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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Brantford, Ontario
My BIL and I were sitting around our wives' mother place over Christmas enjoying the season (for lack of a better word). He is the one that got me into home brewing so we discuss beer more than the average guys. Mom in law asks if we are thirsty and would like a drink. Then passes us a Coors light. Now before we all start I used to enjoy a Coors. It was a refreshing change to the Guiness or Caffery's I used to drink.

I now understand why we all bash the BMC crowd. The water from her tap had more interesting flavours in it. (We live in a steel town don't drink the water) I was shocked. I haven't drank any commercial swill in months and now I know why. I thought it was just the Coors but the Molson Canadian was only slightly better. Home brewing has ruined all my teenaged drinking favourites. Now I'm scared to drink anything that you can't buy individually from the brewmaster.

I'm going out to buy my old favourite. Molson Export. Just a 6 pack. I know it won't let me down.
Meh. I can still enjoy a BMC for what it is. And I have tried a lot of "fine" craft beers that were less appealing to me than a hot corn lager.

To each their own. I suppose. It's one thing to bash the conglomerate for their business practices but it's another to bash the product or the brewer because of the employer.
nothin' like slammin a few MGD's before walkin' into lambeau field!

or paying $6 for a 12-ounce of it during the game!

actually, there was a surprising amount of micro available at lambeau. fat tire, new glarus, etc. then there's the Leinie Lodge. but, I don't drink leinie's anymore, for...."political" reasons....

aside from that, I've had a few commercial/brewpub beers that made me wish I'd ordered a miller lite instead.
I have never really enjoyed any BMC except plain old Budweiser. I can still drink it on occasion, but it has to be cold as ice.
I used to bash BMC and anyone who drinks em.

But, since the economy has hit my household pretty hard, my roommates pretty much only drink Miller Lite. I've a newfound "respect" for it.
I can actually drink a 12er of it and remember how the football game ended.
Try that with a IIPA or RIS. :)
The homebrew / craftbrew is great and has really helped me appreciate beer. Sometimes, though, it's nice to just have a cold refreshing brew that I don't have to think about.
If "lite" beer is the only choice, I can actually be satisfied with a Miller Lite. I can't stand Coors or Bud Lite though!! I have been known to enjoy a Blue Moon, not great, but not too bad either, and I think Budweiser's American Ale is actually an okay beer. Well, look at that, I've got something I can drink from each of the big three!
I had a similar experience with a bottle left over when I visited my mother. It had been left by my brother.

Take swig, look at bottle suspiciously.

Now not only do I expect my beer to have flavor, I want GOOD flavor too. I'm such a *****.... :D
PBR is pretty decent. I'll actually buy a sixer of it every once in a while. You can get a sixer of tall boys for like $5. I'd rather get that than pay $9 for a mediocre 6-pk in a poorly stocked beer cooler.
I get my High Life cans in 6-pak for like $3.99.

Can't beat it for the price.

Sometimes I'm just tired of the overtly "in your face" micros that are out there because the industry (much like in homebrew competitions) seem to think that the extreme edge of the style is the place to be, where sometimes a great beer is at the bottom edge of barely in style.
I tend to keep budlight around when I can't afford to keep craft beers on hand. I call it my 'everyday' beer. When I do get a chance to indulge however, like tonight, it always makes the budlight taste like cardboard. lame....

It will be nice when I have enough of my own on hand to keep me 'economically' satisfied... :)
I have no problem drinking BMC. Grew up on the stuff. Sure, I would rather have an APA or IPA most of the time, but on a hot summer day a cooler full of ice cold coors/bud is fantastic. Pabst is also lovely - on tap is even better.
Honestly, I can enjoy any beer under the right circumstances.

The right circumstances for BMC in my opinion is when it is free or when I'm playing drinking games. Drinking games with a nice RIS are.... interesting.

