I Love Bud

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I really don't think most BMC offerings are terrible (keep the lime away from me though), they're just kinda "there." I'd say I have a very neutral opinion of them. They go down easy and don't fill you up, which is what at least 70% of beer drinkers want. Do I go out and buy a case of Budweiser every weekend though? No. Best I can do is a case of PBR or High Life every now and then. Even I want bland beer every now and then.

The BMC ad campaigns are pretty hilariously pathetic though. But that's the marketing department, not the brewing side.
Maybe you need to learn some facts about their beer,

Why don't you take the time to actually learn something

Damn Revvy, thanks for the ass rape. Didn't know it was such a sore subject. It really was just a side comment. I am willing to listen to your perspective and never acted like I wasn't.

At least use some lube next time, and maybe don't shove it in so far. I am a reverend as well you know, you could at least show a little respect for your fellow homebrewer and human being. I hate when people think just because we aren't talking face to face, that flaming someone who is not being a jerk is okay.

If I am uninformed, let me know, that's cool. That's all part of what being on a forum is about. But damn man.

I wasn't dissing the style, I like it on occasion. But like any other business, cost containment is a goal, more so than it is with a homebrewer, because we don't work on the same scale. The grain bills for these big beers do change depending on the market, just like any other mass produced food/beverage.

(When sugar is cheap, you will find ketchup bottle that say "no high fructose corn syrup" and when sugar is expensive, they are back to HFCS or "corn sugar" as they are calling it nowadays. Ketchup makers aren't really all that concerned with your health. It's about cost containment, and then they spin it for their benefit. I don't have a problem with that, it's just they way things are. There are entire departments at these big companies whose job it is to get acquire the needed ingredients for the lowest price.)

The bigger point I was making was that it is quite an accomplishment for them to have a consistent product with ingredients changing from time to time as well as being brewed in a variety of locations. That's something we homebrewers don't have the sophistication to do.

That being said, I am apologetically an elitist when it comes to things like Bud 55, but that's a different story. :)
Ok,I guess I'll throw in my 2c worth. I stopped buying BMC,unless I'm low on cash,than it's Stroh's. But,a few days ago i was doing some yard work,etc. Son came over to take me on an errand,so I go to BP for some beer as none of mine had there fridge time yet. I didn't put more in,oops.
So I'm perusing the beer fridge,& see Bud light lime in cans. New one for me,as it's been in bottles the last time I saw.
The cans were fairly cold,but not a lot. I have my fridge set to around 45F,so in they went. We popped the 1st 2,& I have to say,the can version was def cleaner & crisper than that in the clear bottles. Good thing for them,as the lime was fresher tasting as well with better malt flavor. For what it is,of course. Lawnmower beer is ok once in a while...it just has to taste fresh,imo.
You know, in general I try not to be too much of a beer snob when it comes to BMC products, and other macro lagers. I just think it's funny when a person is a diehard fan for one of the particular products, like they will only drink Miller Light or whatever. Just goes to show how much marketing affects people. They pretty much taste the same to me, and even if there is a slight difference, it's just minor variations on the same theme, not enough to warrant the zealotry.

I think there's a tendency to believe that craft beer is inherently better, and though that may be *technically* true, due to the cost of ingredients going in, and the care and attention given, it's a bit of a fallacy to assume that a diehard BMC drinker will necessarily like craft beers better if they are exposed to these products. Some people just like their beers to be easy to drink and a stone's throw away from carbonated water.
Wow I drink bud or coors when I'm
Out of home brew and to cheap to go spend 15 bucks a 12 pack for choice beer. Don't see why some people are all bent out of shape over it.
Damn Revvy, thanks for the ass rape.

Don't be sore (no pun intended), Revvy just took you to school, that's all. Forums ARE a place to learn things, that's why people shouldn't post uninformed "facts" that will reach a lot of readers now and in the future and contribute to misinformation. I don't care for light lagers, but I understand their history -- now you do too, I guess. ;)
::stands up::

Hi, my name is Aaron...and I really don't mind a Bud light now and then

I brew probably 95% of the beer I drink. Others comes from my friends brew pub, occasionally will stop at the liquor store and look for something we have not tried yet, but once in awhile...someone will bring over a sixer of BMC and I am not too snobbish to turn them down.

