermentation chamber, keezer, etc.

If you want a local display, one in addition to the web display, then use one of the display options.[/QUO

Since I've mentioned previously that I want to use this to control fermentation temps, are you talking about the MAX31850 Action Board when you talk about adding an action board? Also some DS18b20 cables....anything else? Any ideas on how to do the software end of this venture surely appreciated.....thanks again
pretty sure when he says action board he is talking about the action board he designed that allows you to put 2 of the ds2406 chips on a board. The software end is not that hard to get going. I have very little programing experience and was able to get it running without to many issues.
pretty sure when he says action board he is talking about the action board he designed that allows you to put 2 of the ds2406 chips on a board. The software end is not that hard to get going. I have very little programing experience and was able to get it running without to many issues.

thanks Chris, I overlooked that one for a possible solution....got any pointers or links on how to do the software as I don't have a clue as to where to start....thanks Jim for the clarification on the MAX31850 usage
Jim can you tell me what goes in the cable1 and cable2 slots on the right and left side of the Action Combo Board &#8211; V8 ? They are called DATA but also are the ones for the DS18B20 at the top. And where or what do they attach to? Thanks
They are connections for the 1 wire lan you can connect ds18B20 temp sensors to it or another action board. I followed the instructions on the teensynet website to load the program onto the board and loaded one of the images onto a micro sd card for the pi. I had a few minor glitches but Jim was prompt in helping me figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.
Thanks Chris....been following the TeensyNet and got to the loading of the ino file and seeing if it would compile....have some errors of missing *.h includes so must have something in the wrong place or missing...working on what's wrong....thanks
Did you try shutting down the IDE program and restarting it. I got come compiling errors the first time to and restarting it fixed it.
did you down load the teensynet libraries zip file from my github and extract it to your sketchbook/ libraries directory? it looks like that's what's missing.
Here's the way I have my folders set up, see pic attached:
In the TeensyNet is where the ino file is located.

Just noticed that the first line in the PDF say that the selected board is "Arduino Leonardo", it should be either "Teensy3.0" or "Teensy3.1", depending on your teensy board.
Thanks Jim...that made a tremendous difference in the number of errors that I get, but still have one....
Arduino: 1.0.6 + Td: 1.20 (Windows NT (unknown)), Board: "Teensy 3.1"
F:\Arduino\hardware\tools\arm-none-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-g++ -c -g -Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mcpu=cortex-m4 -DF_CPU=96000000 -MMD -DUSB_VID=null -DUSB_PID=null -DARDUINO=106 -mthumb -nostdlib -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=120 -fno-rtti -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH -IF:\Arduino\hardware\teensy\cores\teensy3 -IF:\Arduino\libraries\PID_v1 -IF:\Arduino\libraries\EEPROM -IF:\Arduino\libraries\OneWire -IF:\Arduino\libraries\SPI -IF:\Arduino\libraries\Ethernet -IF:\Arduino\libraries\EthernetBonjour -IF:\Arduino\libraries\t3mac -IF:\Arduino\libraries\FastWire -IF:\Arduino\libraries\I2CEEPROMAnything C:\Users\dleec45\AppData\Local\Temp\build3302591669915189343.tmp\TeensyNet.cpp -o C:\Users\dleec45\AppData\Local\Temp\build3302591669915189343.tmp\TeensyNet.cpp.o TeensyNet.ino:75:29: fatal error: Teensy_MCP23017.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Ok, just downloaded the new version and placed the new code as shown below, but still get an error as shown in attached file, still not finding same code as previous although it is there as shown in the file contents.....thanks Jim for you help

View attachment TeensyNetErrorLogpdf.pdf
Hey Jim, that gave me a clean compile....few warnings flashed by but that seemed to be the problem....don't have the hardware completed to upload but that issue is resolved.....looking forward to the new release....thanks again man, you're awesome !!!
What software can I use if I don't want a "headless" front end to my system? That's a layer of complexity I'm not ready to master at this time, so what are my options? Thanks again
What software can I use if I don't want a "headless" front end to my system? That's a layer of complexity I'm not ready to master at this time, so what are my options? Thanks again

The TeensyNet board and TeensyNet software use UDP packets to find, display and control the thermometers, switches and displays that the TeensyNet board is capable of utilizing.

I have a relatively simple PHP command line program that I use to interrogate and to some degree modify the TeensyNet software when I'm doing testing, but it's not something I would try to use to set up a system from scratch.

The front end does not have to be headless. If you have an old laptop or desktop system that has outlived its usefulness, a lightweight Linux desktop could be installed on it, along with a LAMP stack and my TeensyNet PHP files. Then you would run the TeensyNet front end locally. It could also be done on an old WinXP or MAC with WAMP or MAMP, it would just take a little more effort.
How do I resolve this issue...i'm doing "the hard way" on Teensynet and about done but cant get this to work...."Now open phpMyadmin in a browser window," but that doesnt work for me.....what do I do?
Hey day_trippr, yeah it is installed, latest version, but that didn't work either so looked at the instructions again and didn't see anywhere that I should have done something else that I just possibly overlooked...any other suggestions very welcome...also thanks for the reply
Is this on a computer on your intranet? What's your computer's hostname? Can you see the hostname with a Zeroconf browser? You could try:


A little more info as to the computer type, OS, network would be helpful.
Nothing much to reveal.....just a latest version of Wheezy on a new SD card and then followed your instructions on "The Hard Way". Seems like everything went well in following your instructions and don't recall any errors, so I'm at a loss as to where to look. I can do it all over again if you think that might resolve the problem....if I try and do &#8220;http://localhost/&#8221; it starts to load but since I don't have the data in MySQL, doesn't get very far.
Simply checking in to let you guys know I haven't forgotten about the project. I intend to pick it back up in a few weeks, this time with more focus on implementation of the existing code rather than reverse engineering it. For now, all of my gear is still packed up!
Simply checking in to let you guys know I haven't forgotten about the project. I intend to pick it back up in a few weeks, this time with more focus on implementation of the existing code rather than reverse engineering it. For now, all of my gear is still packed up!

Good to have you back, Yuri!! :rockin:
Sorry been away for a few days......Yes it's connected to a monitor and keyboard...Have run 'raspi-config' and update and install...when I try to reinstall phpmyadmin says it's the latest.....don't know how to delete current before doing a ...reinstall....... if I know how to delete everything, I'd just do it all over again....guess I can start from scratch and redo the SD card with a fresh copy and start over....thanks
You can delete the current install with "sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin" or "sudo apt-get purge phpmyadmin", but I don't think that that's the problem. Which browser (iceweasel, firefox, chrome,etc) are you trying to use when you call phpmyadmin?
Well I've tried several things to no avail.....I've used iceweasel, epiphany with all sorts of combination of:

sort of at a stand still....thanks Jim for your help

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