I like this time at night on HBT

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Dan, do you know a good handyman who you trust? When things break, appliances, toilets, hvac, etc getting it taken care of when you're on an island might be a PITA. My wife and I will end up renting our house at some point and don't want to go the managemnt company route, but we also know a guy who can fix anything that would come up with the house.

+1 on the handyman vs. management company.

Have you thought about donating it to Homebrew Town for the tax considerations? It could be the west coast brew depot.
Dan, do you know a good handyman who you trust? When things break, appliances, toilets, hvac, etc getting it taken care of when you're on an island might be a PITA. My wife and I will end up renting our house at some point and don't want to go the managemnt company route, but we also know a guy who can fix anything that would come up with the house.

Hearing you TnGabe,

No I don't really know of a handyman. I never needed one, took care of stuff myself. But do believe you are correct. I should find some good person, who will take care of the little BS stuff that happens in a home.

I just wish this house was worth more than I owe on it. I'd sell it immediately.
BobbiLynn said:
Oh, and BB, your magic tricks can be the half-time show!!!
Perfect! I often do performances as my alter ego, Tarbash, the Egyptian Magician. What I do, I eat hot coal... I stab customer in eye with saber, but in my country that is, you know, magic. Then I punch my chest, and it disappear into the crowd, but it is, you know, fake. Then I bring out small mountain cat to terrorize the people! Then for encore I come out with whip, and maybe for extra bonus I could choke some of the people.
Perfect! I often do performances as my alter ego, Tarbash, the Egyptian Magician. What I do, I eat hot coal... I stab customer in eye with saber, but in my country that is, you know, magic. Then I punch my chest, and it disappear into the crowd, but it is, you know, fake. Then I bring out small mountain cat to terrorize the people! Then for encore I come out with whip, and maybe for extra bonus I could choke some of the people.

Dude, I'm totally lost.
+1 on the handyman vs. management company.

Have you thought about donating it to Homebrew Town for the tax considerations? It could be the west coast brew depot.

Let me just start this reply with :mug::mug:

Sounds like a great idea and fun. If Homebrew Town did physically exist. I wold certainly donate. Be pretty cool. We wood all have a place to brew and hang out.


I am far from a good husband. I'm not even sure I'm a good man. I am a father and do my best, but to be honest...I'm a good dad.

Nobody is perfect. Some people manage to raise a family better than i have done, without all the mistakes. In the end only love really matters

Putting up a song from the Beach Boys, Wouldn't it be Nice

Eff, I'm writing, you are reading. I don't give a crap how you see me. I love the Beach Boys. Pretty much every song they ever wrote. Here is one that I dearly love.

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Perfect! I often do performances as my alter ego, Tarbash, the Egyptian Magician. What I do, I eat hot coal... I stab customer in eye with saber, but in my country that is, you know, magic. Then I punch my chest, and it disappear into the crowd, but it is, you know, fake. Then I bring out small mountain cat to terrorize the people! Then for encore I come out with whip, and maybe for extra bonus I could choke some of the people.

Sounds like a perfect half-time show, or pre-game show to me!!! I think you just threw people off with the typo at the end, don't choke the people, choke the chickens!!!
PETA would be happier if it were the people not the chickens, so that will work too. Let's make this happen!!! :cross:

I am far from a good husband. I'm not even sure I'm a good man. I am a father and do my best, but to be honest...I'm a good dad.

Nobody is perfect. Some people manage to raise a family better than i have done, without all the mistakes. In the end only love really matters

Putting up a song from the Beach Boys, Wouldn't it be Nice

Eff, I'm writing, you are reading. I don't give a crap how you see me. I love the Beach Boys. Pretty much every song they ever wrote. Here is one that I dearly love.

I like the Beach Boys too.
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I harvested my red rice wine made with the leftover starch mass from my previous batch of red rice wine. It's just as good as the first batch. Good to know you don't have to use fresh RYR+rice yeast balls for each batch.
I think I've already mentioned it, but curry powder is fantastic on pizza. :) I picked up a 1lb package of it at the Asian market today for $5.50.
Interesting fact about the Beach Boys...

They were in the process of making a new record (the followup to what is widely considered their best album, Pet Sounds), when Brian Wilson heard The Beatles' latest hit, "Strawberry Fields Forever" while driving.

He turned to his passenger and said that the Beatles had just accomplished the sound he had spent his entire adult life/music career trying to achieve, and that there was no longer any point in trying. He immediately shelved the album and only completed it (albeit it was much different than it would have been) and released it about 40 years later.

For the sake of not exaggerating, I should add that he also struggled with a number of mental health problems which undoubtedly contributed to it all as well. But "Strawberry Fields Forever" definitely has a Beach Boys vibe to it (so much so that I have to wonder if it was even the least bit intentional), and its whole psychedelic character makes it quite possibly my favorite Beatles song. If any song was going to be responsible for halting the creative output of Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys, I'm glad it was that one!
Interesting fact about the Beach Boys...