We went to a party last Saturday and the host asked me to bring some of my homebrew to have people taste it. I took 5 growlers of different beer for people to sample and out of about 40 people...there was only one guy who came up to me and said my beer was disgusting. He was drinking Modelo (in the white can). He has his own taste, and while I was kind of shocked by his bluntness...I respect him for it. Many other people asked me what local brewery I worked for so they could get more...he text me today and said that a lot of them keep commenting about my beer on his Facebook wall.
Wow, this whole conversation is completely retarded. As such, I feel obligated to chime in. :D

I brew my own beer at home. I do it for a variety of reasons. I also stop by the local shops with good selections from time to time and spend half an hour browsing what they have on hand and go home with 2 or 3 sixers to try out. And then sometimes when I'm in a hurry I'll stop off and grab a 12 of whatever Sam Adams flavor strikes my fancy that day. Then there are the times when I'll swing by the brewpub down the street and get a couple of growlers filled after work. (As I type this I'm currently savoring the last half glass of a growler of Oatmeal Stout purported to be made according to President Ulysses S. Grant's personal recipe, from a brewpub in his hometown... Damn good stuff whether the story is true or not.)

And ya know what? There are also times when I'm in the mood for a Miller Lite, or even a PBR or High Life. And I'm not to proud to swing by a gas station for a 30-pack of Busch Light. I'm sorry, but if the plan for the day is to go fishing on a 100 degree day in a spot with no shade, then an imperial russian coffee chocolate milk stout just doesn't sound like the best choice.

Any of you brewing masters out there can send me a bottle of your best, and I promise you I'm capable of appreciating every subtle nuance of your masterpiece. But if I'm planning to spend the day at the lake downing 20 beers in the hot sun? Eh, your effort is probably wasted after the second one, and the BMC stuff fits the bill just fine.

What's the big deal? There are hundreds of beers available to me within 5 or 20 minutes of driving from my house, all at varying prices. I'll drink whatever the hell sounds good to me that day, and the only way anyone is entitled to an opinion on my choice is if they're going to pay for it.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
subliminalurge said:
I also stop by the local shops with good selections from time to time and spend half an hour browsing what they have on hand and go home with 2 or 3 sixers.

I do this a lot as well...I will pace back and forth for 30 minutes only to get to the register with a six pack and sometimes a 22oz bottle of something. I sometimes get approached 2-3 times asking if I need help.
I do this a lot as well...I will pace back and forth for 30 minutes only to get to the register with a six pack and sometimes a 22oz bottle of something. I sometimes get approached 2-3 times asking if I need help.

I'm guilty of this too. That, and in the bourbon aisle.
I do this a lot as well...I will pace back and forth for 30 minutes only to get to the register with a six pack and sometimes a 22oz bottle of something. I sometimes get approached 2-3 times asking if I need help.

Same here. I could spend an entire afternoon looking at the stock of a well stocked craft beer store. I'll only grab maybe a 6-er, or even a couple singles just to try them out. It's fun for me, almost like doing research.
i like beer.
mostly i consume my homebrew, my friends homebrew and quality craft beer. but if i'm at my folks place, and my step dad hands me a busch, i will drink it happily.

as i've said in other posts, i can't even imagine sitting in my fishing boat, drinking craft beer all day while going after bass and crappie. that just doesn't compute. plus, it would probably jinx the whole damn thing. for me, busch beer is for fishing, other active outdoor stuff, and whenever that is what's around. insert whatever BMC you want into these situations, but for me it's busch. which reminds me, this is the time of year they start putting out the camouflage beer cans!
Hell it wasn't too long ago we got a 24 pack of Tecate. Still have a thing against Corona to be honest, don't particularly care for it. I know Tecate probably isn't much different but at least it knows it's cheap beer and is smart enough not to use clear bottles. Had a Bohemia for the first time at a Tex-Mex restaurant last weekend and thought it was pretty dang good.

On the flip side of this, I think there's probably a decent market for craft brewers to make light summer session beers, and I know some of them do. It probably won't do much to convert the masses but maybe it will keep the craft beer lovers in the fold on those hot summer days.
I shotgunned 2 Natty Lights and drank a budlight and a natty light after a WVU football game last weekend to start to catchup with my friends that had been drinking all day. This was probably in about 10 minutes. It's just so easy to put down and it's like drinking water. I couldn't sit around and drink super heavy or over hopped beers all day long.
Something that has been completely ignored in this discussion so far is the BMC snobs!

