How much do you drink?

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From waaaay back on the first page..but probably agree with this most:

I forget where I read or heard it, but someone said that they almost wish beer didn't have alcohol so they could drink more of it.

I don't think most on here drink to get sloshed (although on occasion it is welcomed :D). It's because beer is tasty, refreshing, and comforting. Thats why I drink it. I'd drink beer for breakfast if it wouldn't make me fat and piss drunk by noon.

Dito to that. I love the taste and the refreshment, if it didn't have alcohol that would be fine. Though, I do enjoy having the relaxing edge from time to time as well.

If I want to enjoy the effects of alcohol, well, that is what good whiskey or a margarita is for.
Since my pipeline is getting dangerously thin, I'm having only one or two pints a night (roughly) with some nights/days not having any.

That being said, once my pipeline is in full swing, and I'm on kegs, I can see keeping to the one or two pints a night. During parties, family gatherings, or when I have people over, who knows. I'm finding that two pints at ~7% ABV are good (three is getting a little dangerous)... They do go down so damned easy though. At least 100x better than what I used to buy at the store.

I'm looking forward to having a keezer here, so that I can just pull, off tap, whatever I feel like drinking. I plan to have one (or two) porters/stouts on tap at one time. I also plan on having 2-4 ales also on tap at the same time. It all comes down to what size keezer/freezer I pick up. Once that's online (projecting getting going on that within a month) I'll be a happy camper.

As things stand, I'm going through about 10 gallons of brew in about 5-6 weeks. That's with sharing a small amount (a few pints with friends/family)... Most of the time, though, it's just me drinking what I've made... :D

The only real reason I never drank as much as I am now was due to not really liking what I was buying, or it cost too much to drink more than one a night (Guinness cans are not cheap around here)... I'm able to brew 5 gallons for the cost of a 12 pack (or less) of what I used to drink, now... Now that I'm able to have really good brews, at a really reasonable rate, I can really enjoy them... :mug: :drunk:

Dito to that. I love the taste and the refreshment, if it didn't have alcohol that would be fine. Though, I do enjoy having the relaxing edge from time to time as well.

If I want to enjoy the effects of alcohol, well, that is what good whiskey or a margarita is for.
I am seriously considering a low alcohol breakfast stout for my next brew.
I hate the way that anyone that drinks (And especially brews) beer is often made to feel by some people that there is a need to justify how much they drink, what time of the day they drink and for what reason. Some people quiz you about brewing as though it is a sin comparable to some crime or another.

Yes, I molest children, but I've got it down to just one a day. Is that within your realms of acceptability?
I hate the way that anyone that drinks (And especially brews) beer is often made to feel by some people that there is a need to justify how much they drink, what time of the day they drink and for what reason. Some people quiz you about brewing as though it is a sin comparable to some crime or another.

Yes, I molest children, but I've got it down to just one a day. Is that within your realms of acceptability?

It's the stigma left from prohibition.... It's human nature for individuals to try and force others to live by their own convictions... Humans tend to look for their own weaknesses in others...

The sad thing is, that it was a bunch of methodist women who started the whole prohibition movement, yet their own church founder drank and saw nothing wrong with it.. And the Bible actually encourages it (it only condemns abuse).. So the idea that is a 'sin' is from their own fears about it.. Just don't be a drunk bum... That 'is' a sin, and those who are drunks or whose lives and relationships are being damaged by alcohol abuse, know it themselves and don't really need reminding...

There are people who abuse all sorts of things.. even food.. But you don't see weekend chefs being asked to justify their hobby...

'Things' are neither good nor evil.. It's what you 'do' with things that are good or evil...
Remember Alcoholics go to meetings. As long as there isn't a purple spot forming where your liver is then you are probably fine. Besides, when you brew your own beer it makes you much more like an artist. You have to taste what you are making to know if others would successfully like it or not. If you think you drink to much then just remember as a home brewer that your beers success and lively hood is dependent upon you doing a thorough quality control tasting.
Other people consume much more of my beer than I do. I brew a lot for the big parties we have, and try to keep a couple of kegs around for my own consumption. Problem is that I drink at most 3 between Sunday and Thursday, and maybe 4-6 on Friday/Saturday combined. If it were only me drinking, those kegs would last a long time!

SWMBO drinks maybe 2-3 of mine a week.

Having the taps out in the garage (100' walk away from the back door) keeps us from drinking as much, especially in winter. Although I'm looking to putting two taps into our dining room at the end of February...
I try to keep it to a Bomber at night with dinner. Sometimes I'll have another 12oz, and some nights I don't drink at all. Thursday nights when I shoot pool with my buddy, we will usually go through a fair amount. But most nights I try to drink somewhat slow and really enjoy the beer.
I average 2 days a week and about 3-4 beers each occasion. I do however have weekends where I will drink fri/sat/sunday and go through 30 beers. Probably only every other month though.
Besides, when you brew your own beer it makes you much more like an artist. You have to taste what you are making to know if others would successfully like it or not. If you think you drink to much then just remember as a home brewer that your beers success and lively hood is dependent upon you doing a thorough quality control tasting.

That's a very valid point... You need to 'sample' the brews you've made during all stages... That includes bottle conditioning and conditioning in kegs, especially once carbonated. :mug:
really depends on the mood. and mine does swing a lot. since I work at home (writing stuff) and without real work hours (sometimes I pull all-nighters, sometimes loiter for a few days), I would say I average about 2-4pints/day, more when I pull night shifts.

Usually start with one when I cook dinner (yep, I cook in this house), then one with the dinner, then probably one darker "dessert" with the daily soap on teevee and one-two "night caps" to make me sleepy.