... But "Strawberry Fields Forever" definitely has a Beach Boys vibe to it (so much so that I have to wonder if it was even the least bit intentional), and its whole psychedelic character makes it quite possibly my favorite Beatles song. If any song was going to be responsible for halting the creative output of Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys, I'm glad it was that one!

There was a lot of collaboration going on. Here is: India, 1968 (l-r): Jenny Boyd, Jane Asher, Paul McCartney, Donovan, Mia Farrow, George Harrison, the Maharishi, the Beach Boys’ Mike Love, John Lennon & Pattie Boyd I think Strawberry Fields was 1967 or 68

Dan, a bit of advice from someone who's been on both sides of rentals, is to find a good landscape company and include it in the price. Do not trust your tenants to care for your home as you would. I know there are those tenants out there, but they are few and far between. You will not be happy with how your beautiful yards look if you leave it up to them, I can guarantee it. Just my bit of advice and experience.
That is a good idea, snaps. And I love the Beach Boys too.

I went for a walk and got lost today. The woods behind my friend's house. Just wasn't paying attention and lost my way back. But I could hear vehicles going by in the distance so headed that direction. By the time I got to the road, I felt very overheated. Then realized it was a couple more miles back to her house. It was horrible, the heat this summer is going to become unbearable. It's really bad now. But a lady stopped to see if I was okay. I told her I needed water and she had some, I drank all of it before I could think of what to say to her. It was ****ing hot out there!! Then she offered me a ride up to the store, which was 3 miles past my friend's house, I just said, yes, please, figured they would have A/C and gatorade. Then sort of caught my breath and said, stop, there is the road, but she insisted on taking me to the store. And she asked me if I needed any money. I told her, no, let me give you a few bucks, but she wouldn't take it.

So then I was at the store even further away than I started but they did have A/C and gatorade. They had little tables in there too. I chose the booth next to a couple of older gentlemen talking. They saw how much I was sweating and talked to me about the weather. Then we got talking. Turns out both of them knew my husband's father who passed away a couple years back. He used to run a feed store. Anyway, I got a ride back. And not feeling stir crazy anymore. I'm not going to tell my friend about the adventure. Her animals, and home, are safe and sound.
I have a beer buzz tonight, and I'm going to get deep on you all....

I was just looking at the house across the street and remembering the kind elderly lady that lived there.

When I moved into my house about 11 years ago her and her husband were in their mid 70's. They still got around pretty good. The old man would do things around the house that a man his age shouldn't do like getting on the roof. He was a really stubborn old fart. The old lady (Joyce) would be outside watering and sweeping all the time.

A few years passed and the old man (Johnny) started to have major health problems with his heart. Joyce hadn't really changed much, though. They didn't know it, but I always kept my eyes open for their well being. Little by little Johnny's health fell more.

A couple of days before thanksgiving about 3 years ago, Joyce and her daughter called me and asked if I could come help wake up Johnny, because they couldn't get him to wake up. I got a lump in my throat and proceeded across the street. Johnny was in his recliner and looked quite peacful. His heating pad was on and warm, and he had a glass of ice water next to him on the table. When I looked at his face, I knew he wasn't just sleeping. After checking for a pulse I convinced Joyce that she needed to call 911. He was already gone.

I started to look after Joyce and help her around the house after that. She was always so grateful. She would make me big pots of stew to show her appreciation.

About a year and a half later she had a bad fall and suffered a stroke. After a year of struggling to recover and having stroke after stroke she finally couldn't hold on anymore. She passed a few months ago.

Now her daughter lives in the house, but you can tell she doesn't care for the place. Joyce's plants are dying, and the house is falling in to disrepair. It's sad to see something like that.

Standing and staring at their house reminds me that Johnny and Joyce are a rare, dying breed. They just don't make neighbors or people in general like that anymore.

Tonight I'm raising a pint in their memory!

