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Couple other things I recall:
- Picopak seemed a bit light, almost like there wasnt enough grain in it. This would account for the lower OG.
- They forgot the co2 cylinder in the pak as well.

I'm thinking that this was a bad one that somehow got past their QC people.
They stopped shipping CO2 cartridges with the PicoPaks. I guess there was a problem with some deliveries if there was compressed gas in the package.
The recipies are in the form of a whole bunch ( and growing) list of PICO packs. These are just like Zymatic recipies but they are already packaged/put together. Just like getting a recipie from someone or somewhere else.

I was referring to the new custom PicoPacks. I am hoping to use some of the recipes out there to build a smaller version for the PicoPacks. Also I must be missing something but where is the library!?
Couple other things I recall:
- Picopak seemed a bit light, almost like there wasnt enough grain in it. This would account for the lower OG.
- They forgot the co2 cylinder in the pak as well.

I'm thinking that this was a bad one that somehow got past their QC people.

Co2 cartridge and thermometer stickers are not included in Pico packs, only in the initial starter packs. They are for sale separately on the website.
I was referring to the new custom PicoPacks. I am hoping to use some of the recipes out there to build a smaller version for the PicoPacks. Also I must be missing something but where is the library!?

What you are asking for seems to be contradictory - you want ready to go recipes, those are PicoPaks. You want to experiment with your own recipe, thats that the Freestyle Pak is for. If your complaint is that there aren't enough PicoPaks available right now, that will be remedied over time.

CO2 canisters can cause trouble for International customs, that's probably why they stopped shipping them in the PicoPak.
I was referring to the new custom PicoPacks. I am hoping to use some of the recipes out there to build a smaller version for the PicoPacks. Also I must be missing something but where is the library!?

Ok this my last post on his topic but I'll try again. The custom packs are designed for people who want to create their own recipes not copy other recipies. If you are just going to copy someone's else's recipies then just use the PICO packs and forget about the custom ones. For instance, "hey anybody have a good porter recipie with vanilla?" Just use Jimmy's PICO PAC. "Hey anybody have a good IPA recipe??" Just use one of the idk 20 PICO packs. When you finally get done and bored with the 100 or so packs they have, then maybe ask for some new recipies to copy.

But hey clearly I am missing something.
I was referring to the new custom PicoPacks. I am hoping to use some of the recipes out there to build a smaller version for the PicoPacks. Also I must be missing something but where is the library!?

One last point on this topic, I totally agree with the other guys. The library is for zymatic users. There is no Pico library. Try out some of the great Pico packs available already. The freestyle is very limited right now, it would be hard to clone something atm.
Co2 cartridge and thermometer stickers are not included in Pico packs, only in the initial starter packs. They are for sale separately on the website.

Wow, a lot of people just got completely boned. I have a way to monitor temperature and force carbonate, but if I didnt have those...I'd be pretty pissed at Pico.
Well to be fair the thermometers are not a consumable and are reusable. There is no reason to remove. Sending a co2 cartridge to me or anyone who kegs was a huge waste, I actually emailed them about opting out of co2. They said including co2 and thermometers was only for starter kits, but everything they built early on was starter kits so kickstarter backers got some freebies. They still sell the co2 and thermometers and every pack has sugar. Obviously you were caught off guard so their communication could be much better.
Well to be fair the thermometers are not a consumable and are reusable. There is no reason to remove. Sending a co2 cartridge to me or anyone who kegs was a huge waste, I actually emailed them about opting out of co2. They said including co2 and thermometers was only for starter kits, but everything they built early on was starter kits so kickstarter backers got some freebies. They still sell the co2 and thermometers and every pack has sugar. Obviously you were caught off guard so their communication could be much better.

Like you I also keg my beer with a legit co2 system so I'm not affected by this change. But I'm willing to bet that most people that own a Pico system are not in the same boat as you and I. They're the ones that got boned.
I wouldn't agree with "boned" lol. They are cheap not that big a deal. I guess I look at big picture, actually I would guess a big percentage are already using kegerator type setups, and anyone who makes it past 10 Pico packs or less will not be using the serving kegs anymore. They are a pain, already seen a lot of people switching to kegerators ��
quick question - are the ball lock pieces for the liquid and gas on our brew kegs identical? I disassembled everything to sanitize and they looked the same so I didn't pay any particular attention. Now I'm reading that in some cases they may be different.

