My spring IPA Challenge

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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So here's the story (and feel free to steal this idea for your friends or club if you'd like). I wanted to put together a little brewing related event together with a few friends of mine here in MN so I came up with the plan below. This all stemmed from the fact that I have two friends who are extremely detail and recipe orientated and I'm what I guess I refer to as a freestyle brewer. They measure their ingredients and use brewing software and I throw my hops into the kettle and use post-it notes to document my brewing experiences. The idea was to get them out of their detail-orientated boxes and into some uncharted waters.

The name of the contest is the PhuckenTed Spring IPA Challenge as I could hear my buddy Paul's reaction to the process sounding something like "$%(#ing Ted..."

Evaluation Day: Saturday, April 9th @ 2:00p (this is subject to change)
Location: TBD

All-Grain Requirements for 5 gallon batch:
10lbs. American Two-row
1lb. Specialty malt of your choice
1lb. Pale Malt – Maris Otter
8oz. specialty malt of your choice
8oz. of a crystal malt (Levibond: your choice)

Extract Requirements for 5 gallon batch:
EITHER (6.875lbs dry malt extract – pale malt)
OR (8.125lbs liquid malt extract – pale malt)
1lb. Specialty malt of your choice
1lb. Pale Malt – Maris Otter
8oz. specialty malt of your choice
8oz. of a crystal malt (Levibond: your choice)
*you can round up or down for the amount of extract, we don’t really care, but if you can get close, that’s RAD like Crew Jones.

Your Recipe Must include:
9oz of Hops. (2oz of these are left for a 7 day dry-hop)
Recipe must include THREE different kinds of hops.

3oz Cascade, 4oz Centennial, 2oz Simcoe = 9oz
Or: 7oz Cascade, 1oz Warrior, 1oz E. Kent Goldings = 9oz
2oz of dry hop must be chosen at random – and put in the freezer for dry hopping later

1oz hop addition (2 cups) at 60 minutes. (pick two cups, add them and write down what they were)

1oz hop addition (2 cups) at 10 minutes. (pick two cups, add them and write down what they were)

All subsequent hop additions added from 6 minutes to 1 minute left in your boil.

American Ale yeast US-05 Ale yeast (Safle or Wyeast – your choice)

Bottle Conditioned or bottled from your keg.


Relative Darkness of Crystal Malt
Your choice of which 3 hops you want to use.
Strike and sparge temps are your call (but you must record your target and actual temps)

(1) No brewing software may be used to calculate anything other than strike water temps and volumes.
(2) All hops are put into plastic keg cups in ½ oz increments. No scales, only eyeballing the quantity in each cup.
(3) The type of hop is written onto the bottom of every keg cup into which it is placed (you may want to do the labeling BEFORE dumping in the hops.
(4) Hop cups are randomized on your counter/brewing table
(5) After each hop addition, the brewer must record which hop was added and when. After your 10 minute hop addition, you should have 10 cups left. The brewer must roll a die ten times and record the roll. The brewer must add one half-ounce of hops at every incremental time left in the boil specified by the dice.

The number rolled on the dice specified the minutes left in the boil you add a half-ounce cup.

For instance, if your dice looked the picture below, the hop additions would be:

1 cup with 6 minutes left in the boil (1 six rolled)
2 cups with 5 minutes left in the boil (2 fives rolled)
2 cups with 4 minutes left in the boil (2 fours rolled)
2 cups with 3 minutes left in the boil (2 threes rolled)
1 cup with 2 minutes left in the boil (1 twos rolled)
1 cups with 1 minute left in the boil (2 one rolled)

It brewed mine last night and the whole experience should yield some interesting results. Each participant is to bring a six-pack for each other guy so we'll all bring and go home with beer.
I like it! It would have also been cool to use the dice as increments of ten for the additions. eg:

1 cup with 60 minutes left in the boil (1 six rolled)
2 cups with 50 minutes left in the boil (2 fives rolled)
2 cups with 40 minutes left in the boil (2 fours rolled)
2 cups with 30 minutes left in the boil (2 threes rolled)
1 cup with 20 minutes left in the boil (1 twos rolled)
2 cups with 10 minute left in the boil (2 one rolled)

Should be a good time!. Cheers.
PhuckenTed is exactly what I was thinking :mad:

Brewed mine last Saturday. Bubbling away happily so i've apparently made beer so I'm still in the contest!

