So who's brewing this weekend?

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Brewed 2 10G batches today. An IPA and a lite. That puts me at almost 60G in fermenters but only 10 packaged. The cider is going so slow and wine even slower. It might have to secondary in the keg. I have 40G of space there.
Just this morning brewed a nice Blonde Ale extract, 6 gallons. Went pretty much according to recipe but I lost control at the end of the boil and added 1 ounce of Columbus pellet hops. I knew I should have hid those hops till I was finished, Oh well.
So now I have 6 gallons bottled & 6 gallons fermenting. The ones that are bottled (American Ale) will be ready to try Christmas Eve, good timing. First brew came out at 6.3 ABV. Blonde should be the same.

Think it is time to order a couple more kits, been having good luck with MoreBeer extract kits.:)
Attempted to brew today, but ran out of propane right after the 60 min hop addition. Tried to finish in the house, but I work 3rd shift and it was approaching 4pm by now.

So I killed the flame put the lid on the pot and placed in the bathtub. Hoping I can pick up with a 60 min boil in the morning, not sure what's gonna happen to my hop utilization though.
Just got finished cleaning up from making a chocolate milk stout. I'm out of town this weekend and kegged my only beer a few days ago. Not having anything fermenting drives me crazy!
Attempted to brew today, but ran out of propane right after the 60 min hop addition. Tried to finish in the house, but I work 3rd shift and it was approaching 4pm by now.

So I killed the flame put the lid on the pot and placed in the bathtub. Hoping I can pick up with a 60 min boil in the morning, not sure what's gonna happen to my hop utilization though.

Thats annoying. My last batch I was worried about running out but decided to weight my tank and thought there was enough. And there was.

Anyway, you may see a minor increase in your IBUs from the problem. I think your worst case scenario is a 10% increase. Any extra aroma you get from soaking (like a pre-boil dry hop, lol) will just boil off.
Bottling BM Centennial Blonde tomorrow and brewing LHMS clone on Saturday probably.

Gotta check the gravity on my Binary Brewing Spiced Cider also. Might end up bottling 2 batches thia weekend.
I have an Erdinger Weissbier Dunkel clone I have been wanting to brew for a while now. I don't have anything in my fermenting buckets, and it just feels wrong. My days off are Monday and Friday though, so here's to hoping tomorrow I can get it brewed.
I have plans to brew tomorrow. I have planned to brew "tomorrow" for a month now. BUT I am determined to brew on the 19th.... or at least the 20th.
Yooper's 60 min dogfish clone.
Pretty sure tomorrow will be my last brew day of 2015, and it'll be another double - a hoppy pale and an even hoppier ipa, the latter with all homegrown chinook/cascade/centennial...


[edit] Done and done, an ipa and a dirty blond...

Nope, cleaning and decorating, getting ready for company, baking more cookies is what I have planned. But I do have what I need for a milk stout, so that's next, hello winter!
Brewing a Bohemian Pils, which will hopefully be my first successful lager. The less said about my last lager attempt, the better.
Brought the laptop out to the brewing area and watched Ep. IV (original theatrical release, tyvm.) I don't know why I never thought of this before!

I'll admit I did get distracted and missed some stuff (didn't have the chiller ready in time), but it'll come in handy when I do those long brewdays with a 60 minute hopstand.
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Brewing up another batch of BM's Loon Lake Smoke Porter. Added vanilla last time and is fantastic. Just about ready to boil now. This one will be slightly different as LHBS was out of smoked 2-row so I ended up with oak smoked wheat malt.
First time brewing today. I bought a 6.5 gallon carboy and figured I'd fill it up.

Brewed an English Pub Ale. Looked and smelled good, so hopefully I'll be drinking my first homebrew in a few weeks.
Brewed 3.5 gal of victory dirt wolf clone. Tomorrow im oaking 3 gal of old ale with 1/4 oz of toasted oak chips
Planning on doing a 5 gal batch tomorrow, something close to an Edmund Fitzgerald Porter clone recipe I found on Beersmith. Hot racking it on a Nottingham yeast cake...
Sour Golden planned for tomorrow. Will be split between a few different yeast/bacteria blends to get a nice variety of sours available for blending later.
Brewed a Westy Blond Belgian Single (60/40 split Belgian pale and Pilsner malt), Styrian goldings, northern Brewer, hallertau with WLP530 abbey yeast. Hit my highest efficiency ever at 76%! Previous best was 69%. Cheers!!��
Not brewing, but damn does sticking my head in the FV/cooler to change ice-bottles smell good! (Centennial Blonde)
Brewed my first cream ale today... Pitched wlp080 from a starter I made a few days prior, cold crashed and decanted. I filled up a yeast vial to use for a future batch (made a larger starter than required). I pitched the rest of the yeast at around 3pm today and when I checked in about 10hrs later I already had full activity through the blowoff. Very lively! Quickest I had yeast take off.

Easy as can be brew day... I have a porter planned to brew now in a week and a half... Got to fill up my new kegs for my keezer I am building currently!
Brewed my second batch, a black IPA yesterday. Such a good feeling to wake up and see that the yeast showed up to do their magic.
Going to brew 5 gallons of the Centennial Blonde on Friday (Christmas day). I'll be splitting the batch into two carboys, leaving one as the normal recipe and then adding 8 cups of prickly pear puree to the second carboy after about 4 days of primary fermentation.
I'm done brewing for the year. No time. Hoping 2.5 kegs will last till after New Years but I have serious doubts.
Just pitched some Wyeast 9097-pc on an English old ale. Nailed the color and the OG, but with about a half gallon less volume than planned. I did a full volume mash out, so I think I didn't quite calculate it right.
Gonna brew a Belgian Dubbel this weekend, have to make up some Candi syrup for it as well with some turbinado sugar.
I'd like to brew up a trippel berry punch for that thief that stole my cc numbers 3 times in the last 2 weeks. With some titanium knuckles...I wonder if Billy would care to join in?;)

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