Note I'm not talking about the dip tubes which are pretty obviously different :)
One ball lock keg post has notches on it, that's the gas, or in, side. The liquid post does not have these notches. The poppets are identical, but I still keep them with their original post when cleaning for whatever reason.
Do the keg posts have different thread sizes/pitches? In other words, is it possible to thread them on the wrong side?
Yes, you could thread the gas post on the liquid side if you wanted, they are the same size threads.. You wouldn't be able to attach the gas ball lock fitting to the liquid post, so you would recognize your mistake and have to change them. Don't ask me how I know lol.
I don't think that's true? I seem to be able to attach a gas lock fitting to either post. I'll check again tonight to confirm.
Ok this my last post on his topic but I'll try again. The custom packs are designed for people who want to create their own recipes not copy other recipies. If you are just going to copy someone's else's recipies then just use the PICO packs and forget about the custom ones. For instance, "hey anybody have a good porter recipie with vanilla?" Just use Jimmy's PICO PAC. "Hey anybody have a good IPA recipe??" Just use one of the idk 20 PICO packs. When you finally get done and bored with the 100 or so packs they have, then maybe ask for some new recipies to copy.

But hey clearly I am missing something.

I probably am not the only one who has thought that if someone had a pretty good custom published zymatic recipe, which was not available as a published picopack yet, they might like to share the ingredients so that people who only have the Pico can try it. That is all I was asking which I did not think was an unreasonable question. Sorry for taking up your time.
The problem with that is:

1) The Freestyle pak software currently has a pretty limited set of ingredients
2) It may never have a very wide set of ingredients, forcing you to substitute ingredients in recipes resulting in unpredictable outcomes
3) The Zymatic recipes may not scale properly just by cutting everything in 1/4

Its entirely likely at some point we will have a good user base of Freestyle Pak recipes specific to the Pico. Obviously since the tool just came out a few days ago (in beta no less), that point is still some time in the future.
The problem with that is:

1) The Freestyle pak software currently has a pretty limited set of ingredients
2) It may never have a very wide set of ingredients, forcing you to substitute ingredients in recipes resulting in unpredictable outcomes
3) The Zymatic recipes may not scale properly just by cutting everything in 1/4

Its entirely likely at some point we will have a good user base of Freestyle Pak recipes specific to the Pico. Obviously since the tool just came out a few days ago (in beta no less), that point is still some time in the future.

Thanks, I completely understand. It's really a cool tool I am just afraid I am going to pick some ingredients which just wont work (I'm a big time home brewing rookie).

I have 5 PicoPacks ready to go and am brewing Bad Jimmy's Cocoa Vanilla Porter right now, just figured I'd take a shot at making my own concoction.

thank you again.
Understood. I'll be waiting for someone to craft a decent Three Floyd's Gumballhead clone recipe - it should be simple since its not much more than a straight up american wheat ale highly hopped with Amarillo. Problem is, there's no Wheat malt or Amarillo hops in the tool yet :)
I'm holding off on the freestyle paks for the moment. As has been mentioned the range of ingredients is still too limited and no way am I going to spend money to beta test some company's systems. They can pay me if they want testers.
I don't think that's true? I seem to be able to attach a gas lock fitting to either post. I'll check again tonight to confirm.

It's definitely true. You can force it on there but will have a hell of a time getting it off and will possibly tear up the oring. I think the fittings on the Pico are more forgiving than the ones in a kegerator though. The gas post is notched for a reason. The lip on the beer side is a little bigger diameter so you can get the black disconnect on either post easier than the gray on the beer side. This is to prevent beer up your gas line if you get them backwards.
freestyle pak on brewmarketplace (picobrew.com) ,
change grains only , can not change hops?
some browsers are better than others--chrome worked well for me. safari seems ok for mac users--- my experience is Edge was a trainwreck
I pitched the yeast on my Deaf Turtle batch tonight. I've been told to pitch half the pack, or 1 teaspoon - problem is that according to my teaspoon there were almost 4 teaspoons of yeast in the pack.

So I pitched about 1.5 teaspoons. Thoughts? I also aerated with a whisk beforehand until there was some foam, and after pitching I shook the keg as hard as I could for about a minute.