^ Yes actually you see people like that every day when people like yourself look in the mirror. This younger generation (on the most part) is so use to being handed everything. Growing up if you didn't know how to do something a friend or neighbor did and would help you out. I have 2 good neighbors they don't drink unfortunately,my other neighbor is a PR!CK. He has called the police and county on me for making beer and having my boat sitting in my driveway (code requires that it has to be on the side of house not to be beyond the forward facing wall of house) other houses down the street have boats, trailers etc. I mentioned them to code enforcement "If nobody complains we don't care if someone complains we have to follow through." I tried making a peace offering and brought him a 12 pack of homebrew he thew it in his trash can right in front of me. He is now on disability from the county job he had ( claimed a back injury told my other neighbor he was afraid he might lose his job or take a pay cut):mad:
^ Yes actually you see people like that every day when people like yourself look in the mirror. This younger generation (on the most part) is so use to being handed everything. Growing up if you didn't know how to do something a friend or neighbor did and would help you out. I have 2 good neighbors they don't drink unfortunately,my other neighbor is a PR!CK. He has called the police and county on me for making beer and having my boat sitting in my driveway (code requires that it has to be on the side of house not to be beyond the forward facing wall of house) other houses down the street have boats, trailers etc. I mentioned them to code enforcement "If nobody complains we don't care if someone complains we have to follow through." I tried making a peace offering and brought him a 12 pack of homebrew he thew it in his trash can right in front of me. He is now on disability from the county job he had ( claimed a back injury told my other neighbor he was afraid he might lose his job or take a pay cut):mad:

What a jerk that neighbor of yours is. Most of my other neighbors are younger and could care less about neighbors or anyone other than themselves. The world really seems like such a selfish place these days.
I have a beer buzz tonight, and I'm going to get deep on you all....

I was just looking at the house across the street and remembering the kind elderly lady that lived there.

When I moved into my house about 11 years ago her and her husband were in their mid 70's. They still got around pretty good. The old man would do things around the house that a man his age shouldn't do like getting on the roof. He was a really stubborn old fart. The old lady (Joyce) would be outside watering and sweeping all the time.

A few years passed and the old man (Johnny) started to have major health problems with his heart. Joyce hadn't really changed much, though. They didn't know it, but I always kept my eyes open for their well being. Little by little Johnny's health fell more.

A couple of days before thanksgiving about 3 years ago, Joyce and her daughter called me and asked if I could come help wake up Johnny, because they couldn't get him to wake up. I got a lump in my throat and proceeded across the street. Johnny was in his recliner and looked quite peacful. His heating pad was on and warm, and he had a glass of ice water next to him on the table. When I looked at his face, I knew he wasn't just sleeping. After checking for a pulse I convinced Joyce that she needed to call 911. He was already gone.

I started to look after Joyce and help her around the house after that. She was always so grateful. She would make me big pots of stew to show her appreciation.

About a year and a half later she had a bad fall and suffered a stroke. After a year of struggling to recover and having stroke after stroke she finally couldn't hold on anymore. She passed a few months ago.

Now her daughter lives in the house, but you can tell she doesn't care for the place. Joyce's plants are dying, and the house is falling in to disrepair. It's sad to see something like that.

Standing and staring at their house reminds me that Johnny and Joyce are a rare, dying breed. They just don't make neighbors or people in general like that anymore.

Tonight I'm raising a pint in their memory!


I had some Italian neighbors just like that. They were the sweetest hardest working people I ever new. I also never had better food than they made and they would always send something over for us. Every time I would go fishing, I would go visit Skipper and he would get out his worm shocker and get me a dozen in no time. I was a bit young to realize when their health started failing and unfortunately, was of no help to them. The house now looks like ****! It is hard to believe people can do that to a place.

I have some elderly neighbors now. They are the complete other end of the spectrum. If I could get away with punching them in the throat, I would in a second. They hate our kids, cats, dog when we had one. They just hate everything. We are moving across town and I cannot wait to give them some good renters to deal with.
Back on the farm, ate too many blackberries today while out scouting. I think I am going to take down the gate, Berlin wall style. I need access that way. Grandfather passed away 3 years ago and he had a long standing feud with a neighboring land owner, that guy rents out his land in lots. Our property stands on one side, his on the other, used to be a much used short cut, even for me and hubby, I want the short cut back. On either side the gate connects to barbed wired, snip down the barbed wire on each side, and then the size of gate, size of hinges, size of locks, won't matter. And, look, now our private roads connect again. You let me use yours, and I'll let you use mine would make sense, but no, some kind of turmoil going on even after several generations.

So, I got thinking, just take it down, Berlin wall style, have the metal hauled away for scrap and melted down before anyone has a chance to recover it.

/End of rant
Back on the farm, ate too many blackberries today while out scouting. I think I am going to take down the gate, Berlin wall style. I need access that way. Grandfather passed away 3 years ago and he had a long standing feud with a neighboring land owner, that guy rents out his land in lots. Our property stands on one side, his on the other, used to be a much used short cut, even for me and hubby, I want the short cut back. On either side the gate connects to barbed wired, snip down the barbed wire on each side, and the size of gate, size of hinges, size of locks, won't matter. And, look, now our private roads connect again. You let me use yours, and I'll let you use mine would make sense, but no, some kind of turmoil going on even after several generations.

So, I got thinking, just take it down, Berlin wall style, have the metal hauled away for scrap and melted down before anyone has a chance to recover it.

