How many bottles a week?

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How many bottles do you drink a week?

  • 1-3 / week

  • 3-7 / week

  • 8-14 /week

  • 15+ / week

  • I don't know

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man are some of these people serious that only drink 1-2 a week? I just wonder how you even got into the hobby if drinking wasn't something you did regularly.

For me, well shoot just last Friday I killed a flying dog variety 12 pack. M-Th night, pretty much a guarantee to have 1 or 2 with dinner. Fri-Sat-Sun, I'm either playing a show with my band at night, and drinking 4-8, or hanging with friends who are all drinkers, and average probably 5-7 drinks per get together.
Then, like tonight, I'm going to BJ's, they have $2 BJ's brews on tues.. I'll probably have 4. Then from oct-march, we go camping 1-2 times a month, and I'll usually go through a 12 pack of microbrews on a camping night.

So I guess that's ~ 20 a week averaged over the year. geez that's over a 1000 beers a year, almost 100 gal. oh well screw it it's good.
yeah, i don't get the 1-2 a week...that's daily for me. Friday and Saturday night I am usually with friends and don't count at all.

i know some people think it's a "problem" if you drink 2 a day. But really, if it doesn't bother your social life or hinder you regularly, it's all good.
there is just no way i would spent the 100$ on home brew gear much less the 1000$ i have spent if i just drank 1 beer a week? thats just crazy! thats like bee keeping and being alergic and hyperglycemic or cheese making and hateing goats and being lactose intolerant.
why not take up model building or ham radio or something you really benifet from
so does that mean you have never been drunk on your own home brew?

anyway i have a pint or two after dinner most days and more on the weekend
I have been drinking between 1 and 3 pints (kegs ftw) most nights... more on the weekend. The woman does the same. Beer does not seem to last very long at my house =/
I am good for no more than two but every once in a while I have one or two MORE and then I get a bit ...uh...silly.
2-3 weeknights, 5-6 weekends (which are thurs, fri, sat, sun right now. I need to get a real job.) About half that is homebrew. SWMBO likes to eat out a lot so we hit a bunch of pubs during the week. I make the beer and do the cooking at home, she buys when we go out. life is pretty good!
I usually have a couple 12 oz bottles every 2-3 days, but it fluctuates depending on (1) whether I have some interesting commercial stuff sitting in the fridge, (2) have a batch that just hit the 3 week in the bottle mark, or (3) whether the wife is around to give me that 'you're becoming an alcoholic' look when I crack a 3rd bottle in a given day.
Hi my name is Jsamp. Hi Jsamp welcome to Alcohol Anonomous.

Serioulsy though I drink more than I should probably but I dont see the point of having one. It just makes me sleepy and gives me a headache. I usually have at least a 6 pack when I do drink. It makes me feel good without putting me over the edge like liquor.
I'd say on an average week its anywhere from 3 - 7 12 oz bottles. It just depends on the week and how bad it's going.
1-2 per day, maybe 3 on a weekend. I get hangovers really easily, so that limits my consumption, but I'm fine with that.
Varies, but normally around 3-7. I keg but I rarely drink > 1.5 imperial pints (8% abv) or 2 imperial pints (5% abv) in a night. (30-45 oz's/week) Normally I only drink on my weekends.

It's enough to give me a buzz and not put me to sleep.

As far as getting into the hobby, I pretty much started brewing before I started drinking. I'm a bit odd in that I didn't drink till I was 23 (and 3, but that wasn't my fault).
I'll drink 2-3 an evening while relaxing and cooking dinner after work. Weekends have no limitations, some weekends I won't have a single brew, while others I can drink a 12 pack throughout the entire day, it just depends on whats going on. Also, brewdays can be an exception I like to have a few to keep me relaxed while brewing, therefore, the longer the brewday the more I consume.:D

Having said that if I don't commute to work on my bicycle, I don't drink, its kind of my reward to myself for getting the much needed excercise.
1 or 2 each evening including weekends.

