RIS Swap ~ Warped04's Beers

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Scored with a BJCP scoresheet and using the BJCP style guidelines for 13F Russian Imperial Stout.

Opened with a pronounced hiss.

Poured deep black with a 1/2" thick head that dissipated within a couple of minutes.

Aroma- Heavy, malty baked bread aroma with prounced winey grapes and a sweet-woody (Pecan or maple) dominance. Barely detectable floral hops. 12/12

Appearance- Deep black coal, with the head described above. Small bubble lace curtain effect that clung to portions of the glass through-out the tasting. 3/3

Flavor- Caramelly with sweet pecans, hints of dried fruit (raisin) and a dominant roasted coffee taste. Hints of wine, especially as the beer warmed. Aftertaste of citrusy hops. 15/20

Mouthfeel- Moderate carbonation. Body seemed somewhat watery compared to the aroma, but overall taste did improve as the beer warmed. Gentle alcohol warmth. 3/5

Overall Impression.

I enjoyed the beer.

Positives: The pecan/maple flavor along with the wine notes hint of some aging, I enjoyed that aspect. The aroma was unbelievable and got me excited about drinking the brew.
Negatives: I can't put a finger on it, but it did seem like the overall flavor was not as malty as the aroma let on. Seemed a bit watery, but I will reserve judgement until I try the second bottle. I also typically taste more chocolate flavor from other RIS's, but this is more of a personal preference than a requirement by style. 8/10

Overall score 41/50.

Thanks for the beer Wally. I look forward to the second bottle. I have a feeling that this beer will develop some unique qualities as it ages and definately recommend you keep a couple bottles around for the next few years and see how it changes.
Many thanks for the review McBrew. I came up short on my OG at 1.067 and didn't add any malto-dextrin (which I should have). That would have improved my beer.
I think I'll keep with McKBrew's format for consistency:

Opened with a nice pffsst! Visually evident CO2 settled in the neck.

Poured deep black with a 1/4" thick head that dissipated within a minute. I didn't get a big thick head.....but I've noticed even commercial examples dissipate quickly.

Aroma- Heavy, bready, aroma, with some pronounced raisiny-winey, "high-octane" scent. 12/12

Appearance- Black like oil. Mild-to moderate coating of the glass, small lacing effect noted. No spider legs. 3/3

Flavor- Very basic in pH, almost a bakng-soda like flavor up front. Roasty, biteer flavors of the malt followed. Mild hoppy flavor followed. As with Prof Frink's RIS, I think I might have stored this too cold, and tasted to cold. Totally my bad. A lot of the flavors were restrained, but the beer still had an overall clean taste and was a pleasure to drink. 16/20

Mouthfeel- A bit thin. Not nearly as thick as a sherry, nor as thin as a bud light. I'd put it right in between, though I'd like to have seen it on the heavier side. Most examples of this that I've seen have been thinner in mouthful, perhaps due to a high attenuation? 3/5

Overall Impression.

I really like the beer. I wish I would have let the sample warm up a bit.....I think I was just a bit too eager :(.

Positives: Really a good representation of the style. Pretty damn good, very complex considering it was extract. My all-grain RIS and the others I received are right there with it. 8/10
Negatives: I don't know how to describe it, but I got a real strong "basic" baking soda like flavor up front. It was immediately noticeable, and kind of put me off from the start. I noticed this in my own beer, as well as Prof Frink's (other recipient). The only thing I can think of, is that I was getting hit with the alcoholic "twang" first, and not the bready, malty, raisiny flavor/aroma like I would have if I let the beer warm up. I'm currently lagering a German Pils, so I'm keeping the keezer cold @45. I really think I'm just serving these beers too cold to appreciate their full character. That's my fault, not the Brewer's ;)

Overall, 42/50.....and a hellacious packing job;)
So so sorry I haven't posted my review yet, I totally filled out a score sheet and thought that I posted it. Must have gotten drunk....now I can't locate the sheet, and I've been so busy I haven't gotten to retaste yet. Promise will do it this weekend and have the posting up by Sunday afternoon at the latest.:eek:
Again, many apologies for the delay. I feel terrible, I know I've been tearing my hair out waiting for my other reviews...but without further ado, here is Warped04's 080808 Russian Imperial Stout tasting (part two, as I lost the first one)

Judged by myself under style guidelines for BJCP 13.F Russian Imperial Stout using Beer Scoresheet.

Aroma 9/12

Strong brown sugar, mild spicy hop aroma, and bit of dark almost charcoal smell.

Appearance 3/3

Beautiful head that lasted quite a while, a lovely light brown rocky thing that hung on for almost half the beer, growing smaller after each sip, but still present. A beautiful dark color with hints of red showing through when held to the light, and almost able to let some light through.

Flavor 17/20

Roasted barley and slightly yeasty/bready flavor noticable immediately, with some chocolate maltyness, nicely balanced, with a bit of fruit, maybe rasberry, on the finish. Not quite as complex as it could have been. Hop finish moderate to strong, without the deep bite common to style (appreciated by me :))

Mouthfeel 3/5

Again, not as deep or assertive as expected, seems very light in mouthfeel for the style, not at all chewy. Carbonation levels are very nice, and alcohol warmth is there but not aggressive.

Overall Impression 7/10

Nice overall, could have been a bit more viscous or deep. Not what I was expecting from a beer this big, could almost be session-able in flavor, if not in strength.

TOTAL 39/50

Overall a tasty brew, one that would sell well at the brewpub as an approachable version of an intimidating category. Would consider water additions to enhance the bitterness present in the grains, or a bit of maltodextrose to enhance body. Definately nice work though! Hope you've been enjoying them as much as I have.
I still had a bottle of this. Almost two years later. Wow. Now I have none.

Appearance: Pours a dark brown black with a fluffy reddish tan head that dissipates to about 1/4" and blankets the beer. Still well carbonated.

Aroma: Caramel and Sweet Breakfast syrup. Hot cocoa.

Flavor/Mouthfeel: Caramel, cocoa and maple syrup blend well. Smooth and creamy like chocolate milk. Wow! Literally like drinking smooth chocolate milk.

Overall: Would have probably been a bit stronger and harsh with a higher OG, but I am enjoying every bit of this right now. Glad I waited.
I drank my last bottle of this beer a while ago. Do you still think it lacked the body that we thought back in 08?

When I was drinking it a while back I thought it was a good beer but totally not to style, but I want to brew this again even if my version wasn't to style.
I think I enjoyed it more last night than I did the first time. It doesn't seem as watery as it did. If you are going to age it again, you might look at upping the hops a little bit, but other than that I think it would be a great beer to have around.

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