Nothing can prepare you for the Dankness of the Dank IPA.

I don't have my kegs ready yet, but here is my 5gal batch.

Here \/ You can see the keg in the wash tub, I was trying to wash out the oil
An interesting idea. I wonder how it would turn out if you chose 1 bittering addition to use as the standard 60 min hop and leave only the late hops as the random ones. Doing this would give generally the same bitterness, but the hop flavors imparted would be different.

Your way sounds good, I was just brainstorming...
Well, if the interest shows up here, I'll get everyone's recipe and I can post those along with our tasting notes.
What a great idea I mean PhuckenTed! I wish I lived in MN or had more friends involved with brewing. Most of my buddies drink yellow fizzy piss beer and think that Heineken is "really hoppy". I've gradually tried converting them into craft beer drinkers, but to no avail. Hell, my brother is coming into town tonight to stay for the weekend and I dropped him an email to see what kind of beer he prefers nowadays. His response this a.m. was "I really like Michelob Ultra". WTF!!! :confused: I do have some local buddies and neighbors that really like craft beer, but nobody has made the move to get off of their dead a$$es and start brewing. They would all rather just mooch off of me. :mad: I really need to find a local brewing club.
Here's a sneak peek at the "Devil Water". I'll share the recipe after we get together to taste these...
We gathered, we drank, compared, shared, and drank some more. Took these photos the other night, lighting is a bit off but you get the idea. From left to right- Ryans-"Phuckented IPA", Pauls-"Dank", and Teds "Devil Water".

All turned out great and all very different. 2 were bottled from the keg and one bottle conditioned.

Hopefully the others will chime in and post up their recipes.

Here's the "Dank"

10 lbs American 2 row
2 lbs Maris Otter
8 oz 60L
8 oz Red Wheat
mashed at 149 F

60 min-.5 oz Columbus, .5 Centennial
10 min- .5 oz Columbus, .5 Centennial
5 min- 3 oz Centennial
1 min- 2 oz Columbus
Dry(7 days)- 1 oz Columbus, 1 oz Cascade


Tasting notes- Since it was an IPA contest I went for some of my favorite C hops shooting for high alpha acids since I wasn't sure what would end up for bittering/flavor additions. It came out great as it really fits the name it was given, The "Dank". The Columbus hits you like a freight train and plows down your throat. Not overly harsh but theres no avoiding the Dankness. Color came out great, more reddish than the picture below shows. Malt/Hop balance is a bit off of course as its Dankness over powers all but its noticeable and finishes nice and dry.

VERY Nice pic, thanks, Paul!!! I finished all six of your danks the other night. So dankin good.

Here's the "Devil Water" and the tasting notes:
10lbs Two Row
1lb non-malted oats (whops, I grabbed from the wrong bin - meant to get malted)
1lb Golden Naked oats
1lb Maris Otter
1/2lb Cara-Pils
1/2lb Crystal 10

60 Minute: 1oz Northern Brewer
15 Minute: 1 Whirlflock
10 Minute: 1/2oz Glacier, 1/2oz Northern Brewer
5 Minute: 1/2oz Northern Brewer, 1/2oz Warrior
4 Minute: 1oz Glacier
3 Minute: 1/2 oz Northern Brewer, 1/2oz Warrior
2 Minute: 1oz Warrior
1 Minute: 1/2 oz Northern Brewer, 1/2oz Warrior
Dry hop (7 days): 1oz Glacier, 1oz Northern Brewer

Yeast: Safle US-05

The idea of this beer was to present as a very light, clear and crisp beer with a thick, rich, foamy head that came through with an unexpected and surprising hop punch. It was very interesting to taste this beer change as it spent time in the keg. Week 1: Tastes light and watery, not as much hops present as I expected. Week 2: It has a real citrus aroma and taste that is very prominent at first and then slides away like a shadow disappearing into the night. It’s very light colored but still cloudy. Finish has a slight off taste that intices you to have another draw. Week 3-4: Hop Twang present for a few days and then really turned mellow and smooth. Head presents offers a mild citrus aroma. Finishes cleaner and smoother than earlier weeks. Thick, foamy head stays around lacing the glass which was the intent.

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