What it really comes down to though is that I will NEVER drink a BMC with an expectation of enjoying the taste. That is the wrong beer for my favorite intention.
Once upon a time, before I knew any better, I thought the BMC stuff was good. Then I discovered what real beer was when I experienced it for the 1st time in Germany. I can NEVER truly enjoy any of the BMC swill again. A few years ago I discovered real cider, now I can never go back to Hornsby's. The same sort of thing happens in the tech world too, I mean who really wants to go back to the PentiumII? Regards, GF.
There's a time and a place for all beers, even BMC beers. Coors Lite and Labatt Blue were my go to beers for tailgating in college. Even if they're not very good, I enjoy them because of the memories (or lack thereof) that I associate with them.
Like most of you, I too quickly discovered the lack of flavor in BMC that I was previously unaware of. While my preference is a much more flavorful brew, I also have no problem going back to my "old standby" Coors Original from time to time. Also, there is a time and place that nothing beats a PBR tallboy. I took a bunch of homebrew and microbrews to my in-laws over the holidays and we all enjoyed them, but when we were shooting pool and playing cards "throwing them back", I saved the good stuff for another time and drank the Coors Original...glad I did. Left more for good stuff for later!
Like most of you, I too quickly discovered the lack of flavor in BMC that I was previously unaware of. While my preference is a much more flavorful brew, I also have no problem going back to my "old standby" Coors Original from time to time. Also, there is a time and place that nothing beats a PBR tallboy. I took a bunch of homebrew and microbrews to my in-laws over the holidays and we all enjoyed them, but when we were shooting pool and playing cards "throwing them back", I saved the good stuff for another time and drank the Coors Original...glad I did. Left more for good stuff for later!

If you look at the evolution of BMC as kind of a 'working beer' then this isn't surprising giving beer is better than water for hydration. Think about doing yard work on a hot day, etc.... Still, would a little more flavor hurt? :D

Loved the comment: "The water from her tap had more interesting flavours in it."
But in all seriousness, much as I love my homebrew (and that of friends) I still like to partake of the occasional Amberbock or Killians Red. I don't fault the big guys -homebrewing has given me a pretty good appreciation for those who can brew a very consistent product for a pretty low price (since the average beer drinker wouldn't appreciate any variation in the flavor of (or in some cases, lack of) their 'usual'.
One of my wifes' sons (probably the hardest working guy I know) doesn't touch my homebrew because he prefers his brews with a (lot) bit less flavor. Being as what usually flows from my taps tends to be porters or brown ale, we usually keep a few bottles of domestic in the fridge for him.
This kind of helped me understand why the usual domestic has so much less complex flavors compared to the general homebrewed beers -they have to try to appeal to a much larger audience whearas WE only have to appeal to ourselves (when you get right down to the brass tacks, we brew what WE like, not what 'joe sixpack' wants. ) Its an added bonus when our friends also like what we make, but be honest, if you didn't like it, would you brew it (except maybe as a favor) ? I don't like lambics, and lactobacillus has no place in my brewery.
I used to have a Bud Light at the bowling alley on league night when there was nothing else available and someone bought a pitcher, but I never liked it, just tolerated it (and I have no problem with anyone who does like it). Now they at least have Newcastle in bottles, so no more Bud Light.
My guilty BMC pleasure is Bud Chelada (beer + Clamato) tall boys when I'm down in Point Roberts, WA. The saltiness and savoury clam-ness is great, especially when you want to put that final nail in a hangover.

Besides that, I tend to drink Canadian versions of BMC (Canadian, Kokanee and Blue) when I'm at my local with my buddies who aren't as adventurous in their beer drinking. It's a working-class dive bar that specializes in really cold, yellow, fizzy beer; they're good at what they're good at. Can't say that I have bought any Canadian BMC from the liquor store for as long as I remember, but it certainly has a time and place. Hell, I even drank a can of malt liquor at my uncle's place on Boxing Day.
I work for a beer distributor that distributes Miller Coors, for the holidays they gave all of us a free Home Draft of Coors light, I pulled one draft from it and that was enough. I really don't even think its worth the calories, it is flavorless. I love to watch football and have a few light beers while doing so. My go to for that is either Miller Lite or Shiner Blonde.
I work for a beer distributor that distributes Miller Coors, for the holidays they gave all of us a free Home Draft of Coors light, I pulled one draft from it and that was enough. I really don't even think its worth the calories, it is flavorless. I love to watch football and have a few light beers while doing so. My go to for that is either Miller Lite or Shiner Blonde.