I don't need to get too carried away with this. It was the same when I bought beer. I have made the conscious decision to not keg my beer because I think it would be just too easy and inviting to pull a glass, and another and another. At least with bottles I keep count and I only chill a few at a time. I'm not an alcoholic and I don't want to become one.
I brew a 5 gallon batch every 2 weeks because I drink a 5 gallon batch every 2 weeks. Do the math; I don't want to do the math myself; I'm busy drinking homebrew.
Why does the poll only go to 15 a week? I usually have between 3-5 on weekdays and a lot more on the weekends.

Yes, I, too, have been wondering why the ranges in the poll just arbitrarily terminate with 15+. I'm good for 2-3 per day, day in, day out, doesn't vary for the weekends. So I'm sort of automatically out of the range, unless it's been a slow beer week. Doesn't happen much. :drunk:
I used to drink a lot more, especially when I first got into homebrewing. I was drinking 1-2 weeknights, 5-7 on weekends. But I've been slowing it down, both to keep my weight down and to make sure I don't become a raving drunk. It also has the added benefit that my beers are now conditioned longer :D. I'm in the 3-7 pints/week crowd. I have a pint maybe 3 days during the week, have 3 or 4 on Friday or Saturday.
Yeah, I would say we are all a bunch of girls, but Yooper kind of blew that statement out of the water.


Well, it's not just a matter of boys & girls, either. My drinking is pretty consistent, and will virtually never go over 4 bottles a day, 2-3 most days. I've traveled halfway through my 7th decade on this dirtball, and at my age there's no more going through 12-packs, or even 6. Yes, I can vaguely remember a time when we'd drive straight through to visit relatives down South, over 700 miles, and there would be a cooler in the back seat and I'd go through a 12-pack in 12 hours.....and maybe stop twice to get gas and pump bilges.

{Note: All nannies who want to start lecturing me, just STFU! This was in the 1960s-70s, and it's a different world....for better or worse.}

Those of you who only have a 2 or 3 in front of your age, trust me....when it's a 6, you're not going to have to worry about drinking to excess any more. The price is simply too high.
If I had to guess I would probably drink 3 home brews a night when I chill the bottles. But when Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale is available that 24 pack disappears in 3-4days, now that stuff is way too good. I started brewing in April and the longer I brew the longer each 5g batch lasts, learning to let it condition longer. I'm on a home brew sabbatical until the next Hill Country HB club meeting, but still brew every Sunday:mug:.
M thru F is a beer after work,
homebrew or otherwise. Weekend
days or days off of work is at
least three or as many as 6 I

On brewing club meeting days
(last Sunday of the month)
there is usually lots of beers
to sample.
I try to limit how much I drink on weeknights. Usually about 2 12oz beers at sometime during the work week. On the weekends typically about 3 beers over the entire weekend but sometimes more like last weekend while partying.
1-2 per evening on weeknights, 2-3 on Friday and Saturday. That will probably go up soon as my keg comes online and college football starts up. Gotta get going on my next batch to fill keg #2. :mug:
during week 1-3 per night exept thurs dart night... MORE!
weekends between mowing lawn, building picnic tables, tying flies, or building custom fishing rods... 6+!

saw an amusing t-shirt while at beach... life's short drink early!
The OL and me could plow thru a 12 pack every night, but.....
We quit drinking around the middle of June. My doc put me on some new blood pressure meds one of them is a diuretic that I used to take a few years ago and it made my life miserable. She told me if I lose 50 lbs that she would take me off the diuretic. So far I have lost 20 lbs. since June 22. I made a really nice summer wheat ale last month and I have sampled a bottle or two, but I am going on the moderation plan. After I hit my target weight (190) I am only going to be a weekend drunk. I have a nice columbus/cascade pale ale fermenting now and plan to continue brewing, it will be nice to drink my own beers that have had a chance to age.
Usually two bottles per day during the week, 3-4 per day on the weekend. Gotta keep brewing or else I'll start going through withdrawals...
2 - 22 oz bottles on weekdays, thats usally 1 when I get home from work and and a "night cap", weekends have no limits - 6 a day usally

I gotta cut back, Im up to 36" in waist ,, ouch!! should be 32 inch lol
when i started homebrewing i drank about 2 bottles a night, now that I keg its more like 4 a night. However, I'm 23 and fresh out of my college years so it takes me about six beers to feel any kind of buzz.

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