Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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Hey, any of you fellow Cheeseheads among those standing in line at the stores to get the NFC Championship gear??

A lot of stores are carrying the merchandise so I don't think it will be that bad. I can tell you I'd really like to get my hands on one of those Acme Packers pom hats. Those sold out quick and are on ebay for close to $100 each!

I will get me a shirt and a hat though.
yeah, its really hard to win if you can't cheat.

you know why they struggled against flynn? cause they didn't have any film on him!


Jeeeeesus Christ dude. Let it go. Life's too short to be that obsessed. And look up the Pats record for the few years prior to SpyGate and then the years since. Its a steamin pile of bullcrap that conspiracy whackjobs wont let go. Pats fans simply roll their eyes and think, "tool" at this point when someone brings it up.
i'm not hung up about it, but really....1998, sucked, 1999, sucked, 2000, sucked....

they were caught cheating. they were cheating from 2001 - 2007, the same time period they were good.

then, THIS season, two of billy's students were caught cheating.

if you can't face facts, you're f-ing hopeless. you wanna hang your hat on "best team of the millenium" but you wanna ignore the fact that they WERE cheating, from 2001 - 2007, and quite possibly still are. cheaters cheat.

conspiracy!? you f-ing serious!?
Spy gate was 06. They went 18-1 in '07.... AFTER SpyGate So... First of all... Get half a clue on your timeline.

Second... Let me ask a very simple question... Why do coaches cover their mouths when they are calling in plays? (which they did well before SpyGate amd conitie to do today). How come? If no teams except the Pats are huge cheaters and "steal signs" (which... By the way... There is NO rule against), why do coaches cover their mouths?
LOL!!!! Oh my god!!! The interwebs said it is true! It must be!!

And why can't you amswer the question?? Were you confused by it? Watch just about NFL game and when they pan the camera to the head coach calling in signals to either the QB or LB running the defense... They cover their mouths so no one can see their lips move.


C'mon. I have faith in you. Think hard.
Also.... Do me a favor... Send me the rule in the NFL rule ook that says it is illegal to steal signals.

I know it says you can not VIDEO tape the opposing teams sideline but there is no rule about stealing signals in any other way.

The Pats were doing it. The league got win of it and didn't penalize them in any way. Goodell came out and said, "teams should pay attention to the rulethat says no video taping". Pats ignored the warning and kept doing it. Goodell found out and since the Pats directly went against his warning, he spanked the crap out of them with the huge fine.

Why? For using a video camera and going against his DIRECT orders not to do it.

Not for "stealing signals" since... Again... There is NO rule against it. So... Your idiotic rant about, "but they done had them there singal sheets in the lockers room!!!" is stupid. Any team can do that today. Send a few guys to a game with binoculars and notepads and it is easy to do. And if you dont think teams used to and still do it, you're effing insane.

At least this picture finally dropped off the current page!

oh wait...
He won't retire. Some speculation he goes to Oakland. Would make some sense, which means no prayer that Al Davis gets a deal done.

The big question, is Carson Palmer = Drew Bledsoe II? Big-armed QB, at one time a franchise guy who got hurt/shellshocked and just descended into mediocrity?
Also.... Do me a favor... Send me the rule in the NFL rule ook that says it is illegal to steal signals.

I know it says you can not VIDEO tape the opposing teams sideline but there is no rule about stealing signals in any other way.

The Pats were doing it. The league got win of it and didn't penalize them in any way. Goodell came out and said, "teams should pay attention to the rulethat says no video taping". Pats ignored the warning and kept doing it. Goodell found out and since the Pats directly went against his warning, he spanked the crap out of them with the huge fine.

Why? For using a video camera and going against his DIRECT orders not to do it.

Not for "stealing signals" since... Again... There is NO rule against it. So... Your idiotic rant about, "but they done had them there singal sheets in the lockers room!!!" is stupid. Any team can do that today. Send a few guys to a game with binoculars and notepads and it is easy to do. And if you dont think teams used to and still do it, you're effing insane.

wtf is with this "stealing signals"? there is a clear rule against filming other teams' walkthru. they knew it, and cheated, this allow them to dissect teams defensive packages.

again, there is a rule against filing the other teams' walkthrough. They knew it, and CHEATED.

they cover their mouths to avoid the other team inferring the playcall. i don't get what's so obvious about that....

if you really think there was nothing dirty about how they operated between 2001-2007, you're the "retahded" one.
Don't you feel smart now? Fvckin' Bears.

what does this mean? I am confused. The Bears losing doesn't change anything. They still were never overrated. They got beat by the better team. Hell they were in the game till the very end even though they had NO business in that position, and NO one gave them half a chance at winning. see how that works, no one over rated them, quite the opposite, they said "Bears aren't good enough to beat the Pack". Unfortunately for me they were right.

I just hope the Pack is good enough to beat the rapist. As much as the hatred is, I won't root for a rapist, and then have to hear about a dynasty.
I just hope the Pack is good enough to beat the rapist. As much as the hatred is, I won't root for a rapist, and then have to hear about a dynasty.

Band-wagoner. According to Bernie and moto you still have to root for the rapist :) :p.

Maybe I'm getting to the age where I don't seethe with hatred like I used to.
wtf is with this "stealing signals"? there is a clear rule against filming other teams' walkthru. they knew it, and cheated, this allow them to dissect teams defensive packages.

again, there is a rule against filing the other teams' walkthrough. They knew it, and CHEATED.

they cover their mouths to avoid the other team inferring the playcall. i don't get what's so obvious about that....

if you really think there was nothing dirty about how they operated between 2001-2007, you're the "retahded" one.