Yep, already said it before, but, if I'm watching a game or playing a round of golf and drinking light beer, I find Miller Lite to definitely be the best of the three. Totally agree sir! :mug:
When I go somewhere I expect to be drinking all night I'll grab a case of Sam Adams. That's as light as I can go and I can drink it all night without getting sloppy. But seriously Bud, Miller or Coors "light"? You have got to be kidding me.

Glad my fridge is stocked with Chimay, Orval, Westmalle and Rochefort.
When I go somewhere I expect to be drinking all night I'll grab a case of Sam Adams. That's as light as I can go and I can drink it all night without getting sloppy. But seriously Bud, Miller or Coors "light"? You have got to be kidding me.

Glad my fridge is stocked with Chimay, Orval, Westmalle and Rochefort.

Yep, I enjoy those as well, but, there is a time and a place for some of those "lesser" beers. I can't remember every buying Miller Lite to bring home, but if I'm at a bar watching a game and find their selection is completely awful, I can enjoy a Miller Lite. It wouldn't be my first choice, but it's fine.

I also enjoy a good ribeye now and then, but I also am not against a bowl of ramen noodles. In fact, throw in some spicy chili paste and serve it with a Miller Lite and I might enjoy it even more than that steak! :mug:
Yep, I enjoy those as well, but, there is a time and a place for some of those "lesser" beers. I can't remember every buying Miller Lite to bring home, but if I'm at a bar watching a game and find their selection is completely awful, I can enjoy a Miller Lite. It wouldn't be my first choice, but it's fine.

I also enjoy a good ribeye now and then, but I also am not against a bowl of ramen noodles. In fact, throw in some spicy chili paste and serve it with a Miller Lite and I might enjoy it even more than that steak! :mug:

Totally agree. When homebrew or good beer isn't on hand, or if the occasion calls for it, Coors Light is my go to beer. Usually when I'm watching football, etc. I can drink lots of em, control my buzz more easily and it really is less filling. I can't imagine sitting through a game drinking some 8-10% homebrew.. I'd be wrecked :)
I don't mind a coors or miller on a hot day when I want something cold. I'll happily drink Blue moon (on tap) when there isn't anything else to pick from. None of them are my favorites but I don't think they taste like dog vomit either.
One of my wifes' sons has been staying with us a few days while he tries to get back on his feet, and he brought home a case of "high life", figured' I'd give it a try just to see how far my tastes have changed from years ago. I couldn't even finish the one beer before excusing myself, pouring that out, and pulling a draft of Baltic from my kegerator. I just couldn't drink it. TO ME it tasted like skunked beer, but thats just me.
I just finished that Ex that I mentioned. Thank goodness not all my favourites are ruined. While still light on flavour it was much better. Don't get me wrong. I don't think that the macros go out of their way to make bad beer or flavourless beer or go about it half @$$. I think they are producing beers that the majority of the population will drink and enjoy. I guess I was just surprised at how different it tasted from what I remembered.

I'm sure I will buy Canadian, or Coors light again and I'm sure I will drink it and I'm sure I will just be happy that there is something considered beer in my hand.
I'm surprised none of the former or current members from the Midwest mentioned Old Style. This was one of the most popular beers in the Chicago area during my formative years. There was also my grandfather's favorite Meister Brau. amazing what we drank before we realized what good beer tastes like.
agreed, SF, as I said, I can admire the big guys for making a consistent product for a low price, especially given that they have to appeal to the masses while we as home brewers, only have to appeal to ourselves. When you brew for others, you have to make something that won't offend, and keep them coming back for more, after all.
SWMBO and I went out to the northwest (Seattle) a few years back for a week, and my PCP who retired from the military urged me to pick up a beer called Mt. Ranier while I was there, and give it a try. He said they used to get loaded on it when on leave.
I can say that after trying one of those tallboy cans, I can honestly say I'm not surprised that the only places I could find it were at the finer local refueling establishments. That stuff was flat-out ROUGH! Carbonated, chilled vinegar would probably offend less.
However, while we were there, I made every effort to try any and all beers from local microbrews that I'd never heard of before -they make some very fine beer over there! VERY enjoyable vacation.

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