How cold is it

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We're at PLUS 8°F at 630am here in northern Illinois. Gonna get into the low twenties today...but below zero ONE MORE TIME tonight...overnight low of -5°F. Next week might be interesting...Thursday's high will be in the mid-40's with RAIN! Our frost line is probably down about five feet, so the water will have no place to go...except into my cellar! When you hear a great sucking will be me and my shop vac in my cellar!

Wow, I used to see 10"-12" snow storms in Bluefield when I was a kid. You guys don't get them much anymore though, do you?

We seem to get two or three every season that are over 8" with a 20" one every other year, usually March. At least it warms up enough to melt off in a few days. Bluefield is a little higher than where we are so is generally cooler both winter and summer.
-5 here currently. But after the last couple weeks it feels like a heat wave... Even went out to get the mail barefoot.
Overnight low was about -5°F. That may be the final below zero temp of the season. It's about 1040am, and we're currently at +15°F with a projected high of +20°F. This coming Thursday, however, promises to be interesting, since we're looking at a high of +45°F accompanied by rain. And the water will have no place to go. Localized flooding is my cellar!

We had a bit of snow overnight, but it was just a dusting. The current temp of +22°F feels downright balmy! The forecasters are calling for snow tomorrow, some kind of precip on Thursday...probably rain...and snow again on Saturday. And I'm getting a really BAD case of PMS! [For all you non-bikers, that's known as Parked Motorcycle Syndrome.]

And the snow the weather prognosticators were talking about for today has happened. Right now, it's coming down hard...perhaps an inch an hour. We're looking at another 4-8 inches of snow. There is one place by my driveway that has so much snow, the blower can't get it any higher. Gonna have to find a different way to clear off the drive and sidewalks later today.

It wasn't cold here, by the standards of all you northerners. But I will add to this thread that an ice storm wrecked my town last week, causing power outages, closed roads, robberies, anarchy and chaos. :cross:

However, it was a great week if you are in the chainsaw or generator business.
We're due for another 3-7 inches of snow over the next 36 hours...on top of the short 12" we already have. That's to be followed up by 2 days of 40 degree weather and rain...which will be followed up by lots of flooding. <sigh>
i remember those ice storms. it makes the trees look really beautiful. the lawns and forest all look like Alice in wonderland. i would take ice over snow here any day.
Well, we got more than the exp0ected 5 inches total. Probably over 6 inches total since yesterday. Like some others, I am not sure the blower will be able throw it high enough to clear the banks. UNLESS!

My blower is an old 70's TORO and the carb linkage/governor is not set right. I can adjust the throttle to over-rev the engine a bit. This "Git's 'er DUN!" if you know what I mean. I don't like to do it much, but when necessary, and it's pushing heavy snow, I use it a little bit. It's an old thrower and I only paid $75 for it a few years ago.
Not that cold here at the moment, but we got some wet, heavy snow over the last couple days; rain & rain/snow mix in the valleys & more snow higher up. Makes for prime avalanche conditions & there's been a few. Skiers & boaders: stay on groomed slopes.
Regards, GF.
I will venture outdoors shortly to begin clearing the driveway and sidewalks. We got around 5-6 inches. I have one place where the snow is piled rather high...I don't think my blower can get the snow over that pile. Right now, the thermometer reads +14°F, with a possible high ABOVE FREEZING! Maybe some of my icicles will melt?
I stayed home today. Now it's light out I might rev up the thrower and get that sht done so the kid and I can enjoy the rest of the day watching movies or cooking or whatnot.
It's not cold here, but stupid humid. It's at 87% and it's only 67.
i remember those ice storms. it makes the trees look really beautiful. the lawns and forest all look like Alice in wonderland. i would take ice over snow here any day.

Ice storms are really nice, right up until they snap the power line feeding your house and you're sitting in a house with no heat in the middle of winter. Or when you have to drive anywhere.

Ooh, pretty!
Or when you've got 2' of snow in the driveway,& the plow adds another foot! I can't wait till it's 76F here again...c'mon spring!
Blew out the driveway and then in the afternoon I realized that there was 6 inches of snow on the roof. My problem is that when there is that much snow, it melts underneath and runs down the roof to freeze at the edge creating ice dams and sometimes leaking into the house.

So I'm up there last night before the kid's dance lesson and we're shoveling the roof. Didn't get it all done, but got most of it. Wish I could get the snowblower up there! Also, remembering to shovel it earlier would have made it easier to shovel. It got heavy!
It will be a lovely winter day here in northern Illinois. Currently, the sky is a clear blue, LOTSA sunshine, and a temp of +24°F. High today will be close to FORTY!!!! But rain will move in tonight and tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get too much water in the cellar...and those crossed fingers are causing havoc with my typing!

Its going to be 70 degrees here today. The weather here is generally nice year round but as cold and snowy the rest of the country has been this year is how warm and beautiful this winter in San Diego has been. I wear shorts, t-shirt and flip flops every day including while sailing. Unfortunately with this drought the state will combust into a huge forest fire the moment summer hits.

I have to spend the next few days in Dubuque Iowa so I can experience little bit of winter.
There's a joke in that title..."It was so damn cold"..."How cold was it?"..."It was so cold,I had to put my beer in the fridge to keep it from freezin' like me"!:drunk::D
It's currently 21*F, which ain't bad, but the glaze of ice on everything with the crust of snow on top makes driving interesting.
We got some overnight slush, and the current temp is 33°F. The high today will be in the upper 40's...LOTSA melting...with 1-2 inches of rain...LOTSA local flooding. I checked my cellar earlier, and all was dry. Once the rain starts, I don't think it will remain that way. Ah, well...

We got some overnight slush, and the current temp is 33°F. The high today will be in the upper 40's...LOTSA melting...with 1-2 inches of rain...LOTSA local flooding. I checked my cellar earlier, and all was dry. Once the rain starts, I don't think it will remain that way. Ah, well...


Good thing I don't have to worry about it. My basement is ALWAYS wet. But it's a moving water, so it's ok. :mug:
It got dark a while ago,& started thunder boomin a couple minutes ago. Looks like some rainy hell is gonaa break loose.
Just a bit of WET snow this morning, but I hear rain and freezing rain with a chance of Thunder this afternoon and evening. I love a good winter thunderstorm!