That's right, this is a 2 way road, some of my friends qualify very well as such. BMC snobs are people who think that any beer other than a BMC is garbage because ice cold light watery crap that smell corn syrup when warm is what they learned to enjoy! This is the kind of people that always associate brewing with lawn mowing or sports watching. Some of my award-winning or high score brews for those folks are always either too strong, or too sweet, or too bitter, or simply too wrong for a beer!

Not only that, I have friends that can't see much value in homebrewing as a hobby at all. Some of the most common comments I get are like "why spend that much time and money to make beer?", "so, do you have to wait 6 weeks until it is ready to drink?", "you can't clone an exact copy of bud because you are not good as them", "it did not turn out like you expected and now you have to drink 5 gallons of it?" and it goes on...

EDIT: The wording of the post is fixed, because apparently some people needed help understanding the idea.
Uuuh...don't you have that worded backwards? Craft beer snobs HATE BMC because it's watered down fermented horse wizz. The BMC'rs hate craft/home brew for the reasons stated. They say the things they do out of shear blind ignorance. Then spout off in public to embarrass you as if you're the ignorant one. They can't admit it to themselves that craft beer is more like the way all beers were before The BMC guys came over here with a grubstake & a desire to be super wealthy ASAP. Then lager came along & ruined everyone & everything with overly light lagers & even lighter pilsners. Easier to drink more of,the perfect formula for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!
unionrdr said:
Uuuh...don't you have that worded backwards? Craft beer snobs HATE BMC because it's watered down fermented horse wizz. The BMC'rs hate craft/home brew for the reasons stated. They say the things they do out of shear blind ignorance. Then spout off in public to embarrass you as if you're the ignorant one. They can't admit it to themselves that craft beer is more like the way all beers were before The BMC guys came over here with a grubstake & a desire to be super wealthy ASAP. Then lager came along & ruined everyone & everything with overly light lagers & even lighter pilsners. Easier to drink more of,the perfect formula for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!

I did not get anything backwards, I just gave the reasons why craft snobs hate anything other than BMC!
I did not get anything backwards, I just gave the reasons why craft snobs hate anything other than BMC!

Then that should be, "Craft Beer Snobs hate anything other than CRAFT beer." When you describe a snob, the identifier, be it "Craft" "Beer" or "Wine" typically is what the person is an aficionado of or what they are snobby about. So a wine snob is snobby about wine, a beer snob, about beer, a craft beer snob about craft beer, and though there's not one, a bmc snob, would sneer at anything other than BMC.....

A buxom redhead snob cares only about buxom redheads....
You said Craft beer snobs are people that that think that any beer other than a BMC is garbage. this wording implies that the craft snob hates anything that isn't a BMC. Craft snobs like craft beer only,not BMC's. What you said & what you meant are different Grammatically.
BeerwhichMakesmeCry for sheer bliss??

I'm so confused Indy, you think craft snobs are the ones drinking BMC?
Then that should be, "Craft Beer Snobs hate anything other than CRAFT beer." When you describe a snob, the identifier, be it "Craft" "Beer" or "Wine" typically is what the person is an aficionado of or what they are snobby about. So a wine snob is snobby about wine, a beer snob, about beer, a craft beer snob about craft beer, and though there's not one, a bmc snob, would sneer at anything other than BMC.....

A buxom redhead snob cares only about buxom redheads....

That's two threads I've read today where you reference well endowed redheads, Revvy.... :mug:
Reminds me of a redhead I knew in school that,a few years later came up behind me at the checkout at gold circle & liked my...well...never mind...;)
I enjoy an occasional PBR or High Life when it's 105F here, I also enjoy redheads and approve this thread :p
unionrdr said:
You said Craft beer snobs are people that that think that any beer other than a BMC is garbage. this wording implies that the craft snob hates anything that isn't a BMC. Craft snobs like craft beer only,not BMC's. What you said & what you meant are different Grammatically.

Amazing what people are able to get distract by... I'm sure people got the idea, of course I meant craft snobs hate BMC. If this was a grammar forum I could spend more time entertaining your pointless argument, but it ain't... Cheers!
Revvy said:
Then that should be, "Craft Beer Snobs hate anything other than CRAFT beer." When you describe a snob, the identifier, be it "Craft" "Beer" or "Wine" typically is what the person is an aficionado of or what they are snobby about. So a wine snob is snobby about wine, a beer snob, about beer, a craft beer snob about craft beer, and though there's not one, a bmc snob, would sneer at anything other than BMC.....