Sweet muther of Gahd. Are you just making up the history as you go along or just stupid? They never taped a walk-through. They taped defensive signals during games you tool. AFTER they got in trouble for taping signals some assistant came forward saying he had taped ONE walk through and it turned out to be bullcrap.

Wtf are you talking about??? For someone who effin rants every third post about the Pats cheating it is amazing how little of a clu you hve about wjat actually happened.
And ok Moto... Fine. I'll give in. The pats are huge cheaters. I'll take that over what the Pack is. What about the time Mark Chmura and eight of his team mates gang raped those women? What about that? You remember! They gang raped those women and when that one woman was going to go to the police, they killed her!! Bunch of rapits murderers!!! Hell, the Pats got too cute a video camera but at least they arent rapist murderers!!

(wtf... I figured while we are blatantly just making **** up I would play along)
Band-wagoner. According to Bernie and moto you still have to root for the rapist :) :p.

Maybe I'm getting to the age where I don't seethe with hatred like I used to.

according to me too. i fvcking hate the Pack. I'm gunna root for a good close game with the rapist losing it for his team, hopefully he cries like Farve afterward.
yeah, videotaping coaches during games. they most certainly videotaped walkthroughs as well. give me a break, i'm trying to argue with you while watching a 3year and 1 year old. regardless, there was a clear rule, he broke it, and if you don't believe he knew he was breaking it, you're f-ing messed in the head.

you'll take cheaters over what "the pack is"? what is "what the pack is" exactly? wtf does that even mean? yeah, chewie turned out to be a jacka$$....it happened (i believe) after or very close to the time he was released from the pack. what the h*ll does that have to do with anything?

oh, guess where mark was born? Massachusetts.
Yup... Chmura was a piece of crap so eight of his other team mates were certainly rapists and then, ultimately murderers. And if you dont believe that, you're effing messed in the head.

Thats how stupid you sound.
lol, is that the forum equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and going "nanananananan can't hear you nananananannana!"


(4) The Patriots took elaborate steps to conceal their filming of opponents’ signals.

Patriots personnel instructed Walsh to use a “cover story” if anyone questioned him about the filming.

For example, if asked why the Patriots had an extra camera filming, he was instructed to say that he was filming “tight shots” of a particular player or players or that he was filming highlights.

If asked why he was not filming the play on the field, he was instructed to say that he was filming the down marker.

The red light indicating when his camera was rolling was broken.

During at least one game, the January 27, 2002 AFC Championship game, Walsh was specifically instructed not to wear anything displaying a Patriots logo. Walsh indicated he turned the Patriots sweatshirt he was wearing at the time inside-out. Walsh was also given a generic credential instead of one that identified him as team personnel.

These efforts to conceal the filming demonstrate the Patriots knew they were violating NFL rules.
You. Guys. Seriously. Cut. It. Out.

I know, I know- the title is obnoxious football trash talk.

You passed obnoxious a long time ago. Give it a rest. Seriously. Go to your corners and have 7 beers. Then come back tomorrow and kiss and make up. Or don't come back, I don't care. But definitely GTFO of here if you're going to get this bad.
It is like talking to a $&@)in' wall.

Hold on!!! Are you saying that according to this article the Pats were taping signals!?! Whoa!!! Nice effin work Columbo! I just SAID that!!!!!

Lemme start from the top and I'll go slow.

The Patriots (they are a football team from New England) video taped opposing teams' defensive signals from 2000, when Belichick (he's the head coach) came to New England through the first game of the 2007 season.

Some time in 2006 (thats a year. Before 2007 but after 2005) Roger Goodell (he is the commissioner of the National Football League... The league the Patriots play in) got word that a team, or teams, were video taping opposing teams signals. Video tapIg opposing team's signals is against the rules.

But whoa!!!!! They broke the rules!?!?! Yes. They did. I never claimed they didn't. Let me continue.

When Roger Goodell found this out, the offense was apparently SO offensive that.. You know what he did? Next to nothing. No investigation. No court marshals. No firing squads. He sent a memo. The memo basically said, "hey, just a reminder, video taping opposing teams' sidelines is against the rules.".

But HOLD ON!!! You're telling me, Goodell KNEW there was supposedly a team out there wo incredibly devious, so disgusting that they undermined the very fabric of the NFL's integrity and he just sent a memo!?! Yes. Thats what happened.

Then... AFTER teams were warned... The Pats continued to do it. They continued to video tape other team's sidelines. Goodell (remember? He's the guy with the memo) found out and threw the book at the Pats... Sorry.. He punished them really bad.

WHY did he punish them really bad? Because they knowingly broke a rule he told everyone specifically not to break.

"see?! I done told you!!! They stole signals!!!"

There is NO rule against stealing signals.

"but they done taped a walkthrough!".

No, they didnt.

"but they done cheated!!!".

Fine. They cheated. Thy knowing broke a rule by using a video camera instead of a couple of guys and notebooks... Like almost every team in the league does. "Stealig signals" isnt against the rules. So "they had the other team's signal sheets in the locker room!!!" is a stupid statement. There is no rules against 1) stealing signals or 2) providing those signals to your team. You just cant use a video camera to do it.

So fine... If using a camera instead of a notebook makes them the biggest cheaters on the planet, awesome, you think that.... But I'll reserve my right to think you're a moron.
ban him!!!!!


you're lucky i have a 5-PM limit, or i'd take it there!

and, goodell's a no-d*ck kneepad cheerleader. hey that's football related, right?
no, cape, he's a packer fan remember?

or was it a titan fan? dolphins?

wait, what colors did you like again airborne?

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