Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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Great game last night. I'm pretty neutral to both the Vikings and GB, but it was a fun game to watch. Man, Favre is an old man, but he can still throw the ball with the best of them.

Too bad the Cowboys didn't pick him up and sent Romo packing. If that chump (Romo) doesn't get his crap back together this season, uncle Jerry better kick his ass to the curb. Actually, I think about 1/2 of our offense is ready to be replaced. Keep the running backs, though.
Unfortunatly for cowboy's fans romo isn't going anywhere. They have invested way too much into him. If he doesn't do anything this year then it will only be wade philips that will pay for it. Not that that would be a bad thing either.
It's amazing that guys like Wade Phillips and Dick Jauron keep getting more chances to prove their incompetance, while guys like Bill Cowher and Jon Gruden are available.
It's amazing that guys like Wade Phillips and Dick Jauron keep getting more chances to prove their incompetance, while guys like Bill Cowher and Jon Gruden are available.

Cowher is by his choice though. There are teams dying to get him.
Cowher's choice is to get paid.

Why on earth would Jerry Jones, after all the millions and millions he has invested in a new stadium, after the millions and millions he pays to his players, chintz out on not bringing in a proven, respected coach instead of a retread like Phillips? Pay Cowher what he wants and promise to stay the hell out of the way. Buffalo might not be able to afford him, but there are plenty of teams who could.

Gruden; if you're Dan Synder, and you're sick and tired of mediocrity, why not bite the bullet and cut a severance check to Zorn (or whatever his name is), and let Gruden take over? Hell, if Gruden can bring the OAKLAND FREAKIN' RAIDERS to the Super Bowl, he can help out in Washington.
I would love for someone to hire Gruden, it would get his stupidity out of the booth. I thought he was going to have to change his undies last night. Jesus bro it was just a pro quarterback doing what he was paid to do, no need to cream your pants.
I think I actually agree... I would go Gruden over Kornhieser...

but on a different note... did anyone else see how the Pats manhandled the Ravens the other day?!?1 WOW... that was an azzwhoopin. I hear Ravens fans being all excited about their team. Hey... it's an up and coming team... but c'mon... you don't just walk into the big dog's house and expect not to get bit.

And they got bit big time.
Gruden is a million times better that Kornhole. Plus he will be way better when his butt lover Favre isn't in there. I just hated the crew from last year, I literally stopped watching MNF because I couldn't take the stupidity.

Cape... you are stretching man. They eeked that game out as close as you possible can and still win.
It's amazing that guys like Wade Phillips and Dick Jauron keep getting more chances to prove their incompetance, while guys like Bill Cowher and Jon Gruden are available.


Don’t forget Norv Turner


Cowher's choice is to get paid.

Why on earth would Jerry Jones, after all the millions and millions he has invested in a new stadium, after the millions and millions he pays to his players, chintz out on not bringing in a proven, respected coach instead of a retread like Phillips? Pay Cowher what he wants and promise to stay the hell out of the way. Buffalo might not be able to afford him, but there are plenty of teams who could.

Gruden; if you're Dan Synder, and you're sick and tired of mediocrity, why not bite the bullet and cut a severance check to Zorn (or whatever his name is), and let Gruden take over? Hell, if Gruden can bring the OAKLAND FREAKIN' RAIDERS to the Super Bowl, he can help out in Washington.

Bird, I'll never get it either.
Bob Kraft eventually learned after Parcells and the Bobby Grier fiasco.
Jerry Jones is a megalomaniac akin to Al Davis
Owners like that are good for the rest of the NFL, gives other teams hope :D
I think I actually agree... I would go Gruden over Kornhieser...

but on a different note... did anyone else see how the Pats manhandled the Ravens the other day?!?1 WOW... that was an azzwhoopin. I hear Ravens fans being all excited about their team. Hey... it's an up and coming team... but c'mon... you don't just walk into the big dog's house and expect not to get bit.

And they got bit big time.

Yeah, they got beat by a team that has a QB that is such a ***** that they have to make new rules just for him.
I don't know, man, there's only one person here who keeps talking about Tom Brady's dick and taking a load in the mouth. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

cape never said anything about taking a load in the mouth. Not that he wouldn't want it or anything though. :D
The odd thing is... I don't think I ever even said that they were bad calls. All I said was bad calls happen... get over it.

... you're the one with the non-stop Brady stuff.

Although... I DID make fun of the camo.
I didn't even SEE the roughing the passer call. I was at the game and when Brady threw the ball, I followed the ball... not him. And as is the case at Gillette for some mysterious reason this year, they absolutely effin REFUSE to show a gdamn replay... EVER... so I didn't see the play.

Was it a horrible call??? Probably. But guess what... that happens. You GET BAD CALLS. Do you HONESTLY think there's some grand conspiracy against the Ravens? Every team gets crappy calls INCLUDING the Pats. You got one. Grow a pair and deal with it. At the end of the day the Pats had a total of 65 offensive plays which means, other than THAT play, the Raven's D had SIXTY FOUR other chances to stop 'em... and they didn't.

So the refs blew one play and the Ravens' D blew 64...

Not to mention the 66 plays the Ravens' offense had to score more points..

yeah... it's the REFS fault.

I'm sorry... apparently you either missed this post or were confused by it
Team logos based on how they played this week.


Verily I say unto you, Who Dey!

If Ray Lewis goes head hunting on his own friends while they are defenseless and without the ball (Ochocinco), what does he do to his enemies? Stab them, perhaps?
[QUOTEIf Ray Lewis goes head hunting on his own friends while they are defenseless and without the ball (Ochocinco), what does he do to his enemies? Stab them, perhaps?

Actually, if you believe the testimony of 2 of the party goers, he shoots them. Do a google.
Teach a man the game of football, he enjoys a new sport.
Teach a man to cheat, he wins a few superbowls.
Bust the man cheating, take away his advantage, and he gets punk'd.
Will the real Thomasina Brady, please stand up, please stand up
I didn't watch the Cinci/ Baltimore game but judging by the outcome those refs must have been complete asshats. How could they blow all those calls and basically hand the game over to the Bengals?
I didn't watch the Cinci/ Baltimore game but judging by the outcome those refs must have been complete asshats. How could they blow all those calls and basically hand the game over to the Bengals?

There was only one instance that was really bad and that was more comical that noone even noticed. I highly doubt it had any effect on the outcome but I am just amazed that it could happen in the NFL.
I didn't watch the Cinci/ Baltimore game but judging by the outcome those refs must have been complete asshats. How could they blow all those calls and basically hand the game over to the Bengals?

If you're talking about the unnecessary roughness penalty and the pass interference call near the end of the game, they were justified. A helmet to helmet hit on a defenseless receiver without the ball is not cool.

The refs didn't hand that game to the Bengals....Ray Lewis and the Ravens did.
If you're talking about the unnecessary roughness penalty and the pass interference call near the end of the game, they were justified. A helmet to helmet hit on a defenseless receiver without the ball is not cool.

The refs didn't hand that game to the Bengals....Ray Lewis and the Ravens did.

No I am referring to the uproar blaming the refs for their last loss (to the Patriots.)


oh.. make it stop...!!!

Teach a man the game of football, he enjoys a new sport.
Teach a man to cheat, he wins a few superbowls.
Bust the man cheating, take away his advantage, and he gets punk'd.
Will the real Thomasina Brady, please stand up, please stand up

One defensive play away from going 19-0

Brady isnt 100% yet, but look at how he is doing.

Punks and bitches like you will rue the day once Brady and his gimpy knee are 100%

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