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That made me laugh Hoppy. I needed that, been working on my friend's computer. Thing was trashed. Finally cleaned it up enough to work on it and discovered it had a system restore. But, of course, it was passworded and they didn't know what it was. I found a write up on how to go in and retireve the PW though. Pretty cool, and it actually worked. Guess what the PW was..........enter. Geeez. And the moral of this story? Don't lose your laptop. PW's don't mean $hit.

Now you got me in techno mood. I'll have you know that song is now stuck in my head. Thanks hoppy :p

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Ended up buying a bag of frozen strawberries instead of cranberries while out picking up hubby's prescriptions. And I have a little wine yeast in the fridge, might add a little of that too. See what happens.

I am following recipes still about half the time, so have more great batches going than bad ones!
That should be good too. Unless you want it sweet and plan to pasteurize a little yeast wouldn't hurt. That should take care of the sugar that you will get from the strawberries. With how clear that is, I'm not sure you would have enough yeast in suspension to drop the sweetness.

I brew that much at 12 gallons a pop! ::rockin:: (don't do the math)

All in the name of recipe development.

Left a message for the sanitary welder. I'm thinking if he isn't ready to go full blown yet maybe buying a Chinese 5bbl system and having him modify it when we take delivery. Hes pretty excited about building though, and seeing as he builds dairy tanks and equipment a brewery should be easy.
....Ok. It's your liver.

That made me laugh Hoppy. I needed that, been working on my friend's computer. Thing was trashed. Finally cleaned it up enough to work on it and discovered it had a system restore. But, of course, it was passworded and they didn't know what it was. I found a write up on how to go in and retireve the PW though. Pretty cool, and it actually worked. Guess what the PW was..........enter. Geeez. And the moral of this story? Don't lose your laptop. PW's don't mean $hit.

Now you got me in techno mood. I'll have you know that song is now stuck in my head. Thanks hoppy :p
Yeah, if you have physical access to a system all the security in the world means nothing.
That should be good too. Unless you want it sweet and plan to pasteurize a little yeast wouldn't hurt. That should take care of the sugar that you will get from the strawberries. With how clear that is, I'm not sure you would have enough yeast in suspension to drop the sweetness.

A day later the strawberries are floating near the top with tons of foam/krausen. Added a pound of strawberries with added sugar plus a little wine yeast. Original yeast used was mauribrew ale yeast, but it's used up. Maybe the new yeast can feed on the old yeast? I should rename it "Barley Strawberry Pruno?".
So...you added sugar and wine yeast too? Here I thought you were fine with just the fruit addition.

You definitely have something there, not sure what it is but it's something.
So...you added sugar and wine yeast too? Here I thought you were fine with just the fruit addition.

You definitely have something there, not sure what it is but it's something.

I thought I was too, but the yeast looked dead, not a single bit of it floating, it ate the corn sugar until the remainder was sour, fermented corn sugar with some malted barley, no sugar left. That's why I thought extra sugar and wine yeast too. No idea how it will turn out. Tasted like sour liquor before the additions.
Mmm...sour liquor. Just saying it leaves my insides warm and fuzzy.

Unless you have a very thorough filter there is always yeast in beer. Killing it and the yeast taking a beer nap are different.
The addition of wine yeast is going to make this drier than it was before. Another active fermentation will cause some of the fruit flavor to be lost, sorry to say.

What are all the ingredients in this beer/wine?
I'm out of breath, sweaty and covered in soil, I hope I don't die. Hosed myself off. Enough about beer, time to work in the garden. Gonna go lay in the sun, with a slight breeze, and dry off, it's 72 degrees and sunny, nicest day we've had in a while...
Mmm...sour liquor. Just saying it leaves my insides warm and fuzzy.

Unless you have a very thorough filter there is always yeast in beer. Killing it and the yeast taking a beer nap are different.
The addition of wine yeast is going to make this drier than it was before. Another active fermentation will cause some of the fruit flavor to be lost, sorry to say.

What are all the ingredients in this beer/wine?

Catching my breath already, all oregano repotted and 2 rows ready to plant some basil seed. Back to beer...

I did not follow a recipe, just added stuff for about a 3 gallon batch.

5 pounds 2-row- one pound of it slightly roasted on a cookie sheet. Worried about burning so barely roasted it.

9 ounces powder corn sugar

about 1.5 cups light brown sugar

about 1/2 cup honey

pint of washed US-05- or maybe mauribrew fresh yeast, don't recall precisely.

First fermentation at this point. Then added....

1 pound strawberries along with about a 1/2 cup of table sugar.

Wine yeast, small amount-leftover saved- not sure exactly what it is. Yeast I save from about 4 months ago when I tried a little wine making.

By sour liquor, imagine a sweet liquor but with all the sugar sucked out of it. I called it sour lemonade at first because of the very light yellow, almost glowing, color and tartness.
Threw those ingredients into a calculator and based on 3 gal it comes up with an og of 1.075 total without the fruit. 1.067 for the first round of fermentation. srm of 3.7, in the range of a standard American lager.
Don't know if that helps but it gives some base numbers at least.

Bastard braggot??

I miss the 'cola and being able to see my garden...
Threw those ingredients into a calculator and based on 3 gal it comes up with an og of 1.075 total without the fruit. 1.067 for the first round of fermentation. srm of 3.7, in the range of a standard American lager.
Don't know if that helps but it gives some base numbers at least.

Bastard braggot??

I miss the 'cola and being able to see my garden...