/End of rant

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Leadgolem said:
Hey Bottlebomber, how's your job hunt going?

It's going awesome man, just awesome. I have my notice yesterday. They were totally cool about it, the owner told me that I'm the best machinist he's ever seen, and I will always have a place here if I want to come back. I've got a great new gig. Pay is good, benefits are great, and we work 4-10's, so I always get a 3 day weekend :D the job hunt process was long and hard. I was offered a starting salary of _____ to work for one shop, and I could tell by the look in his eyes that that job would put me to my grave. I'm making less than that, but plenty of potential on this new job and I would be making that kind of money in about 5 years and still have to work 4 days, not 6 like he wanted. Anyway I'm drunk ad on Ambien right now so I'm just going to hit send and then that's a good night
Sup Ladies and Germs? Just started a new job myself. Here in town this time, no more commuting. Which is very nice, but, it also means I can't work from home anymore. Oh well, I've got two more hours of free time on most days, so. Also less computer work, which means less HBT. That's Murphy"s law I guess. For everything you gain you lose something. I'm liking the new gig though, a lot less stressful. Also had to reload my computer again for the third time in less than two months. Another freakin virus :( This time I got it trying to download a pink noise generator so I could dial in my buddy's PA. I ran sound for him last weekend for a party. Everything's back on track again for the moment. Speaking of tracks........

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It's going awesome man, just awesome. I have my notice yesterday. They were totally cool about it, the owner told me that I'm the best machinist he's ever seen, and I will always have a place here if I want to come back. I've got a great new gig. Pay is good, benefits are great, and we work 4-10's, so I always get a 3 day weekend :D the job hunt process was long and hard. I was offered a starting salary of ... to work for one shop, and I could tell by the look in his eyes that that job would put me to my grave. I'm making less than that, but plenty of potential on this new job and I would be making that kind of money in about 5 years and still have to work 4 days, not 6 like he wanted. Anyway I'm drunk ad on Ambien right now so I'm just going to hit send and then that's a good night
Excellent! I was a little worried after the whole nepotism thing. Sounds like it's for the best though. I omited the salary info from the quote, in case you change your mind later.

Sup Ladies and Germs? Just started a new job myself. Here in town this time, no more commuting. Which is very nice, but, it also means I can't work from home anymore. Oh well, I've got two more hours of free time on most days, so. Also less computer work, which means less HBT. That's Murphy"s law I guess. For everything you gain you lose something. I'm liking the new gig though, a lot less stressful. Also had to reload my computer again for the third time in less than two months. Another freakin virus :( This time I got it trying to download a pink noise generator so I could dial in my buddy's PA. I ran sound for him last weekend for a party. Everything's back on track again for the moment. Speaking of tracks........

Murphy's law would be, "Anything that can possibly go wrong, does." I think you meant Newton's third law. "When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body."

Interesting song, especially around 3:30. :mug:
Howdy late nite crew! Hope all is well. I'm on the road and, between some really intense stamp collecting activities and all my moderatin' and stuff, I haven't been keeping up (PKU!).

Looks like some of you are getting more gainfully employed. That's too bad, I wish more people would adopt the vagabond way of life. The gainfully employed dress nicely, and you make me look bad. That's what my wife says. And stop it with the hair cuts and clean fingernails etc. BB, I'm looking at you.

Thanks for all the Beatles posts. I like the Beatles. Mostly I like the word Liverpool, and the only time I get to say that is in reference to the Beatles. Also Dali Llama. Yes, I know I spelled that wrong, but he's a friend and he thinks it's funny so I keep doing it.

Forgive me for the following J. Geils piece. I'm in Dallas tonight and I discovered Ballast Point Pale Ale: nice. A submission for your late night soundtrack: from the Love Stinks album, which I owned at least twice:

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Murphy's law would be, "Anything that can possibly go wrong, does." I think you meant Newton's third law. "When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body."

Interesting song, especially around 3:30. :mug:

Indeed, I was mistaken, but I wasn't referring to Newton's third law. And there is an easier way to say that. "Every action has an opposite but equal reaction." I thought there were more Murphy's laws other than the "Anything that can happen will." As it turns out, there isn't, and I was actually paraphrasing a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. :mug:

For PP

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Leadgolem said:
Excellent! I was a little worried after the whole nepotism thing. Sounds like it's for the best though. I omited the salary info from the quote, in case you change your mind later.
Thanks for omitting salary information, I'm confused that I included that. Probably because I was highly intoxicated. I worked 10 hours yesterday, then came back at 7:30 and worked until a little after midnight making myself 4 of these large aluminum canisters that I'm going to use for geocaches with the kids. Had one last fling with the companies equipment, I've been hanging on to this piece of tubing stock for quite a while.