Also tapped my RIPA tonight - eh. Better in terms of off flavors then my first 3 tries but overall quite bland with no hop note whatsoever. This one was 6 days ferment, 6 days dry hop, 2 days cold crash, 3 days carbonating. (With all yeast pitched)
I knew you would over pitch! Ha you will be fine. Pico is about 1.25 gallons of wort which is 1/4 of a pack needed as the pack is for 5 gallons, hence the recommendation for one tsp. When I was using the included dry yeast I was shooting for somewhere between a 1/4 and 1/2 pack eyeballing it.

On this batch try to follow Annie's timelines I posted and I think you will be happier. For what it's worth ripa and deaf turtle don't seem to get very good reviews.
Overpitch according to who - you said half a pack :) I'm sure it will be much closer to ideal anyways.

I noted the yeast pack says for 20-30L! So yeah, we should probably be pitching a quarter or less.

Everyone seems really happy with the Kermode IPA, I'll probably try that next. When the right ingredients are available in the Freestyle app I might try some simple SMaSH recipes because I tend to prefer those anyways.
Overpitch according to who - you said half a pack :) I'm sure it will be much closer to ideal anyways.

I noted the yeast pack says for 20-30L! So yeah, we should probably be pitching a quarter or less.

Everyone seems really happy with the Kermode IPA, I'll probably try that next. When the right ingredients are available in the Freestyle app I might try some simple SMaSH recipes because I tend to prefer those anyways.

I know just messing with you. Annie's instructions said one tsp so if I was still using dry yeast I would do that. I was doing half a pack from the beginning before I saw anyone else say half or less, because it made sense to me being an experienced homebrewer. I'm using liquid now, which I hate to say I recommend since you are obviously serious about this. To keep the cost down I am doing double brew days and splitting a vial of liquid yeast between 2 batches. Picobrew claims Pico sized liquid yeast will be an option soon.
If I can source liquid yeast through Pico, or if I can get it locally I'd certainly try it. One of the reasons I never got into home brewing is I find sourcing some of the more exotic grains hops and yeast is a real pain in the butt in Canada. With a picopak I know I have everything I need.
Ah sorry I didn't realize you were in Canada. I agree, one of the big draws to me was everything being shipped to my doorstep in one package, including liquid yeast as they showed in the early product videos. I was pretty disappointed when dry yeast showed up, but they promise me they are still working with white labs on liquid.

I took a couple year break from brewing because it becomes a little crazy all the stuff you have to source and store, my spare bedroom looked like a micro brewery. When little ones came along had to make a painful life change. The Pico came around at perfect timing, when I was starting to get the bug to get back into brewing. I'm really enjoying my results, although I haven't done an IPA yet in my 10 batches. I have a Plinius here I keep putting off, I will brew that up soon so I can join the IPA discussion.
I just ordered a vial of white labs WLP001, so I'll use that for my third batch of deaf turtle and my pliny. The Pliny is so big that I expect the liquid yeast will really help there.
Very nice. I just split a vial, or actually pure pitch pouch which they seem to be shipped in now, of wlp001 in tweaties and dead guy. Dead guy is just starting to foam a little out of the airlock, 5 days after fermentation began, and two days after the tilt hydrometer shows gravity stopped dropping at 1.015. This is great proof to me that primary fermentation is done very quickly, in this case 3 days, but there is still "stuff" going on in there and the extra time after fermentation is warranted.

I even added a couple drops of fermcap-s to these batches, as my prior use of liquid yeast was very messy out the FF valve. I imagine dead guy would of been a huge mess without the fermcap, I can live with a little foam lol.
Went to clean kegs tonight and realized I had a pint and half of my red left, lucky me! I guess kegsmarts was a little off it's starting volume. This is a really great beer. Little beer porn, been a while in this thread. :tank:

Everyone seems really happy with the Kermode IPA, I'll probably try that next.

Kermode has been my favorite out of ~15 Pico packs thus far, and I can't wait to brew that one again; I just have to work through all the packs I ordered during the xmas sale :). If they had kermode on that sale, I probably would have ordered like 10 of them!

Another post by Annie you IPA guys should find interesting. Future packs should be better.

"We changed our hops filter paper and it's a great improvement for dry hopping."