That's what I was going for, an ale version of a standard american lager, like coors or bud light. Friends like it, so thought I'd try to brew it for them. But turned out like bud light on sour steroids. And don't forget the taste of cheap wine in the mix. Oh, well, just an experiment, will keep trying. See what happens with this one.

I like Bastard Braggot, poor baby, not sure who his daddy is.
A day later the strawberries are floating near the top with tons of foam/krausen. Added a pound of strawberries with added sugar plus a little wine yeast. Original yeast used was mauribrew ale yeast, but it's used up. Maybe the new yeast can feed on the old yeast? I should rename it "Barley Strawberry Pruno?".
Yes they can. Though that isn't a good thing. It makes your brew smell like rotten eggs.

That's what I was going for, an ale version of a standard american lager, like coors or bud light. Friends like it, so thought I'd try to brew it for them. But turned out like bud light on sour steroids. And don't forget the taste of cheap wine in the mix. Oh, well, just an experiment, will keep trying. See what happens with this one.

I like Bastard Braggot, poor baby, not sure who his daddy is.
Yeah, you are going to lose some of the fruit flavor with a vigorous second fermentation. When it's done, bottle and forget about it for a couple months. It's liable to have a bite to it for a while. Usually that mellows out with a little time though.

All of the wines I've made have improved with a little time. Some of them have been down right gross right after hitting FG.
Yes they can. Though that isn't a good thing. It makes your brew smell like rotten eggs.

Yeah, you are going to lose some of the fruit flavor with a vigorous second fermentation. When it's done, bottle and forget about it for a couple months. It's liable to have a bite to it for a while. Usually that mellows out with a little time though.

All of the wines I've made have improved with a little time. Some of them have been down right gross right after hitting FG.

It looks downright gross now, strawberries have turned white and airlock clogged with pink fluid and seeds. Pretty sure fermentation sucked all the flavor out of the strawberries, that's why they look white now. Replaced the airlock with a clean, sanitized one. Bad experiment. Not looking good, but since it's not really taking up any of my space, will give it time. Now it looks like pink sour lemonade, with floating white objects.
It looks downright gross now, strawberries have turned white and airlock clogged with pink fluid and seeds. Pretty sure fermentation sucked all the flavor out of the strawberries, that's why they look white now. Replaced the airlock with a clean, sanitized one. Bad experiment. Not looking good, but since it's not really taking up any of my space, will give it time. Now it looks like pink sour lemonade, with floating white objects.
Yeah, the first time I made cider with apples in it I nearly ralphed right into the fermentor. It looks absolutely horrible. I poured the batch through a large colander after fishing out as many of the apples with my spider as I could. Bottled, and hoped for the best. After about 3 months, it was awesome.

This is the spider I'm talking about.
Here's a picture of my container gardening from last spring, this spring, I want to make it even better. In the background that's the roof of my one-level home, see it? That's where I live.

Wow that looks nice. I had to throw away my plastic plants because I was killing them. I just do not have the touch you have
I am in awe of your setup BL. I'd have to be loaded to be able to afford that property in California.
City has started burning 2000 acres just north of us and ashes are falling like snow. Can't go outside. This sucks.
Are they doing a controlled burn to reduce wildfires or is it for agriculture?

Controlled burn to prevent forest fires. Wondering how much control they actually have though. I think they waited too long between burns. Would not want to be out there in it or driving through. It was on the local news as an alert and they say "it's under control". About 12 miles north of me is the airport and flights can't land due to smoke. Hardly any wind today so smoke just sitting like a heavy fog.
I knew some smoke jumpers in college. They had to do that kind of thing, as well as jump out of a perfectly good air plane into the middle of raging fires. Too crazy for me. I would like to skydive sometime, but not like that.
Wind shifted and it's nice out now. Gonna strap a light to my forehead and go for a midnight brew. Also some midnight planting. Green beans, lima beans, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, squash, onions, spinach, ummm... more stuff too. My container gardening is for personal consumption, fields are for stuff to sell. Yum!! Beer and veggies. I love any veggie soaked in olive oil and roasted. Steamed healthy is good too.
Wow Bobbi, you have some serious gardening going on there. I have a little patch in the corner of our half acre of paradise here in town and plant a few things but have a hard time harvesting much before the frost comes in the fall. I keep trying though.

Anyone here have bees? I'm thinking of getting a hive this year. Not sure why, except that I kind of like bees. And of course the honey. And might annoy the neighbors. Which is always important.
Wind shifted and it's nice out now. Gonna strap a light to my forehead and go for a midnight brew. Also some midnight planting. Green beans, lima beans, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, squash, onions, spinach, ummm... more stuff too. My container gardening is for personal consumption, fields are for stuff to sell. Yum!! Beer and veggies. I love any veggie soaked in olive oil and roasted. Steamed healthy is good too.

You should grow hops! :D
Anyone here have bees? I'm thinking of getting a hive this year. Not sure why, except that I kind of like bees. And of course the honey. And might annoy the neighbors. Which is always important.

Honey = Mead. I might be your first customer. I have bought local clover, but ended up buying Buckwheat out of state (Washington). Flying Bee Ranch. Good, but a very earthy taste. Used it in the Carmel Apple mead that is in secondary. Hydro tastings have been incredible.
You should grow hops! :D

I know!! Having trouble finding seed. The place I get my seeds from doesn't sell hops. Maybe someone here can send me seeds? I will take your seeds and make them grow.

I have a light strapped to my forehead and squash seeds, lima bean seed and hops in my pockets. Life is good!!!


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