Goes really up when I get my drive on and clacking keys through night. Odd thing about it, I sorta never get "really" drunk - is it just me or the home brew has this effect? I get the buzz, but its nothing like from wine or hard alcohol which I havent touched for couple years now (friend Jack met friend Jim and they both dried up during night some 5-7 years ago and I still got to walk.. on all 4 tho).

I think my record so far was 10 beers during the day - oddly enough it was brew day. All those beers were spread out, so I was a bit "elevated" and was "calling feebs" from the WC every 5 minutes, other than that was perfectly fine.

I have also noticed that I'm less depressed when Im on "homebrew". This nasty disorder is plaguing me for some good 7 years now and I really prefer having 3-6 beers/day as opposed to prolonged joy of antidepressants combined with ever increasing dose of addictive sedatives for sleep. Light alcohol sleep is sooo much better than chemical one or the total absence. Having said that, I have tried a lot of things - clean living, no smoking, no coffe, no alcohol and combination of those things and I have discovered that its better for me and people surrounding me that I'm slightly buzzed from brew than being dark and gloomy.

Another thing I have noted is that since I started using homebrew, I get less "sniff n cold" during winter and less stomach disorders asides from usual homebrew joy of loud farting.

anyone else? :D
do I have a problem if I killed a 30 pack one back in my heyday at the river?

Did you miss my post earlier? ;)

thats not true, we have ..... err never mind you're right...

*takes a gulp of brew*

but yeah when your camping at the river and its 90F at 7am you just start drinking and don't stop until well after the sun goes down.

thats not true, we have ..... err never mind you're right...

*takes a gulp of brew*

but yeah when your camping at the river and its 90F at 7am you just start drinking and don't stop until well after the sun goes down.


At least you have the river :( we don't even have that.
being a college homebrewer i am usually around 3-6 pints a night while doing homework and being with the guys up to 8 but on the weekends it is crazy and may be 15+ friday and saturday night but not always
I think my record so far was 10 beers during the day - oddly enough it was brew day. All those beers were spread out, so I was a bit "elevated" and was "calling feebs" from the WC every 5 minutes, other than that was perfectly fine.

anyone else? :D

I helped out at the Boston beer summit a few months ago, the Saturday sessions ran from noon till evening, and the crew kept drinking after it closed down. I'd be interested to know how much I drank that day. I was working with southern tier, and i know I poured myself plenty. I also know that i wasn't the slightest bit hungry, despite eating an English muffin for breakfast, and a large pretzel mid afternoon.

Liquid lunch and dinner,i suppose.
Hmmmm all this talk about drinking in younger days...........You know those figures they come up with on TV from time to time? If you drink X amount you will die. I gotta call bulcrap on most of those figures, they just pulled them out of my ass while I was an 18 year old asleep in the middle of the road.
Your life will tell you when you drink too much, but if you do an adaqueate amount of self examination and introspection your brain will tell you first.

Unless you have a wife, or family. They will tell you well in advance, and sometime to your own consternation.
2-3 beers on Friday night, maybe 1 on Saturday. Thinking about moving to half batches as I am creating a large stockpile due to my lack of consumption. Also, like to have Whiskey once a month....always falls on a Wednesday! And its always during a rough week... I just realized I have a rough week once a month :( haha
Most nights I drink a beer with dinner, or split one with SWMBO. Occasionally I will have two but that makes me pretty sleepy.

On nights where I play video games with friends I might drink three. Four is a seriously wild night.

God I feel old.
I try to go to the gym every night and reward myself with a beer or two afterwards. It's a very relaxing way to end the night....take a shower, put on comfy clothes, and have a homebrew!

Sometimes I have a beer with dinner but then I'm usually less inclined to hit the gym.
2-4 a night. Weekends I don't keep track. Being a sports junkie, weekends are normally a little heavier on the boozing if you know what I mean!

I've always been of the mind that if alcohol doesn't run and or ruin your life, than enjoying some delicious brew is not a problem. Cheers!
Im 5'11" and 262# right now. Thanks to calories I get mabey 1 10-12oz glass a night with dinner IF I didn't have 2 servings of Grains at some point during the day.

I've had to cut back to 3 gallon batches which still take months to drink.

If I could get up early enough to excercize in the morning, I'd have a reliable 1 glass a day with perhaps a topoff if I ate well during the day.
But cold weather = Hibernation for me.

Also on Thursday I have 2 regular beers, or one big beer, or 3 Guinness when I meet with my friends.

Still It beats drinking Soda!
I probably get about 2-5 12oz. beers in a day during the week and more on the weekends.

Unfortunately the consumption rate between me and my friends is more than my production rate (2-3 5gal batches a month) so those aren't all homebrews. Sounds like I need to graduate to 10 gal batches but I just dropped a ton of money on my keezer build so....
OK, ten last night. six different Sierra Nevadas, two from oldest microbrewery in New Mexico, a Southern Star Buried Hatchet, started off with a PBR.:p
I have about 6-10 beers per week. Usually I have 2-4 beers a night from Friday through Sunday and none during the week. If I go out on the weekend or during the week I will cut back the rest of the week.

I've put on a few pounds the last few months because I quit working to go to school full time, which means I sit on my ass all week except for 5 hours at the gym. It's really easy to put on weight when you cut out walking around the office five days a week. I'm looking to cut down my beer consumption (sadly) along with my food intake.
I typically dont drink during the week unless I am sampling a bottled beer to see if it is carbonated enough or ready to drink.

If I drink on the weekends though it usually is about 8-10 beers in a night.
i drink more than my wife likes but less than i would like to have which is usually 18 beers to a case a week

You talking 12oz bottle/glass or full pints?

For me, 3 pints a night is my limit... Talking about from about 8pm-midnight, of what I've been brewing... :mug: So in the 4.5%-8% ABV range (so far)... I could drink more, but walking a straight line (to the brew) could become an issue... :drunk:

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