Oh my aching back!

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The chiropractor I go to uses a tool to move your discs instead of cracking the heck out of everything you got. I forget what he calls it, but he puts in on the disc and it just kind of pops it back in place. New school chiropractors aren't like the ones I went to in the '70's.
I got wrestling around with my work partner the other day and got pretty f'd up. We were in the back of a box truck and I had him in a side headlock when he was able to get me a little off the ground and drove me into the side wall with his arm around me. I heard a bunch of pops and dropped to the ground having trouble catching my breath (no deep ones). I kept working through the day in a ton of discomfort, then had a three day weekend consisting of mostly bed rest.
I worked the next monday (out of state road trip) feeling minorly improved and by end of day tuesday I felt wonderful. That night we went out and I tied one on, and slept on the bad side, reaggrivating it, then pushed it at work the next day. Yesterday wasn't bad, excepting some spasms after coughing (stuck in a work vehicle, unable to stretch it out), but last night was horrible. My bed needs replacing, as it isn't supportive and makes my body carry the load. At 3:30, I rolled over and it felt like someone stabbed me. I have had decent discomfort today, but when I sneezed earlier, it was one of the most agonizing things I may have ever experienced , which is saying something!

Oh well, thanks for letting me vent, I think tonight is mattress on the floor and happy thoughts of tuesday past:p as I think alot of the problem has to do with my bed, as shown by being virtually pain free one day after using a good one on the road
I've been dealing with 3 herrinated disc for years. Well since July it has been really bad so I finally went back in. They did x-rays, MRI, and gave me vicadine and flexeril that dont do crap for the pain. So they get the MRI results and send me to Nerosugery. One of the disk L4/L5 has colapsed. So they want to try PT (which has never helped me) and pain management (injections, which I want to try) for 3 months but the surgeon said he believes it will require surgery, and not one of the minimally invasive ones, no I need the spinal fusion. I'm going to put it off as long as I can because I don't have enough sick leave to be layed up for 6-8 weeks........
Good luck to you man! I'd go with option 1 and get a second opinion, having that kind of work done could ruin you! My buddy had that sort of thing happen, and he is in constant, often debilitating pain.

I am feeling much better. I changed my sleeping situation and am feeling improved for it. I am paranoid of coughing and sneezing still though. I carry cough drops and start chewing at the first tickle;) no more relapses and I should be right as rain:D
Hippie said:
I am paranoid of coughing and sneezing still though. I carry cough drops and start chewing at the first tickle;) no more relapses and I should be right as rain:D
Oh ya, sneezing kills. Laughing hard does too.
Well, you do carry morphine on the rescues...

Best of luck to ya, man! I'm just starting out my EMS career, I'm sure I'll have back problems eventually - if not from lifting then from leaning over and starting IV's for years and years. At least you have good insurance!

Take it easy, have a few extra homebrews. Always works for me :D