A buxom redhead snob cares only about buxom redheads....

Again, I think people with a minimum notion of common sense got the idea, but, oh well, some people just like to feel superior, it's the human nature ego thing, or perhaps just intelligence snobs, how about that, but I really call those other names, which I'm sure are against the rules of conduct in this forum. Never mind then.
A few years ago I was driving with the wife and the van broke down. Lit on fire actually, got to love old VWs. Stranded on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere for hours while a friend drove a dolly out to collect us. A farmer working his field had stopped by to make sure we were ok. After about 2 hours in the blaring summer heat the farmer came back with a few ice cold Buds for us.

Mighty neighborly and one great tasting beer at the time!

It starts out with another historical innaccuracy taken out of context. So what if Bush paid the rent of the bars? All the other breweries across the nation did the same thing...They didn't just pay the rent, they built and ran the taverns.

There was no other way to sell their beer. There weren't yet bottles or independent distributors, you wanted to sell your beer, you usually built the bar, bought out the established bar, or made a deal, like to remodel the place or just pay the rent while they carried your product. And the only way there was more than one beer in a bar, was if it came from the same breweries, you didn't have Bud, Bud light, Miller, Miller Light, Coors, and Coors light in the same place. Your bar was the Bud bar, the place next door was the coors bar (actually not it was usually another regional competitor, since natl distribution didn't happen til later with the advent of refrgeration) Miller and Miller light were across the street. That was how business was done back then.

Every brewery did that in North America prior to prohibition. In many major cities you had 4 bars on 4 corners owned by 4 different breweries. In fact it was one of the justifications used for prohibition, and the distribution laws we have today. All those dens of iniquities springing up on every corner hawking their wares.

In fact the laws that were enacted to stop that common business practice ended up being stumbling blocks that the early craft/microbrewing industry had to work on changing before they could start doing their thing...Because what to you think a brewpub is?

If you think of it isn't a brew pub nothing more than a bar owned by a brewery?

Ogle covered that one in the podcasts I think earlier.

And nor is it a surprise that Adolphus hated the beer, most of the old line Germans did, like I posted above, "The German brewers didn't want to make the switch. They were perfectly happy with their bocks and all those other great heavy German Beers. But the rest of us weren't into it.....

Because heavy beers (both english style Ales and the heavier Bavarian malty beers) were not being drunk by American consumers any more. Beer initally was seen around the world as food (some even called it liquid bread), but since America, even in the 1800's was a prosperous nation compared to the rest of the world, and americans ate meat with nearly every meal, heavy beers had fallen out of favor..."

They created the style for us, not because they necessarily wanted to. But just like any other business on the planet, you try to cater to the desires of the customer. Every craftbrewer who makes a IPa, or every car manufacturer who adds a backup camera, or comes up with an electric car is doing the same thing....It's called keeping up with customer demands.
so.... this thread keeps poping up?..............

why would you want to feed the trolls when they are perfectly capable of feeding themselves. ??
And I don't want to hear your overzealous noob comments because I am a new poster. I have been enjoying beer for a long time. Lager does not = Bud light. there are good lagers if that's the style you want. the only reason to drink swill is price. if you drink it, go ahead. I have a lot of friends that do. but don't get on here praising the merits of BMC. that is nonsensical horse piss, both the logic and the drink.
The majority of the responsibility for the lack of craft beer on my grocery store shelf lies with the American consumer. The general public are generally ignorant about a lot of things.
And I don't want to hear your overzealous noob comments because I am a new poster. I have been enjoying beer for a long time. Lager does not = Bud light. there are good lagers if that's the style you want. the only reason to drink swill is price. if you drink it, go ahead. I have a lot of friends that do. but don't get on here praising the merits of BMC. that is nonsensical horse piss, both the logic and the drink.

Welcome to HBT, I think. If I want to drink bud light because I like it, what is wrong with that?

You sound like an EAC that won't help with the cause of furthering craft beer.
Passedpawn, I've been lured back to this thread too. I'm blaming it on my beer consumption tonight.