Massachusetts Masstoberfest 2016 Ten years and going strong.

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I sort of do, strangely enough...Along with being highly overrated; It's just not tasty enough to justify.

Apologies for raining on the parade...bless lambs!!
Good news, the hair salon double booked so my perm was bumped so they could do a man bun (****** knot, whatever) for some Bob dude from Michigan. I don't think he exists, but whatever, I get to brew beer!
Have you noticed that Yoop has not taken The Masstoberfest Cup anywhere in the past year? I sure hope she shows up a few days early in order to squire the thing around and show it a good time.

Edited to add that I just saw your signature. I'm not sure whether to be proud or horrified. I think I'm kind of both.
Have you noticed that Yoop has not taken The Masstoberfest Cup anywhere in the past year? I sure hope she shows up a few days early in order to squire the thing around and show it a good time.

Edited to add that I just saw your signature. I'm not sure whether to be proud or horrified. I think I'm kind of both.

Crap, I spelled wiener wrong.
Have you noticed that Yoop has not taken The Masstoberfest Cup anywhere in the past year? I sure hope she shows up a few days early in order to squire the thing around and show it a good time.

Edited to add that I just saw your signature. I'm not sure whether to be proud or horrified. I think I'm kind of both.

Oh, she took it somewhere alright. First thing she did when she got home to the North Pole, Antarctica, or wherever the heck that place is, was dropkick it into the nearest stream. Good thing Paulie was there to rescue it then explain yet again to Yoop the honor bestowed on her. I hope she got the message.
She did seem to take the pride much more serious after that...either that or the banana hammock Paulie was sort of wearing scared her be the judge.

And yes, you are very welcome for putting the image of Paulie in a banana hammock into your warped minds.
But seriously, you were really fortunate to snag Bob for a photo with Yoop. You never know when you will get a chance like that. It's these magical little moments of wonder that will keep us going in our old age...cherish them while you can.

No Smurf, I refuse to post a banana hammocked Paulie picture. You are the one with the massive collection of those photos, you can post them your own damn self.
When Paulie said he is so extra excited for Yoop's attendance that he went out and bought a special costume to wear, this wasn't what I expected.

And walking around saying "lick me" is the part I don't understand...did I miss something?

Did anyone else catch Paulie slipping the For Sale sign on his daughter?
The world traveled Masstoberfest Trophy isn't for everyone. It's an honor and privilege that few can understand. I'm glad I was able to do it justice, with Daddymem's help.
The world traveled Masstoberfest Trophy isn't for everyone. It's an honor and privilege that few can understand. I'm glad I was able to do it justice, with Daddymem's help.

I'm just happy that you and Imaginary Bob decided to bring it on vacation with you crazy kids. What a great looking trio.

It is great to see that Yoop took the cup out on the Town sometimes and let the public get the full Masstoberfest Cup experience. Ahhhh summer in Michigan. It's cool that Melana got the time to visit Yoop too.

Hey, I wonder what Paulie and Cardbob are looking at down there....
I'm calling bullshirt!

No f'ing way that picture's not Photoshopped.

I've NEVER been on my knees next to CardBob looking up at Yooper's and Melana's mash tuns.

Even drunk that's something I'd remember.

Hell, I'm pretty much convinced CardBob don't exist. I'd remember doing the alter boy knee flex with him.

Uhhhhhhh. Whatever. Still a bullshirt Photoshop
WARNING! The Yoop is in the air on her private jet and on the way to Masstoberfest 2016 and her final days as the reigning champ!

Well la-di-da. Would ya look at Yoop travelling first class. You'd think she would at least share a row with the cup, it is more important than Cardbob after all. Oh. Wait. I get it. Looks like Cardbob is about to punch his mile high club card. Way to go buddy, I hope you wore your mozzarella cologne.

Let's see. Yoop lives somewhere out in the tundra somewhere so she should be here in....the airspeed of a laden swallow minus drag...carry the 1...hey wait, is she even gonna make it that far in time???
Yooper, not one to mess around, started her victory lap with a bang today. She took the Masstoberfest Cup and Cardbob to check out a Patriots practice. Having punched his Mile High Club Card, Cardbob was full of testosterone and started yelling that he could be quarterback and beat Rex if they needed him. Well, Bill saw that trophy in Yooper's arms and figured whoever won that amazing trophy just HAD to be married to some super extra special so he said to himself "why not?" and yelled back "come on down and show me what you got!"

This is the before picture. We still have to get legal clearance to post the after picture. Good thing it was only Cardbob, but I'm betting he won't make it to Masstoberfest again...only furthering the myth of the man.
Wait a minute...

Wait a minute...

Wait just a cotton pick in' minute...

Are you f'ing sheeting me?????

HO-LEE Mother of Pearl! That boner hit her over the head like a shovel...



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How could we have been so blind?

Da fuq?

Yoooooooooop!!!!!!!!! You're a legend. I mean.... That's UNBELIEVABLE!!! You're the woman that turned a drug for pulmonary hypertension into a boner bonanza.
Hundreds of (admittedly loser) men worshipped you before when you were the beer wench behind the kegs. But you just floored the warp drive, you just went yard, you hit the big time.

You are Smiling Bob's Babe!!!!!

How could we have been so blind??????
Northern Brewer better not **** me over. I placed an order last Saturday and paid extra for shipping, because it was 'Need It By Friday, September 30th? Pay $16.59" or whatever extra. It finally shipped< with scheduled delivery on Monday. Which... I have basically no other ingredients. I could do an extract batch, but that's no fun. I'll be pissed if it's not here by Friday.